We're Curious


New member
Who exactly is Pat M.'s friend, and is there a connection to Colorado? Okay, the question has been asked. If it's an invasion of privacy, I apologize.

At this time, I'm not sure who this person is, but I'm sure we'll soon find out the truth, if that truth has not already been spoken. This friend of Pat M. has stated in another thread who he/she is, and I believe it was stated to be friend of Patricia on the History Channel's forums. I know not of any connections, but again, if there are, I'm sure that will all be revealed in time. If not, that too will be revealed.
Pat M.s friend is a person that is a loyal friend ,a good person, and is funny as hell, and makes my day sometimes, a versatile human that has been my friend here on earth, in fact, he is my only human friend here on earth .loll, and you all know him, if he chooses to say who he was on the history boards, then that’s hIs decision, other than that,you will enjoy the many intelligent and genuine conversations that he will bring to this site…just don’t tell ‘Plad’ pat m is here…please !
Pat M.s friend is a person that is a loyal friend ,a good person, and is funny as hell, and makes my day sometimes, a versatile human that has been my friend here on earth, in fact, he is my only human friend here on earth .loll, and you all know him, if he chooses to say who he was on the history boards, then that’s hIs decision, other than that,you will enjoy the many intelligent and genuine conversations that he will bring to this site…just don’t tell ‘Plad’ pat m is here…please !

My most loyal message boarding pal in all the world........... ImmortalGemini527 :tan: always cool in the sun.
Pat Ms friend.... I still have a very vivid vision of you driving a big rig over a bridge in a city I have never seen before ?????... Northwest?????? Northeast? Not at all tropical and I got a sense then of what a fine person you were. I really missed you when the place shut down but I honestly think that the topics covered were meant to get lost.

I am so pleased to see you here and will continue to address you as Pat Ms friend. I hope that you remember our conversations on that other Forum. Linda
Oh yes I do remember the conversation. The Ionic Breeze and how that all worked and that your father developed the technology that made it possible to move air without fans stands out the most.

The bridge might be the Golden Gate. Dispatch ran me empty with a set of doubles, those are 28' trailers btw over the windy bridge with really narrow lanes. Freaked me out driving over it trying to keep the trailers straight. I made it in tact on the other side. I'll never forget the experience.

I delivered James River products, tampons and pads, paper towels and TP to Longs Drug Stores all around the South Bay area in the 90's. Real important loads hahaha Not important enough to when I was empty to be dispatched across the Golden Gate. They could have waited on delivery, or dispatched me South or East, back in the direction of the terminal yard in Woodland, Ca. All they wanted though is run the hours out every day and make that money no matter the risk. Donner's Pass was the worse. Trucking companies claim safety is first but it's really not, $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ is always first.
I appreciate your answering the question. I got the impression that someone else may have been trying to tree me. I'm also a Pat M.

Not you I can be assured because I talk to my friend a lot on the phone, a very good friend and person. But I think all Pat M's are good people in my book. :)
Well thank you. I have a lot of respect for truckers. Hubby did that for a few years. Get the load there on time and make sure the log book looks good. BS!

That's it. That's what it's all about. "MONEY" Now the log books are going out, and it's all based on GPS tracking systems, so the "funny papers" they can't push drivers on anymore. They can't get drivers to back them up, tweak them etc. I remember when I was told to "Run legal" all the time. Run legal, Oh, but make sure you match the scale within 15 minutes so the bar read if there is ever a DOT audit will match... the nonsenses. Meaning the rest of your log book was free to be cooked.
Can we call you by another name here. Remembering Pat Ms Friend is a little complicated for my simple brain... Can we go by your first name on the History Channel? Or pick another? Please? My life is crying out for more simplicity in it!!! Thanks ahead of time.... Linda

A question while we are mentioning the History Channel discussions. Did it ever strike you that I perhaps WAS NOT....the daughter of Townsend Brown.... I think that my call name there was " Devoted daugher.... and I think I did introduce myself as Linda. Did anyone there have doubts over that? I am just asking because I find it strange that Zorgon on the Pegasus Forum would suddenly hit that concern and then make a big deal about it....

Is it all just about ENTERTAINMENT... really. I am so naive. I really thought that those discussions were going to go somewhere until I turned around and the whole Forum was wiped off the face of the Internet. Linda
Can we call you by another name here. Remembering Pat Ms Friend is a little complicated for my simple brain... Can we go by your first name on the History Channel? Or pick another? Please? My life is crying out for more simplicity in it!!! Thanks ahead of time.... Linda

A question while we are mentioning the History Channel discussions. Did it ever strike you that I perhaps WAS NOT....the daughter of Townsend Brown.... I think that my call name there was " Devoted daugher.... and I think I did introduce myself as Linda. Did anyone there have doubts over that? I am just asking because I find it strange that Zorgon on the Pegasus Forum would suddenly hit that concern and then make a big deal about it....

Is it all just about ENTERTAINMENT... really. I am so naive. I really thought that those discussions were going to go somewhere until I turned around and the whole Forum was wiped off the face of the Internet. Linda

Linda, Bob is fine. :)

The discussion you mentioned in the regard of doubt I think you are referring to more or less was based at the time on my wanting to use an obvious known to prove the known. Using the same template and reasoning tools then could be applied to your father's work. DPD1 at one point was teaching me reasoning tools to be applied in the most pragmatic ways. It sort of backfired as people thought I was trolling with implying such extreme doubt about who you are and who your father was and what he did.

As far as the rest. You could simply be the victim of jealously. People who do not have such esteemed people within their genealogy as you do with your father in regard to his accomplishments.

Addressing the the last part of your post, I feel history can be entertaining which was what that channel I believe was attempting to achieve. For example, the "Philadelphia Experiment." Your father did serious work on that project, however the unknowns leave the door open for intrigue. An aspect when telling a story that can be very entertaining for the profit of the channel, but at the expense of the subjects within quasi documentary production where mixing speculative fantasy with actual facts over reaches the creative licenses issued in giving the right to use historical notes and journals. Producers just don't give a rats about telling the truth, just entertaining people for the sake of attracting eyeballs to the screen. I feel no creative license should be given to the point where for example your father's work becomes distorted with speculative ideas blurring the line between his serious documented work and the redacted speculation so to speak which then becomes fantastical then diminishes your father's documented work and accomplishments. His legacy should stand for the sake of posterity. All men and women who are held in the same esteem throughout history and today.
Couldn't we just say PMF? That preserves the spirit of the name, without so many letters.


Just call me Bob and after awhile my screen name will become secondary among the regular posters, at least among the ones I will be posting with on a regular bases if they so choose to do so with me.
Whew... thanks Bob.

I think that you are just the person who is needed here to help carry these conversations forward.

I hope to be able to prove in the next few months ( as more and more information becomes available to me) that the Philadelphia Experiment was an elegant excercise in disinformation to cover what Dad and some of his associates were doing...... and... of course..... that is an ongoing program. I expect that my unwillingness to look at The Philadelphia Experiment as it was portrayed by William Moore might not make some people very happy with me. Ever since the book was printed there has been an upwelling of devoted followers to it and nobody wants to be told that they were willingly led down a path to nowhere.

But I believe thats what has happened and now we are all going to have to take another look at the Philadelphia Experiment so that we can see how it was so carefully crafted.

We will not be able to get a better look at the situation behind the mask until we recognize the mask and encourage it to fall away...

Do I think this is going to be easy? Definitely not! The minds that put this.... what should I call it?... Detour and Delay program? into effect were masters this kind of thing.... but the real work had to be hidden and protected...And they did that so well that it has held up since 1942 and 1943...and especially after 1947.. so a fantastic story about a disappearing Destroyer Escort.... carried the weight of the distraction. I hope that we can slowly disarm that distraction and begin to see through what was actually happening.

And I think because Lady of Light is able to operate on other sides of certain dimensions... where other Forums could not see things... I believe she and others here will be able to do that. At least that is my hope.

Thank you so much for asking for that special copy Bob. I will make sure that you get a complimentary signed copy when it is " hot off the presses" but that will be sometime next year.

The hardback copy will be worth waiting for. The fellow that Paul Schatzkin called " Morgan" has told me that he will help fill in the " gaps" of the Memoir that Jan and I put out as an Ebook earlier...

Smashwords — The Good-Bye Man — A book by Linda Brown

The Ebook edition is alright but I have been disappointed with it because I felt that it missed much not having selected photos... and not really having the full story from " Morgans" viewpoint. Of course it was a Memoir written as I saw things as a child and a young woman. There is an expanded viewpoint that I have now ( 67!) that really needs to be taken into consideration... so the new book might take the form of a " Parallel Universe" kind of story.... with what I knew and accepted THEN and what I know NOW. It has been suggested that this second version is actually the most important of all of the books.... so when it is off the presses I will make sure that you get a signed copy of one of the first.

Thanks for the interest. Linda