
5th Dimension, why we do not fear
Last updated: Friday, March 13 at 15:19, 93 times
Groningen, Friday, March 13, 2009

2009, a year full of opportunities, we can create

There are many reasons why you fear this time could be. Maybe a watermark, the Third World War breaks out, power in the future is priceless, tap the oil, we get new epidemics, etc. It is very tempting to those fears come along, it is the reality, right? A tip: Do not be crazy! Nobody, but nobody even knows how the transition to the 'new era' really will be. We are the history writers. Not only the world but in the first place of our own lives.

This article I wrote in 2006, but is still relevant


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Deliberately chosen this life

It grows new life in my belly. It is only nine weeks, a coffee bean, but what are we happy! I have respect for the soul that has chosen this life. If you look down from heaven on our earth, do you not direct: 'I want to go! "However, this soul very deliberately chosen this life. It comes with a life contract and is determined this to be a success. In essence it is the life mission of us all in the first place our own thoughts and intentions to be purified, and then a source of inspiration for others. At least as I see it. Much more complicated is not.
The news and our world

But it is not difficult in this world of your own essence to depart. Or to 'forget' that you come here. If you leave the world to depend on what you see everyday in the news, read and hear not get inspired. On the contrary, a good crippling effect on you. That was at least in me, and sometimes ever. Eighteen months ago I started for myself because I no longer felt my spot on the newspaper editors that I worked. I wanted to write inspirational stories, but I also indirectly in the research thought. This will identify you as the reader does, because you is not nothing on a website as WTK correctly.

If you leave the world to depend on what you see everyday in the news, read and hear not get inspired. On the contrary, a good crippling effect on you.
Concerns about the state of affairs in the world

Chem Trails?

Then you might also understand that not all has become easier. You may be a large part of the new offering on WTK find exaggerated or simply untrue. But you're curious because you do not get satisfaction from the daily new offer. First I am very happy and WTK a website, but on the other hand, I began to worry even more about the state of affairs in this world. I got a little lost my focus as a journalist. So much for 'inspiring stories? It is to cry as you read about chemtrails, New World Order, floods and volcanic eruptions.


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Living in two worlds

And how does that exactly in extraterrestrial life? Some people and 'light master' claim that extraterrestrial life we will evacuate if the need for the man. I can interview people who are in contact with so-called 'aliens'. And most people I know that they are not sucking their thumb. But I've never seen a spaceship, I've never been an alien voice. Occasionally I feel like I live in two worlds. At home, I just a young woman, also of the good life but I am on the other side open for the 'unknown'. I feel an enormous drive for information access, so other people can judge for themselves what they want to admit their reality and what is not.
I learn from the predictions

It is double. First, I welcome the 'new era' where we go. I am, of course, 2012, the transition from the third to the fifth dimension. A time when science and spirituality are actually melt together. That people no longer need to 'two worlds' in life, because we are thinking unit. That the illusion of duality and separation can see and use it to ourselves to experience. But oh what to mother earth is still shaking its feathers to cure the great abuse that her for centuries by the human race is affected. I learn from the predictions that I read on the Internet.

But oh what to mother earth is still shaking its feathers to cure the great abuse that her for centuries by the human race is affected. I learn from the predictions that I read on the Internet.
What is the truth?

The big question is: what is the truth and how can you ensure that life is something to enjoy and you have to look? Maybe inspire you to read how I look upon. Check especially by finding your own truth. Include all information that you read in books, Internet, etc. But get it through your own filter. Judge for yourself what feels right for you. If you are afraid of, for example, a waterramp you live in the Netherlands and six meters below NAP, you might be inclined to immediately address your possessions. But yes, you have your life here: your friends, your family, perhaps your family. Or maybe you feel there is no partner for me to go. Self feel although fine on your current home.


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Choose your fear or love?

But yes, that water huh? You do not want to swim and too late to find out: 'Oh that I had. "That is a situation where I bit the inside. The last weeks I experienced fear in its purest form. It took me so occupied that I actually at one time no longer knew. We read all about the future, but no one (even though there are 'light masters "who claim it does) know exactly how our future will be. You know why? Because we are the historians of our world history, but in the first place of our own lives. It is therefore important to make the choices you have. Very simple example: choose love or fear?
Conversations with angels?!

I decided to opt for the latter. So I'm still at the point where I am, not far from the coast of Zandvoort. I trust that - if I stay close to myself, so let me make all kinds of crazy stories - I my 'water' feeling when I should leave immediately. Or maybe I am a beacon of peace if a flood occurs, and I can help other people. There is one book in particular inspired me lately to be without worries. It is the American author Doreen Virtue, and called 'Conversations with angels'. Ojee, you might think: angels?! Sure, why not? Maybe if I have some quote from the book, you understand why.

I trust that - if I stay close to myself, so let me make all kinds of crazy stories - I my 'water' feeling when I should leave immediately. Or maybe I am a beacon of peace if a flood occurs, and I can help other people.
Comfort and Inspiration

"You must be close to the core of your being continued during the rough seas in the near future." (...) 'Do not worry about his plans, because there is likely no risk, even though everything around you in order to disorder . Trust. That is the word that you should keep centered over the coming stormy seas of life. (...) "Those of you who still listen to the answers of your Creator will not overcome. Take so many with you when you hear words like, because you are warned in time to a shelter to look. "I offer these words a lot of comfort and inspiration. I hope that this also applies for your readers. What I do now is to me the positive side of life. It makes no sense to have things to stairs, but to see where you can leave something positive. Good luck!

Source: wanttoknow.nl


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