
Secret dossier Denmark: why ever more people flee the cities
Sunday, February 22, 2009

Major Danish newspapers have in recent weeks on new civil war-like conditions, especially in Copenhagen and the second largest city in the country Århus message. Young immigrants tyrannize the people and deliver battle with the police. The property prices fall - and the immigrants marching in the streets, cursing the police and claim a whole city for themselves. Dutch media suppress all prefer and look the other way.

A few days ago reported the Neue Zürcher Zeitung hardly believe the decline in property prices in larger Danish cities of Copenhagen and Århus. This year, the prices of real estate for approximately 10% decrease. The value of property in the quiet countryside, however, will increase, according to the NZZ. The Copenhagen Post newspaper said the Danish capital recently, the first "war zone" ( "war zone"). Daily attacks on ethnic Danes and shot exchanged between members of youth gangs, which are recruited from migrant families, let the Danes deep impression, which can leave the country because the situation always gets worse. In the second largest Danish city, Aarhus, withdrew last weekend again young fellow from the Muslim culture circle through the streets and police officers from scholden. They stated quite openly that Århus now "their city" would be.

On Sunday celebrated the young immigrants from the Islamic culture circle after sunset after the fasting month Ramadan - they collected in the Nørrebro district Kopenhagense immigrants and then went noisy and marauding through the city. They threw the windows of shops and cars and destroyed the street lights.

Such events happen every week in Denmark. How does it here, however? In the multicultural Århus pay the church since the summer of 2008 protection money to Muslims, they have "body guards" in service. With 300,000 inhabitants, Aarhus is the second largest city of Denmark. In Gellerup, a suburb of Århus, the multicultural problems clearly visible. Since many Muslims live. The Muslim citizens of Gellerup tyrannize also increasingly Christians. Long time the church knew what he was doing. Since the summer of 2008 has two Muslim citizens as "body guards" used by the church against vandalism and the church towards the church must protect. And people are happy since we Muslims to protect pay, no vehicles were damaged and churchgoers no vandalism in the church or robbers on Christians in the vicinity of the church. This is from the perspective of a multicultural church integration success.

And how does the police? Once in January 2008 in the mainly inhabited by Muslims suburbs of major Danish cities had been unrest in the Nørrebro district of Copenhagen young Muslim homes, vehicles and vuilcontainers lit as police officers, firefighters and ambulance personnel were attacked, looked responsible for the safety reasons. The youth had no reason for the disorder. When the young people by the media were asked what they would want to stop their violence, they called the police to immigrants no longer check for drugs or illegal carrying of weapons. There would be no suspicion checks in "their" areas may occur. Response from the Danish police in January 2008 and stopped the suspected controls in the immigrant districts of Copenhagen, as Blågårds Plads and Folkets Park, a center of oriental drug dealers. The written designation of the police leadership was also passed on to the television station TV-2 News, with the slogan 'Police change tactics "over the withdrawal of police from the immigrant neighborhoods reported. In addition, no more police vans entering the neighborhoods, because the sight of the security forces, the new immigrant citizens could provoke violence. For the safety of immigrant neighborhoods in the future only the local police agencies are responsible.

Since Danish newspapers themselves once quiet Copenhagen now threatening a "war zone" and have stated in the second largest city Århus employing Muslim bodyguards by churches like it very simply, as "successful integration is seen to draw amazement of foreign journalists the inhabitants of this town road. And the price of the property rises in the countryside now. This development will in the foreseeable future probably also in other European countries is that the same type of events show. People who move away from such cities have the subjective feeling that they are within the foreseeable future a civil war might experience or see the situation as intolerable. The Dutch police has in the population of Dutch cities widespread anxiety, even worse, Dutch police are also increasingly against criminal immigrant groups who attack them without warning. One need not be a prophet to know how the prices of property in those cities will develop ...

Source: Be vigilant


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