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On May 7, 2013, the World Jewish Congress (WJC) concluded its 3-day annual conference in Budapest, Hungary to discuss the alarming rise of antisemitism in several European countries especially Hungary. Over 600 Jewish leaders from around the world attended the conference. Usually this conference is held in Jerusalem city.

WJC President Ronald S. Lauder said: “This will be a good opportunity to show that by standing united, world Jewry can make its voice heard and can improve things. We are looking forward to meet in Budapest, which has a great Jewish history and a vibrant community.”

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán addressed the conference on May 5 – assuring the paranoid Zionist Jews that antisemitism is not acceptable in the country. But Lauder was not satisfied. He said: “The Prime Minister did not confront the true nature of the problem: the threat posed by the anti-Semites in general and by the extreme-right Jobbik party in particular. We regret that Mr. Orbán did not address any recent anti-Semitic or racist incidents in the country, nor did he provide sufficient reassurance that a clear line has been drawn between his government and the far-right fringe“.

WJC also passed a resolution that calls on countries around the world, in particular those whose Jewish population was declined as result of the Holocaust, to oulaw the public denial of the Holocaust, and where appropriate constitutional provisions exist, consider banning neo-Nazi (read “anti-Israel”) parties. Questioning the “six million died” narrative is a serious crime in 15 European countries – punishable with three year jail plus heavy fine.

WJC’s choice of Hungary for the conference was the rising popularity of anti-Israel nationalist opposition party Jobbik. Ahead of WJC conference, party president Gabor Vona wrote on his Facebook page: “Viktor Orbán has banned every demonstration for the duration of the World Jewish Congress that harms the dignity of the participants. As this decision seriously afflicts me and my dignity as a Hungarian citizen, I will take part in the remembrance in some way”.

Last year, Morton Gyongyosi, leader of Jobbik, called upon Prime Minister Viktor Orban to compile a list of Israeli Jews living in Hungary including Jewish members of country’s parliament – as they’s pose “national security risk”. In an interview with British Israel lobby mouthpiece, the Jewish Chronicle, published on February 2, 2012, he pointed out that Israelis Jews are treating Palestinian natives like Nazis treated Jews. He also claimed that the story that 400,000 Jews were killed or deported from Hungary was a big lie. Gyongyosi also told Jewish Chronicle that the conflicts in the Middle East were created by the US and Israel.

Gabor Vona, president Jobbik party also offended Jewish lobby groups when addressing protestors in front of Israeli embassy in November 2012, he stated: “We stand in solidarity with Palestinian, Hungary is Europe’s Palestine“.

On May 2, the Economist suggested to the WJC morons: “Despite the rise in anti-Semitism, it would be a mistake for the WJC to focus solely on the negative. Hungary is home to the third-largest Jewish community in Europe, between 80,000 and 100,000 strong. Jewish life here is enjoying a vibrant new renaissance. Budapest has numerous functioning synagogues, Jewish schools, restaurants and a community centre.”

What the Economist article missed was Hungary’s billionaire crime mobster, Semion Mogilevich 67, also known “Szeva bacsi” (Uncle Szeva), a Ukaranian-born Jew and Israeli citizen. According to the FBI and Israeli Mossad, Szeva rules over an arms trafficking, money-laundering, drug running and art-smuggling. NATO has said he is a “threat to the stability of Europe”. He is a welknown supporter of the United Jewish Appeal and the Zionist entity.

Dr. Lasha Darkmoon, in her May 11 article, claims that Russian crime mafia is in fact Jewish Mafia, which has secret links to Mossad, the Rothschild family, the Federal Reserve Bank, and to powerful pro-Israel Jewish organizations such as AIPAC and the ADL.

Why Zionist Jews hate Hungary? | Rehmat's World