We've Changed Our Look!

Lady of Light

Hello everyone! I hope you are all well! :)

As some of you may have already noticed, we have changed our default look to be our light background. I hope you can all enjoy the site even more now that we have "turned the lights on". :)

Feel free to leave us feedback on your thoughts about the color scheme(s). We take everything that everyone says into consideration when making changes. After all, this site is for all of you out there to use and enjoy. So, ENJOY!! :) :)

Take care everyone!

Lady of Light :)
I like very nice :) Surprised me when I clicked to get to the site :) But why did it go back to dark though after I logged in?
The default now is the light color, but in when you logged in, it went to what was set as preference (it may be that it holds onto what was set for users, or it would have been set individually as preference, either way doesn't matter and I'm rambling :) ). If you don't know how to change it (even if you do, this is helpful for others who don't), you can scroll down to the bottom of the page and on the left-hand side there's a drop-down menu with the styles listed. The dark style is called "Dark Blue Conspiracy" and the light style (the new default) is "Truth Seeker Blue".

We thought we'd change things up a bit and go back to what we used to look like. I myself like both styles, but this is a nice change. :)
Thank you Lady of Light for the explanation. I have nothing against the other style either, it just surprised me. :) I like the new look, but either way is fine. Just was curious why it didn't go over, with the log in. :)
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I've found that vbulletin tends to hold onto some of its settings. I too, had to change my style manually after the switch. :)
I like it either way. I use the lighter one for daytime viewing adn the dark one for night time viewing myself. don't really care much how it looks i'm more intrested in whats to read and learn and comment on.
Never thought of using light one for daytime reading might try it and see. Just used to the dark. But it's nice to be a little different for a change. :)