I don't mean just you in that "attack" reference. I mean generally, why put effort in tearing down someone down? You alleged that he was attacking you his "monkey boy" reference was not directed at a person. It was an imitation of NYC street cops.

I haven't seen your videos so I don't know anything about them, but I wonder how AJ is scared of particularly you. Are you a youtube star? I suspect that if you wielded as much power as you seem to believe you do, you would know the answers to your questions and you wouldn't be here tying your tongue around your eye tooth.

AJ is no one to be worried about. Seriously. Just make a nice cup of tea and think nice thoughts. I'm not being condescending here. I really mean that you would benefit a great deal and perhaps those shadows wouldn't look quite so threatening.
Actually Hobbit, this discussion has nothing to do with conspiracy or theory .... that was the other thread, remember? ;) This thread is about "disinformation."

Or perhaps your objective is distract attraction away from the topic of "disinformation" ... unless I am delusional, wouldn't that be disinformation?

Perhaps You should look at YOUR OP and see the words ....conspiracy theory.
You are the very image of Mikado.
Hobbit, why are you so nervous? I don't understand "injuns" is that dialect? You must be deliberately attempting to create chaos, because "cowboys" is completely off topic

INJUNS is a descriptive word used here to describe natives of America, as opposed to Indians from India.
I asked You a simple question , which You replied with garbage.
You accuse everyone of doing things they are not doing.
You are the very image of Mikado.

This is My last post to You.
Back to the Alex Jones and disinformation topic.

What I believe is happening with Alex Jones, and of course respectively his followers, is that he started out with a mission to battle the conspiracies that are going on within our governments against the people. He dug up as much information as he could to prove that the governments are indeed up to something behind our backs. He got big, real big. More and more people began to follow along the way. At one point (or even the whole way along) misinformation has slipped in with real information. Of course, this cannot be avoided because even when we think or believe we know the truth, we do not. So, now you have all kinds of information mixed with disinformation. Again, you find that everywhere.

I think the bigger question is, does Alex Jones KNOW what disinformation he is spreading? Is he doing it intentionally, or unintentionally? Does he have a bigger agenda than we can see? Or, is he as some have said, “working for them”?

What I think is important, with what ANYONE says, is that we take in ALL the information/disinformation, sort it all out with other things that we have seen/heard/believe, and we discuss it all. Discussion is the ONLY way to share thoughts and ideas with each other and try to get to the bottom of things and finish this massive jigsaw puzzle of life.

Oh, and the whole “god-complex” issue, we should ALL have somewhat of a god-complex because we are all, afterall, GOD(s). We need to start realizing it and ultimately BELIEVING it. ( I will have more on this subject as there is a channeled work I’m in the process of completing.) :)

Also, when fueling a fire, we need to stick to fueling our own fire more-so than fueling other people's, especially those we don't like or agree with.

I'll be pulling back from this one for now, I have other things to attend to. :)
I don't mean just you in that "attack" reference. I mean generally, why put effort in tearing down someone down? You alleged that he was attacking you his "monkey boy" reference was not directed at a person. It was an imitation of NYC street cops.

I haven't seen your videos so I don't know anything about them, but I wonder how AJ is scared of particularly you. Are you a youtube star? I suspect that if you wielded as much power as you seem to believe you do, you would know the answers to your questions and you wouldn't be here tying your tongue around your eye tooth.

A year after my friend was killed, I told Alex Jones, Michael Brown, Bill Maher, and their associates that I was going to hunt down the people who were responsible for the consortium that destroyed a life I had worked to build and in a state of emotional chaos, I made this statement "I am going to install a glow-plug and attach it to the emblem on the hood of my Mercedes S500, so watch your [Alex, Bill et al] a**es because if anyone of you has contributed to this tragedy, I will run you down in my car, but I am not going to kill you. In stead I am going to back your a** up against a wall and with perfect German precision, I am going to brand a Mercedes Symbol into you crotch so you may have first hand knowledge of how it feels to be publically castrated." That's why they are scared of me - I'm crazy as hell when I get emotional.

AJ is no one to be worried about. Seriously. Just make a nice cup of tea and think nice thoughts. I'm not being condescending here. I really mean that you would benefit a great deal and perhaps those shadows wouldn't look quite so threatening.

Threatening? When did I give the impression I was threatened by anything?
YouTube star? LOL no, I have never been on YouTube [as far as I am aware] My YouTube account remained inactive until last week, although, there are a number of impostor accounts claiming to be me... they even mimic my activism, in a way that damages my credibility.

I trust we can all agree that I do not the extra help in damaging my credibility... Off topic, but I don't understand why society expects one to mute their emotions. In Italy, everyone thinks I'm normal, but in the States they call me "crazy."
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Your whole tirade here is quivering with fear. You are exuding fear with every single comment you post. You are threatened when someone uses a phrase that you used some days prior but you know what? You both probably heard it somewhere else recently and it just subconsciously stuck without either of you noticing. It's not like either of you coined that phrase and it's probably used every bloody second of every day somewhere in the English-speaking world. You're scared of shadows. You're very likely scared of your own shadow.

Seriously. A cup of chamomile would do you a world of good. A good cry probably wouldn't hurt either.
Your whole tirade here is quivering with fear. You are exuding fear with every single comment you post. You are threatened when someone uses a phrase that you used some days prior but you know what? You both probably heard it somewhere else recently and it just subconsciously stuck without either of you noticing. It's not like either of you coined that phrase and it's probably used every bloody second of every day somewhere in the English-speaking world. You're scared of shadows. You're very likely scared of your own shadow.

Seriously. A cup of chamomile would do you a world of good. A good cry probably wouldn't hurt either.

Only people who have something to hide, have a reason to be scared.
Kotn, [watch how scared I am as I incriminate myself] The last time I ran someone down, I told the police I hit a deer and the insurance gave me a new Mercedes for it. Trust me, I am very literal with my statements.
It is important for me to clarify, that whenever I make the effort to give someone a warning, it is not because I feel threatened in anyway. On the contrary, I give them a warning in an effort to maintain full disclosure, so that when I act on my warning, they are responsible for the consequence, because they were given the warning, and they chose to ignore it, or challenge it.
You are a dangerous man Ianchris.... but much more to yourself than anyone else..... I agree with you kotn... effort here is effort wasted in the wrong direction.
BTW If you continue to call me "Emperor" you're only going to end up believing it ... Apparently Linda, I am so "dangerous" that Pope Benedict XVI is jumping ship ... His announcement 2 days after I released this Press Release:

Youtube bans documentary exposing the corruption affecting every American citizen
Source: The AntiChrist
Dated: Feb. 08, 2013

Alejandro Estrada, author of “” has produced a short
documentary entitled “.” YouTube removed the content and banned it from
their website alleging copyright infringement.
Alejandro chose musical selections by the Vitamin String Quartet and coordinated songs from their album
“VSQ Performs Lady Gaga” with a silent narration which takes the viewer on an eye opening journey that
exposes some the most colorful corruption affecting every American citizen.
The thirty-four minute long documentary begins with an image from the death certificate of the late
Micheal Goss who was allegedly murdered on 2/14/2009. Then the viewer is shown images of Michael
Goss’s true signatures which are compared to the signatures found on his Living Will and Estate Trust.
When Alejandro brought this evidence to the Los Angeles Sheriffs, they refused to acknowledge it.
Apparently, the authorities were involved in the conspiracy behind Michael Goss’s murder.
Alejandro then exposes the multimedia executives, attorneys and doctors that have been harassing him with
cyber-bullying since the death of Michael Goss. Each image is narrated with a commentary that is
painfully funny, however, Alejandro reminds the viewer that this is no laughing matter. At ten minutes
twenty seconds, Houston celebrity doctor, Michael Brown, makes an appearance. Alejandro does not
reveal his identity; however any resident of Houston, Texas will without a doubt recognize him. Alejandro
takes the billion dollar farce out of the closet when he presents an image of an individual with the words
“Pryck is a Douce” and compares it with an image of music artist Lady Gaga on the cover of Vogue
Seems like the Fame Monster, really is a monster because Alejandro explains how her song was named
after him in an effort to exploit and bully him. Alejandro truly believes this hateful attack from Lady Gaga
was intended to drive him to commit suicide. It is important to point out the fact that Alejandro has
consulted law firms both in Manhattan, as well as Los Angeles, and none have been willing to represent his
claim. Alejandro has even taken his case to law firms in London, Paris and Amsterdam. Clearly, he must
be the mysterious Alejandro that Lady Gaga fans worldwide have been asking to meet and the reason why
he has been unable to find legal representation, is because his story exposes the damaging truth behind the
real Lady Gaga.
But, that is just the beginning because Alejandro then introduces a complaint filed by the Federal Trade
Commission against Paul Bain and associates for mortgage fraud that was settled out of court in 2011.
Words alone would never do justice to the images he exposes and be warned, they are intended for a mature
audience. It is recommended that viewers refrain from drinking or eating during this part of the film and
once again, be warned. You do not want to miss it!
The last part of the film is not as crazy or entertaining; however, it is the most important part of the film
because Alejandro shows the truth behind the United States government that every American citizen needs
to be made aware of.

On 10/16/2012 Alejandro issued a Press Release that gave the Holy See of the
Vatican a grave message that warned Pope Benedict XVI that the lives of innocent children were in mortal
danger. The Vatican was given a deadline, which Alejandro described would be met when “God’s Lamb
perish in a flooded quarry” at which point he said “nothing will save us from the beast known as

On November 7, 2012 that deadline was met when a family of children lost their lives in a rock quarry
during a 7.4 magnitude earthquake in Guatemala and just as Alejandro warned, on December 14, 2012
twenty innocent children were gunned down at a private Catholic school in Connecticut by a “Manchurian
Candidate” using a police-issued firearm.
A number of conspiracy theories have popped up since the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary and the
American public must be made aware that the only conspiracy was the one planned by the Freemason
Fraternal Alliance. Only they know the true details surrounding those events. Ultimately, twenty
children still lost their lives and their blood will forever drip from the secular cloth of the Catholic Church
because the Vatican made the decision to ignore God’s message.
In response to the current events unfolding in Southern California, Alejandro Estrada releases this

“Officer Dorner will always be a national hero in my eyes. He is a brave and courageous angel that is
carrying out God’s divine plan. I am indebted to Officer Dorner because he is avenging the injustices
which the LAPD has condemned me with, as well as every other victim of their corruption watching in
silence. I have exhausted every civil option for recourse, the United Nations has refused my petition for
political asylum and this tribulation we are witnessing could have been easily avoided if the United States
media had not made the decision to call me “crazy” for demanding justice. My character has been
defamed by music artist Lady Gaga and Clear Channel Communications, as well as every one of their
associates and subsidiaries. I gave the world ample warning, and this violence must be carried out. I pray
that when Officer Dorner completes his mission, the nation will come to its senses and support my fight
against corruption. If not, we all will lose.”


'm curious but would that be considered disinformation?
I'm not sure if this is the correct forum but I would like to share an observation.

I have noticed a number of "conspiracy theory" documentary-type videos on YouTube, some of which appear to me as fake.The thought crossed my mind that YouTube might be pushing this content in order to spark some level of "chaos" or "social unrest." However, I dismissed the thought because I was unable to find a logical reason that would motivate YouTUbe to make that effort.

Nonetheless, I decided to test the waters by producing a number of similar videos; which YouTube has had no problem with. That is, until I put together a couple of the videos into one complete film, which YouTube removed within a few minutes after being uploaded. YouTube filed a copyright violation claim against me, yet the same exact content divided into separate clips has remained untouched.

After visiting YouTube's website last night I noticed a this newly added video clip from the Alex Jones channel.

My suspicion is due to the fact that the content seems totally out of place for Alex Jones. The damage is because Alex Jones's audience, has most likely not seen my video so his audience would be unaware how his clip publically attacked me. I could also be hyper sensitive and paranoid, which is why I am examining the situation here.

In my video that YouTube removed, I expose various forms of corruption within the Justice System and the Entertainment Industry. I present how they work in orchestra to manipulate how the American public thinks, votes, makes decisions and sets priorities. In my video I made a "monkey boy" reference, which could very well be a coincidence,except the proximity of time since video was removed is too close [within a week]. Further, my video directly addressed the corruption I have been a victim of wherein I allege the local authorities [cops] of being accomplice to, which I support with concrete evidence.

If Alex Jones has seen my video, then he has made the decision to ridicule me instead of help me, and if that's the case, then he is just as corrupt as the authorities who have profited from a tragedy that left me homeless. In fact, that video just might incriminate Alex Jones for being part of the consortium working against me.

So how does anyone trust any of the information being fed to them?

George Orwell was quoted with saying "The further a society drifts from the truth the more it will hate those that speak it." The affect from the hatred I have been targeted with is beginning to make me develop a messiah-complex however if you think I'm going to let myself be crucified for the sins society is guilty for, you have another thing coming because I am no Jesus Christ.
i love aj and how he exploites the dumbest people in the world to acually believe the bs that comes out his mouth.its funny to see just how many losers and followers are in this world.
INJUNS is a descriptive word used here to describe natives of America, as opposed to Indians from India.
I asked You a simple question , which You replied with garbage.
You accuse everyone of doing things they are not doing.
You are the very image of Mikado.

This is My last post to You.

I don't agree with that hobbit.

Everything I ever posted has evidence, whether right or wrong, it is still evidence and repudiates statements from twigsnapper, Morgan and James Barrett, along with others.
