
  1. Denise

    Kerry's Blog: Lawsuit filed against Bill Brockbrader and Wolf Spirit Radio

    Taken from Kerry Cassidy's Blog: " March 23, 2012 KERRY BACK FROM TRAVEL I am now back in the LA area after traveling on a vacation down in Tikal area and Belize. Some relaxation and some challenging explorations. After hiking in the jungle, canoeing down the Belize rivers and exploring the...
  2. Denise

    Invocation Third Initiatory Gateway of Light ~ Transfiguration ~ Anrita Melchizedek

    My note: This is a DNA activation. Your body is a temple. As above, so below. There are higher beings that match every part of our body. Here is an invocation that opens up the gateways leading into the Fifth Dimension of ourselves and beyond. When you are ready to get out of duality and...
  3. Denise

    October 10, 2011 Message from Matthew

    With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. When my mother was participating in a fall equinox global meditation and visualizing Earth radiant in golden-white Christed light, she heard, “Please record my words.” It is with joy that we share the following with...
  4. Denise

    Night 6 ~ Entering the Universal Underworld ~ Anrita Melchizedek

    Introduction to Night Six ~ Entering the Universal Underworld From September 23rd to October 10th, we enter into Night Six of the Universal Underworld amplified through the Cosmic Convergence of Unity Consciousness from September the 23rd to the 26th, the tail end of the Equinox and the...

    Why Is the Harvest Moon Big and Red?

    Why Is the Harvest Moon Big and Red? The Harvest Moon is the full moon nearest the date of the Autumnal Equinox. Orbiting Earth at a shallow angle to the horizon this time of year, the moon rises at around sunset for several days in a row. Over the course of these days, the seamless transition...
  6. Denise

    Day 6 ~ Entering the Universal Underworld ~ Anrita Melchizedek

    From September 5th to September the 22nd, we enter into Day Six of the Universal Underworld, Overlighted by the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light through the Cosmic Ray of Galactic Christ Consciousness, and the Brotherhood of the Light. This Cosmic ray focus brings a greater level of Cosmic...
  7. Denise

    The New Earth Energies ~ Archangel Michael ~ 8 April 2011

    Channeled by Celia Fenn April 8, 2011 Beloved Family of Light, you have truly experienced a Great Shift on your Planet, as you have shifted from the old Third Dimensional timeline to the New Fifth Dimensional timeline and into the Future New Earth. This Shift has not been only a Conceptual or...
  8. Denise

    The New Earth Energies ~ Archangel Michael ~ Celia Fenn ~ 11 April 2011

    Beloved Family of Light, you have truly experienced a Great Shift on your Planet, as you have shifted from the old Third Dimensional timeline to the New Fifth Dimensional timeline and into the Future New Earth. This Shift has not been only a Conceptual or Perceptual reality, but also a literal...
  9. Unhypnotized

    Lisa Renee april 2011 ascension update

    Open Architecture (The Frequency of Inclusivity) April 2011 Dear Family, Recently I have returned from the most beautiful and surreal experience that transpired within our group Guardian planetary grid project that we participated with over the last month. Our group had the opportunity to...
  10. Denise

    Planet Saturn and Earth ~ This is Metatron!

    Greetings. This is Metatron. This Equinox rides high on a tide of a supermoon illuminating the Planet Saturn. It pulls the Cosmic Waves from Galactic Center into the Equator and aligns Earth Axis in the Earth Grids on the 5th Dimension. It is a turbulent time. Lord Ashtar has called for...
  11. Unhypnotized

    Libya and the Vernal Equinox

    The war on Iraq was declared on March 20th 2003. Western forces attacked Libya on March 20th 2011. Is there an occult reason behind this? Both invasions occurred on the eve of the Vernal Equinox – a date that was – and still is – extremely significant throughout History. It is the date of...
  12. Unhypnotized

    Earthquake predicted for California

    Randall Neustaedter OMD Natural News March 20, 2011 In case you have not had enough apocalyptic disaster scares and events this week, a geologist who predicted the 1989 Northern California earthquake has predicted another to occur next week between March 19 and 25th. Geologist Jim Berkland...
  13. Unhypnotized

    Is California Next?

    This geologist, Jim Berkland predicted the 1989 World Series Quake days before it happened. Same unusual patterns and events are occuring now along with full moon equinox and highest tidal forces all happening on saturday march 19th. Equinox, first day of spring, full moon closest approach in...
  14. Unhypnotized

    The Final Push ~ We're Crowning!

    Wednesday, March 2, 2011 The Final Push: We're Crowning! by Lauren C. Gorgo Uranus in Aries So here we are again on the cusp of the astrological new year (when the sun enters the first degrees of Aries), the spring equinox in the north (the autumn equinox in...
  15. Unhypnotized

    Lauren Gorgo - 11th Phase Lightbody Ascension - Feb 1st

    TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 2011 11th Phase Lightbody Ascension The New Normal In the last article I wrote I mentioned that we were in the throes of some unprecedented geomagnetic activity due to a significant global rebalancing spurred by a magnetic pole shift….or visa versa. I also mentioned...
  16. CASPER

    Obscure Full Moon Names of 2011

    A bright full moon on a dark, clear night is always an impressive sight, but did you know that each full moon of the year has its own name? Sometimes, the full moon of each month even has more than one name, all of which originated in antiquity. Full moon names date back to Native Americans...
  17. CASPER

    Cassini uncovers galactic behavior, explains long-standing puzzles in Saturn’s rings

    Scientists believe they finally understand the perplexing behavior of one of the most dynamic regions in Saturn's rings thanks to images captured by NASA's Cassini spacecraft. And the answer is: The rings are behaving like a spiral galaxy. This new insight, garnered from images of Saturn's most...
  18. Unhypnotized

    PALENQUE and The 13 MOON MAyan Calendar- Importance

    A brief Info for the those who still don't know the mystic relevance of the Mayan Calendar. History The name Palenque (Palisade) is Spanish and has no relation to the city’s ancient name, which may have been Lakamha (Big Water). Palenque was first occupied around 100 BC, and...
  19. Unhypnotized

    Oil Rig Explosion April 20 Is An Occult Date

    05-27-2010 03:39 AM 'Two events in the region of the United States are coincidently occurring during the prime occult spring dates of April 19 through May 1—April 19, 20, 30, and May 1 are said to be important dates for the illuminati satanic occult. These dates are inter-connected with the...
  20. Unhypnotized

    The 6 Best 2012 Apocolypse Theories....are all B******t

    *warning, article may contain bad language...i hate that term...''bad language''...anyway...* by far not the best theories on this topic imho but nevertheless a good article....enjoy The 6 Best 2012 Apocalypse Theories (Are All Bull****) by Luis Prada You may have noticed a recent trend of...