
  1. R

    Political Leaders for 911 Truth

    Political Leaders for 911 Truth Global Research, March 5, 2009 POLITICAL LEADERS FOR 9/11 TRUTH LAUNCHED TODAY Political Leaders for 9/11 Truth ( is today being launched as the latest formal group calling for a new investigation into the events of September 11...
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    Common sense - The Spiritual IS Waging wars Sunday, March 8, 2009

    Common sense - The Spiritual IS Waging wars Sunday, March 8, 2009 James Bartley, February 17, 2009 This story is called "common sense" and that I wear to Thomas Paine when he tried the facts of life to explain to the colonists before the Revolution. There is this story a rebuttal of the...
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    Astronomers find black holes using two rolling

    Astronomers find black holes using two rolling Thursday, March 5, 2009 Astronomers in a galaxy far discovered two black holes at small distance and high speed spin around each other. The double black hole is located over four billion light years away in the constellation Slang. The...
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    Missing space rocks indicate planetary migration Monday, March 2, 2009

    Missing space rocks indicate planetary migration Monday, March 2, 2009 Scientists from the University of Arizona have encountered a strange case of missing asteroids. The asteroid belt between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, contains millions of rocky objects. Simulations predict a lot...
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    Robbie Williams UFO buff looking for ET's underwater February 28, 2009

    Robbie Williams UFO buff looking for ET's underwater February 28, 2009 UFO buff Robbie Williams has taken his hunt for extra-terrestrial life from the skies to the ocean. He is planning to make his way to an area off the coast of California in the waters surrounding Malibu where there have...
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    Former defense minister says UFO proof 'irrefutable' Thursday, February 26, 2009

    Former defense minister says UFO proof 'irrefutable' Thursday, February 26, 2009 'As far as I'm concerned, it's irrefutable. " Paul Hellyer in his downtown Toronto office on a Saturday morning, just as he is the first of five mornings every week, still driven at 85 years of age. He has...
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    Comet lulin is increasingly Brighter Saturday, February 21, 2009

    THE GREEN COMET COMETH: From remote Portal, Arizona, astro photographer Jack Newton reports: "Lulin Comet has brightened considerably and is now an easy naked eye object in dark, country skies." He photographed it using a Meade 14 "Hyper Star and sends this 16-minute exposure: Lulin vivid...
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    Forget Mars, extraterrestrial beings on Earth

    Forget Mars, extraterrestrial beings on Earth Wednesday, February 18, 2009 Extraterrestrial life is everywhere around us, even in our own body, says the American cosmographic scientist Paul Davies. According to the scientist from Arizona State University, we share our planet with an unknown...
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    The giants 2.0

    The giants 2.0 Last updated: Sunday, January 4 at 01:21, 100 views Groningen, Sunday, January 4, 2009 When one speaks today of giants, it means soon people suffering from the nasty disease: acromegaly. This is caused by overproduction of growth hormone: somatotrophin and ensure that...
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    DECEMBER 21, 2012: ARE THESE TWO PART OF THE PROPHESIES REFERRED TO BY MANY SPIRITUAL PEOPLE WORLDWIDE FOR THE LAST SEVERAL THOUSAND YEARS? READ ON: Home Page the miraculous story of their births and the hawks that became white after they were born More Information
  11. Rumas

    David Wilcock's The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce? Review By William Hutton

    A very interesting article if your into the David Wilcock material. The author of this actual William Hutton, claims David Wilcock is not channeling the same entity as Edgar Cayce, and the basis for that claim is misinformation. Interesting read! William Hutton - the editor and owner of The...
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    Mitchell Gibson - A Psychiatrist heals with the Soul

    Immortality IS an option Dr. Mitchell Gibson watched hospital visitors and patients 'walk through' deceased patients loitering in the hospital hallways weeks after their deaths, leading him on a journey few will ever experience. He was shown the essential nature of The Living Soul and how we...
  13. Rumas

    Nibiru - UFO 2012 Mount Weather Employee CONFESSIONAL

    On Jan 11th 2009 This video was added to youtube from a suposive Mount Weather Employee confirming the inbound Nibiru. Who knows if this is real, but watch this before YouTube removes it. YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. The view count already looks to be manipulated. As this is a big topic...
  14. New UFO Hunter

    Astronaut says Roswell was real and that we’ve been contacted by aliens

    This forwarded from one of my friends at MUFON LA. Did you know that Dr. Mitchell grew up in Roswell, New Mexico? you can listen to Mitchell here: Some highlights from the video: “There’s quite a bit of contact going on…” “…the Roswell crash was real…” On disclosure: “…the amount of...
  15. New UFO Hunter

    UFO Crash list - chronological

    1939-46 Spitzenbergen, NORWAY ? 4 July 1947 Roswell, NEW MEXICO 4 Bodies 13 Feb 1948 Aztec, NEW MEXICO 12 Bodies 7 July 1948 MEXICO So.of LAREDO TX 1 Body 1949 Roswell, NEW MEXICO 1 ET Living 1952 Spitzenbergen, NORWAY 2 Bodies 14 Aug 1952 Ely, NEVADA 16 Bodies 10 Sep 1950 Albuquerque, NEW...
  16. Unhypnotized

    NASA extends Phoenix mission as snow falls on Mars
