
Understanding the NWO: America, Israel, Islam, Internationalism, Corporatism, Leftist

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Those seeking to exert global dominance are a small band of financial elitist who seek to organize the world in a standardized, Financially-dependent format through which they can Dictate centralized financial control.

Largely this is manifested through their control of multinational corporatism, which seeks to suppress competition for the sake of monopoly, and to fixate the consciousness of the worlds populace on Consumerist and financial matters. This grants all meaningful power to the elites, since theses are the matters they control.

The current situation with the American economy REFLECTS essentially an elitist attempt to bankrupt America, at which point she and her citizenry will be at the mercy of the global elitist financiers who are no doubt posed to step forward and bail her out.

The end goal is for every aspect of American society to be Dictated through financial coercion, so as to serve the WHIMS of the global financial elitist, who manifest themselves through such entities as the Federal Reserve, the Trilateral Commission, and the Council on Foreign Relations , to name a few.

While some persons of Jewish descent are involved in the elitist plot, just as there are non-Jews, it is not a Jewish plan of world dominance, as many of the Intellectually challenged seem to think. In fact, the elitist are a subset of their own creation, with no distinct ties to any particular nation, religion, or culture. Arab oil money seems to emit aa particularly strong influence, as perhaps can be evidence-pro-Arab/anti-Israeli by the attitude of the poster child elitist, Barack Obama. He is their puppet with which to sway the masses to their favor. While reeking of unrealized populist rhetoric, he has made the United States government nothing but a tool of Wall Street.

When the discriminatory powers of those who would oppose such a world order have evolved to the point where they gladly welcome into their orbit the Israeli nationalist, thereby bringing onboard Jewish talent needed, they will have sufficient resources with which to successfully oppose the financial elitist. Until then, they can sit around at their desks and call each other names on YouTube, as our world evaporates.

As for the financial elitist, they will never realize their goal of world domination, or if so, for a period very letter. Their attempt, through corporatism, to suppress competition, stands in opposition to the chief Dictate of nature, which demands unlimited competition. Nature is a force which is no respecter of persons, and will break on the rock of evolution all who stray from its rigorous demands.

Bedsides, by Attempting to limit the realm of human experience to the left brain materialist concerns which they dominate, the elitist are Attempting to bypass and diminish what is most primal and most powerful within the human psyche: The right brain psychological feminine, which we might simply call spirituality. In other words, since they control Materialism and spirituality can not control, they try to destroy spirituality. This is tant amount to a tree trying to destroy its roots --- There can be no successful outcome. A brutal price will necessarily be paid.

Poetically speaking, the financial elitist have raped the Goddess - The right brain psychological feminine - and now they are Attempting to Murder Her.

However, the leftist media brainwashing of Western culture may have split the West Weakened that radical Islam will successfully realize its goal of world domination. Though a perverse spirituality, it is nonetheless a spirituality, and is poised to fill the spiritual vacuum created by the financial elitist who have robustly sought to destroy spirituality in order to propagate their materialist or control program.

The financial leftists are elitist and ultimately in the same orbit as radical Islam, and constitute a united assault on Western culture, and on Israeli nationalism. Nationalist-leaning entities in the West must coordinate with the Israelis themselves for the mutual survival of both.

One can only hope that some of the elitist will come to the aid of nationalism, bringing with them badly needed talent and leadership ability. After all, the true struggle is not against elitism, but against internationalism.

Source: South Bootlegger

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