
Navy searches for extraterrestrial life since 1924

Thursday, November 12, 2009

A recent telegram from 1924 found it became clear that the U.S. military have been looking for intelligent life beyond Earth much longer than previously thought.

In the telegram, which was discovered by an American website, explains the Secretary of the Navy for the U.S. military to listen to radio waves from the planet Mars. The Secretary reported that because Mars can make an effort to communicate with the earth between the 21st and 24th of August.

The website was Mars between the 22nd and 24th of August, only sixty million kilometers from the earth - the shortest distance since 1804. The State must have thought this a good condition to receive radio signals from little green men on the big red planet.

Unfortunately, the navy in the period found no traces of extraterrestrial life. But the search has not stopped yet.


Source: WETENSCHAP Nieuws - Nieuwslog.nl