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    Jews take Jesus out of Christmas

    The American Atheist group headed by Zionist Jew, David Silverman, is running anti-Jesus billboard campaign this Christmas season as it did in 2010 and 2011. This year, the group have put up a billboard in New York City’s Time Square that reads, “Keep the Merry! Dump the Myth!“ On the...
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    Top Muslim-hating lawmakers defeated

    While Americans are celebrating the Obama’s victory over Nethanyahu’s ‘Republican Proconsul’ Mitt Romney – many Muslim Americans are celebrating the defeat of some of the top pro-Israel and anti-Muslim Republican Congressmen in this election. These Islamophobes include Adam Hasner, US Col. Allen...
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    France: No Jewish Skullcaps, please!

    Yesterday, Le Pen 44, leader of National Front, in an interview with pro-Israel French daily Le Monde, called for a ban on wearing Jewish skullcaps (Kippah) in “shops, on public transport and on the streets”. She based her logic on the French law that bans religious head-cover (Hijab) for...
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    Agatha Christie: ‘The Jew hating British novelist’

    The pro-Israel British Zionist groups say that Britain’s best-selling novelist of all times, Agatha Christie (died 1976) – like famous English poet William Shakespeare (died 1616) portrayed Jews in negative sense; something reserves for Muslims and Blacks in the West. I have read both...
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    Canadian Church warned over Israel boycott

    Nine Canadian Senators have warned the United Church of Canada that its report calling for the boycott of goods from illegal Israeli Jewish settlements will further divide country’s Jewish and Christian communities. The nine pro-Israel Senators are members of the United Church of Canada and...
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    Mumbai: The miracle of the ‘weeping Cross’

    Mumbai police is investigating blasphemy charges filed against Sanal Edamaruku by the city’s Catholic community leaders for insulting a recent Jesus’ miracle. Since March 2012, thousands of Catholic devotees have been visiting the Church of Our Lady of Velankanni in Vile Parle, Mumbai to witness...
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    signs of lying in face and voice of the liar

    Allah Almighty tells us in the Qur'an about signs of lying in face and voice of the liar, let us read ... Face detection Researchers have noticed some facial changes when speaking. Thus, they experienced it by photographing a man telling truth, and just in the lying moment, specific features...
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    Dr. Jeffrey Lang and Holy Qur’an

    I attended a lecture by professor Jeffrey Lang (born 1954) in downtown Toronto a few years ago. He started his lecture with story of his bitter childhood – growing up in a Roman Catholic family with an abusive and alcoholic father who regularly beat his wife, a mother of his five children –...
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    Labour Jews endorse anti-Zionist Ken Livingstone

    After anti-Israel George Galloway’s surprise return to British parliament – a group of prominent Jewish members of the “Labour Friends of Israel” who ran a smearing campaign against London Mayoral candidate Adam Yosef Ken Livingstone – have now announced to back him over Conservative rival Boris...
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    Is there under the ocean waves?

    The holy Qur’an referred to a new scientific discovery that is in the deep of oceans there are waves and dark, let us read … Scientists discovered that in the deep of oceans there are deep waves which are different from surface waves. Allah Almighty makes the parable of deeds of atheists and...
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    Rabbi: ‘Frankist Jews committed Holocaust’

    Rabbi Wolf Gunther Plaut (born 1912), former president of Canadian Jewish Congress (CJC) and Chaief Rabbi at Toronto’s Holy Blossom Temple, died last month. In his 1990 book, ‘The Man Who Would Be Messiah‘, Plaut wrote that Frankist Jews were responsible for the Holocaust. The book’s ‘Forward’...
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    Alan Hart: ‘Israel makes Holocaust II inevitable’

    Alan Hart is a British news correspondent, author (Zionism: The Real Enemy of Jews) and blogger. He had interviewed several world leaders including Israeli prime minister Golda Meir, Shimon Peres, PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat, King Faisal of Saudi Arabia, King Hussain of Jordan and US president...
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    Poverty unites Nigerian Muslims and Christians

    Wall Street connected western multi-national oil corporations have been practicing the policy of ‘divide and rule’ among Nigeria’s Muslim north (51%) and Christian south (42%) for decades. In the past, the western vultures have assassinated Muslim government leaders to bring pro-West military...
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    Political Islam vs ‘Jewish identity politics’

    The other day, I read a very long article publshed in Red Scribblings blog in which the writer tried in vain to make a comparison between “Political Islam and Jewish identity politics” while discussing Gilad Atzmon’s latest book ‘The Wandering Who’. The writer who claims to represent the...
  15. Denise

    "Magick" is Illuminati's Most Potent Weapon

    "By Henry Makow Ph.D. If you asked Genghis Khan for his formula for world conquest, you'd expect to hear "overwhelming force" or "terror." You would NOT expect to hear, "'Make-believe.'" "Make-believe?" Who is this tyrant? Walt Disney? Yet in the First Protocol of the " Protocols of...
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    Tunisia – Protests against Hijab ban and anti-Iran movie

    On Sunday, hundreds of people gathered in Tunis to protest against government ban on Hijab (a religious requirement for Muslim women) and and showing of 2007 anti-Islamic regime movie Persepoli which makes fun of several Islamic traditions. Tunisian police arrested 50 demostrators in front of...
  17. Denise

    Howard Storm - Atheist Near Death Experience interview. NDE (2 Videos)

    Interview with former atheist, professor and chairman of the art department at the Northern Kentucky University. Howard Storm died and found himself in HELL, conversed with Jesus who answered Storm's difficult questions. Today Howard Storm is a Senior Pastor of Covington United Church of...
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    Is it wrong to not believe in a God if there is no proof of being able to see him??? I mean, people think that I am so wrong because I do not believe in religion because all that religion is used for is to control and limit us... Trust me, RELIGION RESTRAINS YOU!!! If everything is soo bad, then...
  19. Denise

    Saul ~ We are Euphoric as Humanity's Awakening Approaches ~ September 13, 2011

    We – all of God’s divine creation – are almost euphoric as we observe the moment of humanity’s awakening approaching rapidly. The “we” includes you, because deep within you, where you know that you are divine beings, you too are well aware of the momentous event that has been meticulously...
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    Ahmadinejad criticizes Bashar, Again!

    Less than two weeks ago, Kaveh Afrasiabi PhD, told us that Tehran is revising its opinion of Syrian regime by telling President Bashar al-Assad “to meet the legitimate demands of protesters and to respect people’s right to elect and achieve freedom“. Now, British journalist, Patrick Cockburn...