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Since November 2011 – When French President Nicolas Sarkozy called Israeli Prime minister Benji Netanyahu, LIAR - he has lost his monopoly over French Jewish voters. Sarkozy became a hero among 600,000-strong French community when as country’s Interior Minisiter, he cracked down on 6-8 million French Muslims during the second Palestinian Intifada (uprising).

On February 8, 2012 – addressing annual dinner of the main French Jewish umbrella organization, the CRIF, Sarkozy told 1,000 Jewish guests: “France won’t compromise on Israel’s security because Israel is a miracle“.

Sarkozy’s statement reminds me the 9/11 miracle published in the Jewish website ‘Beliefnet’ in 2002 – describing how a miracle saved the lives of nine Jews from dying inside WTC on September 11, 2001.

Sarkozy, reportedly, is an Israeli Mossad informer and linked to CIA – has lost some of his Jewish support, but is still more popular among French Jewish voters (40%) as compared to 26% among the French in general. Sarkozy is tailing behind his Jewish opponent, Socialist candidate Francois Hollande, by 6%. Hollande replaced the disgraced former Jewish head of IMF Dominique Strauss-Kahn, who was framed by CIA-Mossad in a sex scandal.

In an emotional speech, Sarkozy, told his Jewish audience that as a friend of Israel – he wants Israeli leaders to sit with PA leaders and discuss their problems peacefully. However, his statement regarding Islamic Republic did not incite his Jewish listeners to give Sarkozy a standing ovation as Beni Netanyahu received from the US Congress last year. He said that the solution to Iranian problem should be diplomatic, not military.

Last year, Sarkozy’s decision to vote in favor of Palestinian state recognition in Paris-based UNESCO, upset many in Jewish community and Sarkozy explained his reasoning in his speech.

“We also wanted to tell the Palestinian that there is a light (?) at the end of the tunnel, that they too should be taken into consideration and listened too. I know by taking that position I could have troubled some of you, but if a friend of Israel doesn’t do it, who will?”

Some Jewish critics have blamed Sarkozy for his failure to materialize his Mediterranean Union project, to bring 17 Mediterranean countries closer to Israel. This was one the reason Sarkozy brought regime change in Libya last year as Qaddafi had refused to join the Mediterranean Union.

Socialist candidate Hollande, who is also a Zionist Jew and supporter of the Zionist entity – is expected to receive the remaining 60% Jewish votes as no Jew is expected to vote for the third candidate, Jean-Marie Le Pen. Her nationalist party is considered anti-Semitic even though it wants to ban Muslim prayers in public. Wearing of Islamic modest female dress (Hijab) was banned by Sarkozy a few years ago.

Sarkozy was born to a Catholic father and a Jewish mother. Therefore, according to Jewish law, he is ‘Jewish by birth’.

Sarkozy: ‘Israel is a miracle!’ | Rehmat's World