dr. len horowitz

  1. R

    Rabbi: ‘Islamization of Europe is good for Jews’

    We all know how paranoid anti-Islam Dutch lawmaker Geert Wilders, pro-Israel English Defense League (EDL), David Horowitz and his American Islamophobe are due to Europe’s rising Muslim population. However, Rabbi Baruch Efrati, a teacher at Yishva community school in the West Bank, says Jews...
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    Jews against Christians

    Zionist Mafia never misses a chance to fabricate or blow-out Muslim hatred toward Christians or Jews living in Muslim societies. However, they will never mention the ethnic-cleansing of Christian communities in Russia, Ukraine and several other Europen countries in the past plus currently in...
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    Top Israel-Firster Jews endorse Obama

    Readers of this blog may be surprised to learn that some of the top Jewish Islamophobes and Iran-haters who have been blasting Barack Obama for years for throwing Israel under the bus - has recently endorsed Obama for the next term. The list includes: 1. Former New York Mayor Edward Irving Koch...
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    ‘Piss Christ’ photograph is back

    “The Talmud, which consists of rabbinical interpretations of the law, treats Christ and Christians with contempt. Unlike the Qur’an, which regards Christ as a great prophet, the Talmud contains very offensive precepts and statements directed specifically against Christianity. For example, in...
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    Libya: ‘You reap what you sow’

    It seems American-funded ‘Islamists’ who lead the revolt against Libyan leader Qaddafi in Benghazi last year, have turned their NATO-supplied rockets against Americans. Today, the Reuters reported that US ambassador to Libya, Christopher Stevens 52, and three other embassy officials were killed...
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    Islamophobia will destroy Israel

    On August 21, 2012 – Israeli daily Ha’aretz published Bradley Burston’s column, entitled ‘Islamophobia, not Islam, will be the end of Israel’.” Israel has elaborate defense systems against military attack and terrorism, its defense against its own extremists are much more porous. The (Jewish...
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    Frank Gaffney: ‘SPLC = KKK’

    The anti-Sharia crusader, Israel-Firster Frank Gaffney, recently called the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) ‘anti-Semitic’ and equated it with the former Ku Klax Klan White Supremacist group. Gaffney is founder and president of Ziocon think tank ‘Center for Security Policy‘ and a columnist at...
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    Ron Paul angers Jewish lobby on Iran and Syria

    In a recent article, Rep. Ron Pual, one of GOP presidential hopeful has blasted Barack Obama administration for its warmongering policies toward Syria and Iran under pressure from pro-Israel lobby groups. For his stand against America’s imperial wars in foreign lands, Ron Paul has been under...
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    Muslim France

    “By the end of the 18th century, relationships with the Muslim world were so common as to have become banal. People walked about Paris not even blinking when they saw someone wearing a turban, because they were so used to it,” says Ian Calder, a history professor and author of 2009 book, ‘Arab...
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    Pastor Jones: ‘Obama Dead in 2012′

    The US secret service is investigating Holy Qur’an burning fame pastor Terry Jones’ Dove World Outreach Center for hanging a dummy of Barack Obama. Interestingly, when Andrew B. Alder, publisher-editor of Jewish daily, Atlanta Jewish Times, suggested in January 2012, that Israeli Mossad should...
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    Egypt: ‘State Coup against Democracy’

    Realizing that the MB – based Justice and Freedom Party candidate Dr. Mohamed Morsi was set to win presidential race in the second round against US-Israel favorite Ahmed Shafiq, former PM under Hosni Mubbarak regime – Washington has initiated a total state coup in Cairo. On Thursday, Egypt’s...
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    LA’s NewGround Project: ‘Salam + Shalom’

    During the 33 days Israel-Hizbullah War in Summer 2006, the pro-Israel Jewish groups ran an Islamophobic campaign against Muslim community in Los Angeles. In order to counter Zionists’ plan of pitting local Jewish-Muslim communities on a conflict thousands of miles away – the city Mayor Antonio...
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    Bachmann: ‘Why I can’t have dual citizenship?’

    I don’t understand why the Zionist mainstream media is making Rep. Michele Bachmann’s US-Swiss dual citizenship a big issue these days. After all there are hundreds of American Jews and some Christians who carry US-Israel dual citizenship while holding some of most powerful posts in US...
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    Rep. Ron Paul angers Israel Lobby

    The GOP presidential hopeful, Rep. Ron Paul, has angered pro-Israel lobby groups once again by challenging the H.R. 4133. On May 9, 2012, he opposed the bill in the House as it’s in the interest of Israel’s military expansionism rather than the interests of the United States in the Middle East...
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    Horowitz: ‘BDS supports new Holocaust’

    Israel-Firster David Horowitz’s Freedom Foundation put an Israeli propaganda ad in the Zioncon-owned New York Times (April 24, 2012), which invoked Holocaust against the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS). Racists and bigot Zionist Jews like David Horowitz – have never interested me...
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    SPLC’s top 10 Islamophobes

    The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) has published its intelligence Report exposing the ten top Islam haters in America. They all have one thing in common – they’re ‘Israel-Firsters’. The list includes Bill French, Brigitte Gabriel (Lebanon’s maid of darkness), P. David Gaubatz (a Zionist...
  17. Denise

    Invocation Third Initiatory Gateway of Light ~ Transfiguration ~ Anrita Melchizedek

    My note: This is a DNA activation. Your body is a temple. As above, so below. There are higher beings that match every part of our body. Here is an invocation that opens up the gateways leading into the Fifth Dimension of ourselves and beyond. When you are ready to get out of duality and...
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    Israel’s dependence on foreign aid

    Arab Chriatian Professor Edward Said (1935-2003) was honored by Islamophobe David Horowitz (FrontPage magazine, November 11, 2001) as “terrorist” along with the Crypto-Zionist Jewish professor Noam Chomsky, wrote once that if Washington stop providing financial aid to the Zionist entity for a...
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    Whither the ‘War on Iran’ Zioncons?

    “We are in no danger at all of having an Iranian nuclear weapon dropped on us. We cannot say so too openly, however, because we have a history of using any threat in order to get weapons – thanks to the Iranian threat, we are getting weapons from the US and Germany,” Martin Van Creveld, Play...
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    Rep. Ron Paul greets anti-Israel Rabbi, Ouch!

    Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) improved his chances at New Hampshire’s GOP primary race by gaining the second position (23%). Israel-Firster millionaire Mitt Romney gained the first position (39%). However, the big news is – Rep. Ron Paul, angered the Zionist Lobby by greeting anti-Israel Rabbi Yishrol...