Greetings all:

We are so very pleased to have found this wonderful site and will alert the right people that it lives!

We have been a frequent contributor on other forums, mainly dealing with the ongoing Fukushima disaster/fiasco.

We currently host a 'Nuclear Challenges' forum at The Living Moon, another site of truth seekers.

Thank you for your time and consideration, and we look forward to further communication.

Peace Love Light


Liberty and Equality or Revolution
Wow what a great introduction, think first outing at our humble forum. I've heard of "The living moon" though I cannot remember where, maybe I should check it out I look forward to seeing you around the site.
Welcome thorforwinds! From what you've got there, I think we'll get along just fine. :) Great to have you here! More people for me to talk to is ok in my book! :)
Welcome to my site, thorfourwinds! It is an honor to have you here at UHF. I look forward to anything you've got to spread the very important truth that we all seek to gain. After all, no one can reach enlightenment without first addressing and embracing the truth.

Before I grace you with my presence at your forum, I need to make sure I am in the right place. So I must ask if this link below is going to the right place.

I am posting this in hopes that the grand connection that was formed (and then broken on another forum between Lady of Light and myself) can be re-established. Thank you Lady of Light for the help that you gave me in seeing the deeper meanings of some of the mysteries that have surrounded my life (and the life of my father Townsend Brown.) Swirling agendas sometimes darken our path... but I am sure that if we just maintain communication we will see what is meant to happen next.... What an adventure this is! Linda
Hi Linda. I'm glad you've decided to come and find me. :) I was a little disappointed when your forum disappeared over on Living Moon. I was looking forward to gaining more information for you, and it was somewhat lost to me and, yes, the connection was indeed lost. Thank you for coming to my "home". :)

You are more than welcome to share what information you have over here, and I look forward to more encounters of the unusual. :)

Lady of Light :)
Welcome Linda Brown! Any friend of Lady of Light is a friend to me. I look forward to seeing you around.
Thank you for your greetings. And thank you Hobbit for leading the way here. It was your comment that I found which drew me here. I have to tell folks though that I am absolutely not the scientist that was in my family! That honor goes to Dad . He found much of his work tagged with the word " anti-gravitic" but he himself never used that term and preferred to refer to the link between electricity and gravity as " Stress in Dielectrics". Publishers naturally think that the " Antigravity" term is much more spectacular...

I have seen things demonstrated in the fifties that would have been called " Flying Saucers".....and today much of that work is still very, very dark. I have come to the realization that perhaps there is a very good reason for that and not necessarily the sinister workings of black programs ( though I think there is plenty of that too.) I suspect that we are going through sort of a metering process. Given enough.... and then some more....and in the future... more....

. I just hope that Forums like this will continue to raise our awareness to the level where more and more things will suddenly become evident to us. I believe that we can treat it well...I have faith in all of us... but I know the amount of work that must be done....Until full disclosure of all of the things that my Dad knew about.... I am quite happy to note what bubbles to the surface now and then....I appreciate good company on this trail and the ability to share these experiences.... its going to be an amazing future! Linda
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I am sorry if I am replying in the wrong place but I only have a few minutes to get this message off to you folks. THANKYOU so much Lady of Light for your message recently about the boxes stacked in the small room in the desert. That describes precisely what I have been doing recently.... getting ready to take much material ( boxes and boxes!)to a place where perhaps I will be told more about it.

I have been promised help and I intend to spend at least the next three weeks in the company of some gentlemen who knew my Dad and his work well... so I expect the past and the future is going to sort of mingle like warm and cool air.... and who knows what will happen.

Your description is uncanny. And its interesting that you would mention a man here too because I have had the strongest sense that Dad is guiding my hand in waht will be taken from here on this trip. I just packed up the last of it a few minutes ago... and thats when I got your Email notification. The Universe is moving in its own way... Its a wonder to behold.

Thank you for your concern about Mikado but the same men who are helping me are keeping a very close tab on him. He thinks that he is a spider but only reacts to the vibrations on his web and those have been " arranged" so really I have precious little worries about that. As I said a long time ago.... thats all way above my experience and pay grade!... I am alot like my Dad... where others called him the "innocent boyscout looking for his decoder ring".... I seem to be the little girl who really hasn't a clue about what all this means. maybe thats why the messages get through to me so easily! I appreciate every message that you could possibly send and thank you again!!!! SO VERY MUCH! Linda
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Hello and welcome Linda Brown. Lady of Light is wonderful and I'm sure she will help you in any way that she can. From what I've read so far, she's doing a wonderful job helping you already, much as she does with everyone. I look forward to reading more on your story and what those papers are about.
Hello every1 I'm so glad I found this web site, had a bit of a problem logging in but Admin. sorted that out fast {thank you for that} and thank you for having me. I look forward to sharing knowledge with and gaining knowledge from other members.
welcome aboard this is a very nice forum, alot of nice people online here. Looking forward to reading your posts on the board.
welcome aboard this is a very nice forum, alot of nice people online here. Looking forward to reading your posts on the board.

Thank You, I'm browsing the forums, reading past and present posts, watching videos and attempting to gain a better understanding of what the site has to offer so far so good I keep coming back X}
Well hope you enjoy your stay here,, and decide to make it your home, I've done the same thing you're doing, the nice people are here. :)
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Welcome newyork3r! I'm glad we were able to get you back online. :) I hope you continue to enjoy the site and also look forward to seeing you around and conversing with you. :)

Lady of Light