
  1. Truth Vibrations

    World's first GM babies born

    Artificial population control? More:
  2. R

    Jewish Lobby: ‘Iran has nukes’!

    The Jewish media is not in the habits of practicing journalistic ethics when it comes to reporting about the Islamic Republic. The latest example is an article by Lee Smith published in Jewish Tablet Magazine, on february 14, 2013. In the article, the Jewish journalist claims that since “North...
  3. R

    US backs-down on ‘regime change in Damascus’

    John Kerry, in his first conference after taking-over Israel-Firster Hillary Clinton as US Secretary of State said that Obama administration is not going to arm the rebel groups fighting Assad regime. He said that the White House is exploring other ways to end Syria’s increasingly bloody...
  4. R

    Alastair Campbell: ‘Murdoch pushed Blair into Iraq War’

    Two years ago, the disgraced Israel-Firster media tycoon, Rupert Murdoch, was honored by one of America’s top Israel lobby groups, ADL, for his “stalwart support of Israel and his commitment to promoting respect and speaking out against anti-Semitism”. Christopher Bollyn claimed in 2003 that...
  5. R

    LA’s NewGround Project: ‘Salam + Shalom’

    During the 33 days Israel-Hizbullah War in Summer 2006, the pro-Israel Jewish groups ran an Islamophobic campaign against Muslim community in Los Angeles. In order to counter Zionists’ plan of pitting local Jewish-Muslim communities on a conflict thousands of miles away – the city Mayor Antonio...
  6. Amaterasu

    The Ethical Planetarian

    The Ethical Planetarian Party Platform by Amaterasu Have You tired of the empty promises of politicians? Have You seen the “divide and conquer” successes in everything from school teams to country identities? Do You want the planet to coexist? Perhaps You might consider the Ethical...
  7. Amaterasu

    A Planetary Solution: The End of Entropy

    Because this addresses so many topics here - Economy / Currency, Technology / Science, Freeman-On-The-Land / Sovereign, HAARP / Ionospheric weapons, Illuminati / Secret Societies / Cults, Eye Openers, and a few others - I figured NWO rather covers them all. And so, without ado, The End of...
  8. R

    BBC survey: ‘Israel sinks in popularity’

    On May 10, the BBC released the results of its annual Global survey of world nations and how their influence is viewed by 24,090 participants from 27 nations. The participants were asked to rate the influence of each of 16 nations and the EU as “mostly positive” or “mostly negative”. According...
  9. R

    A Pastor’s search for the historical Jesus

    The other day I came across an interesting article by Rev. Howard Bess, entitled Hiding the True Jesus in which he challenges Christian dogma about Jesus, Christianity and the Gospels. In my comments, I tried to explain that some of Rev. Howard Bess narratives of the life and Jesus’ message are...
  10. Denise

    Fourth-grade teacher lets president Obama have a piece of her mind

    This came into my e-mail today and I just thought I would share with everybody on here. It's a letter that a fourth-grade teacher apparently sent to the White House concerning president Obama. This woman may lose her job for this letter. Date: Fri, 30 Mar 2012 00:13:39 -0400 (EDT) A...
  11. Denise

    Cobra: Galactic Codex - April 4, 2012

    April 4, 2012 Planet Earth is the last planet in this universe under the occupation of the Dark Forces, the last relic of galactic wars that raged throughout the galaxy for millions of years. As the Galaxy was being liberated form the grip of the Dark Forces, the Forces of Light have been...
  12. 100th Monkey

    Whales and dolphins 'should have legal rights'

    This is the way to systematically take our rights away, and put animals and nature ahead of humans. Campaign for intelligent marine mammals to have right to life, which would protect them from hunters and captivity. Campaigners who believe that dolphins and whales should be granted rights on...
  13. New UFO Hunter

    NEWS: "As Scientists Search for Alien Worlds, Has ET Life Has Already Made Contact?"

    As Scientists Search for Alien Worlds, One Man Claims ET Life Has Already Made Contact BOULDER, Colo., Jan. 31, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- As Kepler continues to scan the stars for habitable worlds, author Marshall Vian Summers claims a message from an ET source has already arrived on Earth...
  14. Denise

    SaLuSa ~ The Light is Now The Supreme Force ~ November 16, 2011

    Expect a lot to happen but allow for intent to ensure that the flow is orderly, so that each event compliments the last one. As many will know our allies are more active now than ever before, and having considerably weakened the Illuminati we have been able to remove many of those who stand in...
  15. R

    Canada: ‘Even our oil has ethics’

    Alykhan Velshi, is assistant to Canadian PM Stephen Harper’s minister of citizenship and immigration, Jason Kenney. Jason banned British MP George Galloway in March 2009 from entering Canada for supporting Palestinian cause. Last year Kenney refused to allow Dr. Zakir Naik, an Islamic scholar...
  16. New UFO Hunter

    UFO Lands In Snowy Siberia and 5 Aliens Come Out..!!??

    UFO Lands In Snowy Siberia and 5 Aliens Come Out..! Scroll down to watch the video 'These two videos from two independent witnesses show that a UFO event of Roswell-sized proportions has taken place in Russia,' said UFO expert Mike Cohen. Date of sighting: August? 2011 Location of...
  17. Denise

    Vegans - Ignorant murderers & hypocrites

    Since there is so much misconception from the New Age scene and Alternative movement these days on "vegan lifestyle" and "vegetarianism" I feel I must address this topic some. Now, this is intended towards those whom have decided to eat plants and botanical lifeforms for certain "spiritual"...
  18. R

    Israeli protests: by the ‘privileged ones’

    On Saturday, Israel daily ‘JPost’ reported that Israel’s “social justice” protests have now spread to 18 cities, attracting over 70,000 Jewish protesters on Agust 13, 011. No held in Tel Aviv was held in Tel Aviv that day. Last week 250,000-300,000 protesters took to streets in Tel Aviv. On...
  19. R

    South Sudan’s ‘midwife’

    African have been victims of murderous western colonization for greed and the spread of the so-called ‘Word of God’. A vast majority of people in those regions know very well that the western powers has no interest in their social and economic well-being or bringing democracy and human-rights to...
  20. R

    London Panel: ‘Jewishness and Israeli criminality’

    The British Israel lobby and the so-called ‘anti-Zionist’ groups had campaigned for weeks against holding an anti-Israel panel meeting at the University of Westminster Campus (London, UK). The topic of the debate was ‘Jewishness and Israeli criminality’. The debate, scheduled on May 3 made a...