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On January 8, American Jewish lobby group ADL blasted Bishop Bernard Fellay, head of the traditionalist Society of St. Pius X (SSPX), as an “unrepentant antisemite” in response to Bishop’s remarks that “Jewiah people are enemies of the church”.

“Bishop Fellay has shown his true colors as an unpentant antisemite who will not hesitate to blame Jews for his internal problems with his own church,” said Rabbi Eric J. Greenberg, ADL director for interfaith affairs. “Fellay has made it clear that the society is a movement that adheres to centuries-old antisemitic beliefs, one that is training priests and teaching traditionalist Catholics to hate Jews“.

The Simon Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles, an Israeli advocacy group, denounced Fellay’s comments last month as a sign of “the deep-rooted antisemitism that lies at the heart of the SSPX’s theology“.

During his speech on December 28, at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Academy in New Hamburg, Ontario, Bishop Fellay said that SSPX would never accept the declaration of the 1965 Second Vatican Council that Jews were not to be blamed for the cricification of Christ.

On January 7, Vatican dismissed Bishop Fellay’s remarks about Jews. “It is impossible to speak of the Jews as enemies of the Church,” Vatican spokesman Rev Federico Lombardi said, stressing the Church position on this was “clear and well-known”.

Pope Benedict XVI in his book entitled Jesus of Nazareth-Part II - has exonerated Jews for Jesus’ death. “There is no basis in Scripture for the argument that the Jewish people as a whole were responsible for Jesus’ death,” wrote the Pope.

Last October, SSPX leaders under pressure from Jewish lobby groups had fired Bishop Richard Williamson for denying that Nazis could have murdered six million Jews during WW II. He is currently fighting charges of being a ‘holocaust denial’ in a German court. It’s a crime in Germany to question the Zionist estimate of six million Jews killed y Nazis. Interestingly, Toronto-based Rabbi Wolf Gunther Plaut (died 2012) in his 1990 book, ‘The Man Who Would Be Messiah’ has claimed that Frankist Jews had committed the Holocaust.

Bishop Fellay was among the four SSFX bishops who were excommunicated by Vatican for not accepting Jew as friends of the Catholic Church. How much the Vatican is under Zionist control? Joanna Francis, an American women’s right activist and Catholic blogger called Pope Benedict XVI Zionist Double Agent in 2006. In 2011, Pope Benedict XVI appointed David Maria Jaeger, an Israeli Zionist Jew converted to Catholism, as a prelate auditor of the Roman Rota, a papal law court that serves as the chief appellate court of the Catholic Church. Jaeger told Israeli daily Ha’aretz (June 3, 2011) that as a son of Israel, he would be loyal to its people.

The Society of St. Pius X, founded by French Archbishop Marcel Lefebvrebroke in 1970, broke away from the Vatican due to their differences over fundamental Catholic teachings. Bishop Fellay in July 2012 interview said that since the Second Vatican Council and its susequent reforms, SSPX refuses all which contributed to the “self-demolition of the Church” acknowledged by Pope Paul VI himself since 1968.

Canadian Bishop: “Jews are enemies of the Church”! | Rehmat's World