
  1. R

    Lobby: ‘First North Korea – Then Iran’

    There are nine countries (US, UK, France, China, Russia, India, Israel, Pakistan and North Korea) which are recognized as nuclear powers. Pakistan and North Korea are the only two nuclear powers which refuse to accept Israel as a legitimate state. As result, both of them have been the target of...
  2. R

    NY Jewish couple with explosive, are not terrorists!

    In my previous post, I quoted Jewish journalist Alex Joffe with the Jewish Ideas Daily complaining that there was no justice for Jews in United States. Here is an interesting twist to the truth. On January 1, 2013, New York City police reported they found bomb-making material and a “Terrorist...
  3. R

    Rabbi Ovadia declares ‘jihad’ on Iran

    On August 18, 2012, Israel’s former Chief Rabbi Ovadia Yosef 91, in his weekly Talmud lecture broadcast on Israeli radio said: “A second Haman, also from Persia, intends to do evil to us“. He was referring to Jewish holiday of Purim; when Persian Jewish Queen Esther tricked her husband to give...
  4. R

    Son of Holocaust survivors loves Iran

    Elias Davidsson is a computer engineer, Piano teacher, writer and peace activist. He was born in Palestine in 1941 to German Jewish parents. He has lived in the US, Iceland, France and since 2008 has been living in Germany. Elias Davidsson regards himself anti-Zionist and rejects the existence...
  5. R

    Lobby: ‘Hungary hates Jews but supports Iran’

    In 2009, Israeli president Shimon Peres had boasted that “Israel is buying out Manhattan, Poland and Hungary“. Later, a western website claimed that three million Jews with US-Israel dual citizenship are going to flood Hungary which already has western Europe’s largest Jewish community...
  6. Denise

    New Research Shows Diet Soft Drinks cause Stroke, Heart Attacks and Vascular Death

    Besides the fact that diet soda causes dehydration, weight gain, mineral depletion, diabetes and caffeine addiction, new research shows they're also responsible for an increased risk of vascular events such as, stroke heart attack vascular death The new study was conducted by, Hannah...
  7. R

    Saudia is the greatest threat to US, not Iran, Stupid!

    John Stanton is a Virginia-based journalist, author and writer in security and Jewish matters. In January 2010, in an article published in the Cryptome he criticized Gen. Stanley McChrystal for proposing that story of Esther be taught to members of Female Engagement Teams (FET) in Afghanistan...
  8. Denise

    99% of Americans can only dream of...Michael Moore's stunning waterfront mansion

    "He is the booming voice of the Occupy protests, encouraging activists to continue their battle against the wealthy one per cent of Americans. But it seems left-wing documentary maker Michael Moore has been uncharacteristically quiet about one thing: his own wealth. While Moore has denied he...
  9. R

    Lobby: ‘OWS has ties to Muslim Brotherhood’

    As another proof that the majority of 1% rich elites are Jewish – the Jewish Lobby in a desperate move has accused Occupy Wall Street movement having ties with Egyptian moderate Islamic movement Muslim Brotherhood. Interestingly, when nearly 700 Jews held Yom Kipur (Kol Nidre) service during...
  10. Truth Vibrations

    Chemtrails Explained

    Now this throws just a little light about them: by Dan Eden for viewzone The word "chemtrails" is a knock off of the word "contrails." Contrails are trails of condensation that can be seen in the sky when a jet airplane is traveling at above 30,000 feet altitude. Up there, almost 6 miles high...
  11. 100th Monkey

    Entire Atlantic Seaboard Readies For Irene

    JavaScript is disabled! To display this content, you need a JavaScript capable browser. 'Everyone on the East Coast knew Thursday that monstrous Irene, energizing over bathtub-warm ocean waters, was heading toward them, posing the biggest hurricane threat to the United States in six years...
  12. Unhypnotized

    Insider: Secretive Elite Set Policy At Bohemian Grove

    Power brokers are “constantly” talking politics reveals former attendee Paul Joseph Watson Prison Tuesday, July 12, 2011 A Bohemian Grove insider has gone public to reveal that the secretive gathering of power brokers set to begin this week in Monte Rio, California is far more...
  13. Unhypnotized

    The (very) secret history of Area 51

    Mark Piesing London Independent July 5, 2011 [...] Recent declassified documents have helped to shed light on the facts behind the myths of Area 51, from the U-2 spy plane missions that helped to unlock the secrets of the Soviet Union in the 1950s to the groundbreaking stealthy A12 that was...
  14. R

    Sarkozy’s opponent hits the bucket

    The French political bigshot, Dominique Strauss-Kahn 62, the French Jewish head of IMF and the man French Socialists hope will be the next occupant of the Elysée Palace, was arrested at JFK airport in New York on Saturday afternoon accused of a sex attack on a Times Square hotel maid earlier in...
  15. R

    Iran: ‘Manhattan Project’ and winner in the Arab crisis

    The Israeli propaganda outlet, The Wall Street, reported on March 8, 2011 that Ehud Barak wants another US$20 billion US taxpayers’ money to upgrade the demoralized Jewish army to face potential threats from the regime changes in the Middle East being carried out by the West – in case some of...
  16. R

    Iran may get a new Queen Esther

    Several pro-Israel American Jewish groups are planning to celebrate this year’s religious holiday of Purim by holding a Megillah (Megillat Esther in Hebrew) reading at the Iranian UN Mission in Manhattan, New York. “The event is sponsored by Americans for a Safe Israel, Amcha-Coalition for...
  17. R

    Jewish Dissidents want regime change in Moscow

    Russian Jewish dissidents living in exile in the West and Israel are running a campaign for the ouster of Russian-strongman, Vladimir Putin. The campaign is financed by Jewish billionares, who were squeezed out of Russia by Putin to the great delight of the Russian public. The Americans Jeffrey...
  18. Unhypnotized

    Threat of Earthquake predicted for east coast North America

    Fast Lane to Heaven: A Life-After-Death Journey from Ned Dougherty The visionary american Ned Dougherty prophesied the forthcoming arrival on the east coast of the United States of a gigantic tidal waves which would lead quickly the end of global capitalism. Life in his book, Ned...
  19. CASPER

    NASA craft snaps pics of comet in Valentine fling

    A NASA spacecraft zipped past a comet half the size of Manhattan in a Valentine's Day rendezvous that scientists hope will shed light on these icy solar system bodies. Speeding at 24,000 mph, Stardust zoomed by comet Tempel 1 on Monday night, snapping six dozen high-resolution pictures along...
  20. CASPER

    NASA craft readies for Valentine comet encounter

    Love is in the air on Earth — and in space too. Some 210 million miles away, a comet-hunting spacecraft is ready to get up close and personal with its cosmic match on Valentine's Day. Barreling along at 24,000 mph, NASA's Stardust craft will swoop within 125 miles of comet Tempel 1 — close...