
  1. day

    Something strange is brewing in the Atlantic Ocean

    Unexplained Ocean Anomaly: Scientists baffled by tide behavior in the Atlantic (November 2009) Something strange is brewing in the Atlantic Ocean Justin Beard said, “I’ve been around the ocean for about 20 years now and can’t remember ever experiencing such extreme low tides and extreme high...

    Cruise trends: Higher prices, single studios

    NEW YORK – If you're planning a cruise vacation in 2010, get ready for higher prices, better entertainment, water parks, and one of the most innovative concepts to come along in awhile: Rooms designed for solo travelers on the Norwegian Epic, without the supplemental charge that single...
  3. Unhypnotized

    Cosmic Events in January 2010

    Cosmic Events January 2010 01-01-2010 In 2009 we had the Eclipses in January, the Light Channeling shift and the Age of Aquarius in February. In March the Equinox and anchoring of the Golden Egg in the new Diamond Light Grid as it activated fully awakening the Diamond Light that we are. In...

    Glint of sunlight confirms liquid in northern lake district of Titan

    NASA's Cassini spacecraft has captured the first flash of sunlight reflected off a lake on Saturn's moon Titan, confirming the presence of liquid on the part of the moon dotted with many large, lake-shaped basins. Cassini scientists had been looking for the glint, also known as a specular...

    Cassini radar observes seasonal change in Titan's south pole

    Characterizing seasonal variations in Titan's volatile system is a primary goal of the Cassini spacecraft's Equinox and Solstice missions. Two related studies report new observations by the Cassini radar instrument peering through Titan's thick atmosphere with repeat coverage. Images of the...

    Cassini reveals new ring quirks, shadows during Saturn equinox

    NASA scientists are marveling over the extent of ruffles and dust clouds revealed in the rings of Saturn during the planet's equinox last month. Scientists once thought the rings were almost flat, but new images reveal the heights of some newly discovered bumps in the rings are as high as the...

    Surprising, Huge Peaks Discovered in Saturn's Rings

    Stunning new views of Saturn from a NASA spacecraft have revealed odd formations in the planet's trademark rings, including ripples as tall as the Rocky Mountains. The new images taken by NASA's Cassini spacecraft show that Saturn's icy rings - once thought to be relatively thin - can be miles...
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    Web Bot Update: World is on the brink of unimaginable events

    Web Bot Update: World is on the brink of unimaginable events Friday, June 26, 2009 Summer / autumn collapse American war as a result; Huge weather and natural disasters; Showdown aliens exist; Geography Earth is completely changed to 2017, 2012, the center. The power elite behind the...
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    What should we expect in 2012?

    What should we expect in 2012? Wednesday, April 8, 2009 Thousands of years ago mankind had achieved a high level of technological development. They understand the laws of nature better than we do. They explored Antarctica and spent the entire world map. They built monuments that we even with...
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    Time for new things to promising start

    Time for new things to promising start Tuesday, March 31, 2009 Barbara Hand Clow, March 26, 2009 It is the New Moon in Aries, the time for new things to promising start and an end to things that just lead nowhere. The Spring Equinox was a...
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    2009 Spring Equinox: March 20, 2009

    2009 Spring Equinox: March 20, 2009 by BARBARA HAND CLOW The spring equinox has arrived, and it is time to decide what we want to create during the rest of the year. As most of you know, the ancient goddess wisdom-Goddess Alchemy-is still available to us now. It teaches us how to use the...
  12. Rumas

    Equinox - It runs on water

    Equinox - It Runs on Water Free Energy 1995 - Channel: 911GuardianAngels on LiveVideo.com