Archbishop of Canterbury insulted over gay marriage


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Protestant clergy, Rev. Marcus Ramshaw 42 of York, called his superior Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury, “W****r” and demanded the later should resign from being head of Church of England. Ramshaw wrote on Facebook.

“Whar really upsets me is nasty people such as justin welby robbing me of my faith in the church, he doesn’t speak in my name and i think he is w****r but im not going to stop being a christian or a priest, i just kjnow the archbishop of canterbury is a massive mistak“.

Ramshaw’s outburst came after Justin Welby spoke in the House of Lords on Monday against the proposed same sex marriage law. He told the British Lords that the Marriage (same gender couples) Bill would effectively abolish the traditional institution of marriage, which he said was a cornerstone of British society.

“Why is the Church, after the whole women bishops debacle, now excluding people who actually want to get married? I suspect many bishops, clergy and laity support gay marriage but we do not have a vote,” Ramshaw said.

“The issue of same Sex Marriage is an emotive one. There are a variety of views within the Church and much of that debate takes place online. I don’t think calling someone a w***** is the best way of engaging. Whilst I am sure this will be water off a duck’s back for Archbishop Justin, I think it was right to challenge Marcus’ approach,” Church spokesman said.

Both Ramshaw and Welby were trained for priesthood at Cranmer Hall, Durham.

According to Justin Welby’s official biography, his father’s family had German Jewish roots.

In addition to Justin Welby, former police chief Lord Deart also opposed the bill at House of Lords – saying the legislation, which applies to England and Wales, would “alter totally the concept of marriage as we always have known it”.

Both Liberal and Reform Judaism celebrated the House of Lord vote on gay marriage with “elation”. Rabbi Aaron Goldstein, of Northwood & Pinner Liberal Synagogue, said: “We look forward to celebrating the first fully legal and fully Jewish marriage under a Liberal chuppah.”

Both prime minister David Cameron (with Jewish family roots) and Opposition Labour party leader, Ed Milliband (a Zionist Jew) campaigned in favor of the bill.

I’m sure Rev. Ramshaw would be glad to know that Chief Rabbi of Israel, Yonah Metzger and his Sephardi colleague Shlomo Amar did not condemn Netanyahu for allowing France’s first married gay couple, Vincent Autin and Bruno Boileau, to be guests of honor at Tel Aviv’s “Pink Parade” on June 7, 2013.

In May 2013, Britain Chief Rabbi Lord Sacks told Sir David Frost in an interview in front of 2,000 United Synagogue members that “he never came out strongly against gay marriage and criticized the Jewish community’s shunning of Jewish gays and lesbians, saying that he was opening the door for all Jews,” reported by the Jewish News, May 23, 2013.

On June 4, the same sex Marriage Bill received endorsement from House of Lords with 390 against 148 votes. It seems, UK will have its first legally married same sex couple in 2014.

America’s top TV Islamophobes, Glenn Beck, Bill O’Reilly and Rush Limbaugh also support same sex marriage. And they have good reasons for that. They’re such hypocrites that their wives took money and walk over them. Both Glenn Beck and Bill O’Reilly have been divorced. Rush Limbaugh has done it three times.

Archbishop of Canterbury insulted over gay marriage | Rehmat's World