Would the time below Earth's surface be different then above....Hollow Earth Theory Question?

Cass 4 ever

New member
I know this may sound like a ridiculous question but I am wanting to write a Science Fiction Novel about Hollow Earth. I know it's a theory that was pretty much not widely accepted after the late 18th Century but there are those who still believe it today. My story is about a Subterranean City. Any way if there were an artificial sun and the city was below our surface would the time and day's be different down there. I mean I would think no but then I could be wrong that's why I'm asking here. I don't know how to phrase the question right to google it. Any help is appreciated. Thanks A Lot.So say twelve years goes by in the Subterranean City how much time would have would have gone by on the surface. Just FYI I do not believe in Hollow Earth. You would have to have lived in the 1600's to believe in it (Time Traveling Perhaps (Another Notion/ Belief/ Theory I don't believe in). Or been living under a rock. This is the 21st Century and I know how planets are formed and I know Earth is not hollow. This is for a work of Fiction as I mentioned it. It's science fiction meaning it could possibly be true but most likely not. So I know there is the Crust, Mantle, Outer Core and Inner Core of our planet. I just wondered if there were a hollow area inside the earth and people lived there if they would see time differently than here on earth above the surface. Sorry for any mix ups in my question. Again thanks!I better mention like I said I don't believe in time travel in my above additional details but I write about it in a few novels. So I am planning on writing about Hollow Earth even though I don't personally believe in it. I just like to write about these things which are in the realm of science fiction/ fantasy.
Sorry, celestial bodies do not form hollow. A hollow celestial body the size and mass of Earth would implode.Just humoring you though:The residents of subterranean city have no ability to observe any celestial bodies like surface residents do. All of our familiar time units at one point originated from observing the pattern of daylight cycles of the sun, the seasonal cycle due to the Earth's orbit (and correspondingly, the sun's apparent cycle through the constellation background), and the phasing cycle of the moon.None of these observations would be possible for subeterranean city. They wouldn't even define days, weeks, months, or years.
If there were a sun in the center of the earth and you were to stand on the innermost surface, there would be no way to escape the sun's glare, so there would be no days and nights. Since you move less fast as compared to the people on the outermost surface, relatively time would go faster in the inner city. But since relativity requires gravity the concept of the hollow earth would collapse into the sun were there to be a sun in the middle. Also, time flies when you're having fun so you might think of the things that could be done in Sub City and draw your own conclusions.
Time is the same inside or outside of the earth. They just may use a different method of keeping track of it or more likely, don't keep track of it at all since they can't see the sun or the rest of space. Sorry to tell you, but planets also aren't hollow or there wouldn't have been enough gravity to hold them together which is why many scientists think that the gas planets have a rocky center. Besides, where would geothermal energy come from?
That is quite a tall order. Firstly, did the inhabitants of your world originate within this subterranean environment? If so, their concept of time would be based on something completely different than one tied to the spin of the planet and the movement of the Sun. They may have evolved without the need for sleep so a resting/awake cycle would not even be valid. The only use for time may simply be as a measurement.The idea of an "artificial sun" implies that the inhabitants were at least aware of their unique position within the interior of a planet. You need to determine if they evolved on the surface and migrated beneath. It they evolved on the surface there may be a need for day/night cycle, and there need for a day/night cycle would probably be represented in a similar time sequence as that on the surface.Where did this "artificial sun" come from? Where does the energy come from to power it?
Yes, time would be much different in Agartha or Hollow Earth. It's not just a matter of concept of time, but of actual time itself. Agartha, although seems like it is actually in the center of the Earth, it is in another realm or dimension separate from our own. That realm has portals that reside on Earth that seem to lead inside, but actually transform dimensions. So, although it is referred to as Inner Earth, and on some levels of reality it IS in that location in a place in Time-Space/Space-Time, it can only be concluded that the way time passes IS different than on the Earth's surface.