A new blog, here's hoping it'll be more interesting next time.


New member
a new blog

Trying to start a blog,this spot was given to me as a suggestion, because I could get comments and feedback from everyone who decides to reply. For someone (me)who has quite a bit of stress, blunders, and all around for the most part previous bad luck, for alot of years (seems to be changing a little bit, right now) finally am hoping this means I'm getting more enlightened.

Right now I will close off this blog, by saying I'm kind of stymied right now as to where to start,do have things I'd like to express, but now that I'm at a point where I can, I seemed to be "stopped up" at the moment, suffice it to say the beginning of this year say, up until the end of May has not been a particularly good year, afterwards its had both good points and bad points.

Perhaps the creative juices are stopped at this point, but I did wish to try to put down some of our experiences, in the last 3 years. I will add some more explanations, thoughts, maybe some ideas (hopefully good ones as I go along. I don't know if I'm going to do this on a regular or semi-regular basis.

So, I apologize for such a short entry, perhaps I'll be a little more wordy next time. :)
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Well, I think it's a great start to something wonderful! :)

I look forward to anything more you have to say! :)

Lady of Light :)
Thank you for the like and the vote of confidence. :)

Don't know how much I'll be able to get posted, particularly this weekend and afterwards. Waiting for Isaac's arrival. Hopefully everyone will be safe, and dry, in the path of this storm, and that it doesn't cause too much damage.
Thanks, I'm hoping we are. But we've got people who aren't even taking in their patio furniture right now,(the neighbors are a little strange here, one family has, in a small one bedroom 3 dogs and a cat, two of the dogs are pretty good size,pits I think) or plants. Go figure. No on-site management to advise them, I suppose.

Even maintenance just put out decorative potting chips around the trees! That could've been done after the storm.

Believe it or not, I just heard the local news anchor just say this storm is a little weird, it seems to have a mind of its own. (Subliminal admission?) To what?

It's like what we talk about here, all the time common sense, at the very minimum amongst other things There seems to be a dirth of want for common sense, right now.
I like it! I rant all the time under random posts, lol. Sometimes I can't control myself, lol. Ok, I CAN control myself and that's why I stop, but anyway, I go on too much, lol.
It seems to be the best place I've seen to be able to express yourself (within reason of course, and you couldn't expect anything less then that) to do that!