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    Ex-Mossad Head: Jewish radicalization will destroy Israel

    London-born Gen. Efraim Halevy 78, has served as head of Israeli Mossad under three Zionist prime ministers and negotiated peace treaty with late King Hussein of Jordan in 1994. He also served as Israel’s national security advisor and ambassador to European Union in the late 1990s. Since 2011...
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    Ron Paul’s New Year Resolutions for Congress

    Veteran US Congressman Ronald Earnest Paul (born 1935) who is retiring soon has come-up with New Year Resolutions for American Congress which he knows hiself – is controlled by the Jewish Lobby. I’m sure his resolutions will bring the Israeli hasbara hounds chasing him for the rest of his mortal...
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    Top Muslim-hating lawmakers defeated

    While Americans are celebrating the Obama’s victory over Nethanyahu’s ‘Republican Proconsul’ Mitt Romney – many Muslim Americans are celebrating the defeat of some of the top pro-Israel and anti-Muslim Republican Congressmen in this election. These Islamophobes include Adam Hasner, US Col. Allen...
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    Irish TV host: ‘Israel is a cancer in foreign affairs’

    Former newspaper editor Vincent Browne, the host of Ireland’s top television political talkshow, ‘Tonight with Vincent Browne’, on TV3 has called Israel “a cancer in foreign affairs”. After the remark, Vincent said that his criticism of Israel doesn’t mean he hates the Jewish people. “Israel is...
  5. Romney Family Owns Voting Machines - Is This Right?

    Tagg Romney, the son of Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, has purchased electronic voting machines to be used in the 2012 elections in Ohio, Texas, Oklahoma, Washington and Colorado
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    [Rant] David Siegel rants and attempts to scare his employees into voting for Romney Now I've heard it all.

    The CEO Who Built Himself America’s Largest House Just Threatened to Fire His Employees if Obama’s Elected Hamilton Nolan David Siegel is the founder and CEO of Westgate Resorts, a huge national timeshare company and one of the largest resort developers in the world. In 2007 he was a...
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    ADL: ‘Press TV promotes anti-Semitism’

    On October 5, 2010, one of America’s most powerful Jewish lobby groups working for the Zionist entity, ADL, published a report which blames Iran’s Press TV for propagating ‘conspiracy theories’ against Jews and Israel. ADL has also claimed that Press TV gives air-time to some of the well-known...
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    Paul Roberts: President like Cynthia McKinney

    More and more Americans are waking-up to the reality that country’s political establishment (Republicans, Democratic, Tea Party or Green Party) lacks true leaders who are dignified, moral, uncorruptable and dedicated to the national interests of the United States and its citizens of all color...
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    ‘Obama and Netanyahu agree on Iran’, Really!

    Israeli prime minister in his satirical speech at the UN General Assembly on September 27, indirectly admitted that he had failed to corner the first Jewish President Barack Obama, who is set to be re-elected – to attack Iran before the November 6 election. “I very much appreciate the...
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    Lobby: ‘Jews don’t control Mitt Romney’

    Personally, I believe it will make no difference to the Muslim world who wins the American presidential election in November 2012. Because both Obama and Romney are the two faces of the same Israeli coin. Maureen Dowd, a long time columnist with the New York Times, is under fire from Jewish...
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    ‘US voters are dumb, distracted and delusional’

    Every time some one tells me that the United States is a democracy – it reminds me Germany before Nazis. In those days, Germany, like the US today, was also controlled by powerful local and foreign lobby groups which later picked countries for Nazis to invade and occupy. Since the establishment...
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    [Must Read!] A False Flag, Project Blue Beam, Depopulation or the Real thing?

    Planet X/Nibiru Is Real: Announcement By The United States Will Happen Before November 2012! | Conspiracy Theories I first heard of Planet X/Nibiru in an interview of Nancy Lieder on Coast to Coastam awhile back when nothing happened at the time she said it would, I more or less put it back on...
  13. InRetro Magazine's "The Unmasking of Mitt Romney" Article by Erin Drushel

    With the US elections and presidential campaigns running at the time, I thought I would share this article written about one of the presidential candidates, Mitt Romney. It goes on to state Romney's stance on certain people of the country and how he looks down on them. But at least he didn't lie...
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    North American Indian Chiefs to visit Iran

    Four leaders of North American Indigenous peoples; former Chief Terrance Nelson, Chief Frank Brown, Chief Orvile Smoke and Chief Bernard Ominayak have announced to visit the Islamic Republic on October 8-20, 2012. In Tehran, Dakota Chief Frank Brown plans to show members of Iranian Majlis...
  15. Expect Israel to attack Iran before this fall's U.S. presidential election

    David Rubin, a U.S.-born Israeli author and terrorism expert, expects Israel to attack Iran before this fall's U.S. presidential election. The Israeli people continue to prepare for what many believe will be the long-anticipated airstrike against the Iranian nuclear threat. Polls show that...
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    Mitt Romney embodies ‘Jewish values’

    Noam Neusner, Dubya Bush’s former Jewish speechwriter, in an Op-Ed in Jewish daily Forward (August 29, 2012), claimed that ‘Mitt Romney is Real Tikkum Olam Candidate’. Therefore, he suggests that Jews who care for their Jewish values; individual freedom and prosperity (big banks and bailouts)...
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    Jews: ‘Jesus is a monkey’

    On Monday, Christian worshippers, once again, found another proof of Jewish hatred toward Jesus, Mary and Christians. They found anti-Christ slogan “Jesus is a monkey” written at the Catholic monastery at Latrun and the front door set on fire. The Israel police has blamed the extremist Jewish...
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    Hitler, Zionists, Obama and Romney

    The very mention of Adolf Hiter, reminds westerners the ‘Jewish Holocaust’, though his Nazi troopers killed more Gypsies and Christians than they killed Jews. Strangely, while the Zionists expects every human-being to remember Hitler as an evil person – there are many people who adore Hitler...
  19. The White Hats Report - Watergate revisited? Kerry Cassidy's blog - August 16, 2012

    Found this on Kerry Cassidy's blog: The beginning of the end of the Obama Presidency has begun. The only questions that remain are: How will the charade play out before the American public and the rest of the world? How many will the cabal sacrifice to keep their agenda alive? Will an...
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    Jill Stein: ‘First Jewish woman presidential candidate’

    “I think it’s a great commentary on American political life when a person who happens to be Jewish is mentioned as a possible presidential candidate,” said Rabbi Joseph Potasnik of the New York Board of Rabbis in 2007. In March 2012 – Fred Karger 61, the openly Republican Jewish gay politician...