[Must Read!] Coukd this be Manmade? Alert: Severe Earthquake & Pole Shift Warnings


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Could this be Manmade? Alert: Severe Earthquake & Pole Shift Warnings

Are we being set-up for man-made or natural event. there are several links to check out. I receive a newsletter from one of these links. Earth Changes Media.(The free version) Saw this today but was having trouble staying connected to the Internet. I don't know who Dr. Christopher is.

Alert: Severe Earthquake & Pole Shift Warnings | Earthquakes

From: ChristopherSent: Wednesday, August 15, 2012 2:16 PM
To:Subject: ALERT: Severe Earthquake and ‘Pole Shift’ Warnings

Remember, the cause of the Earth’s magnetic pole reversal, as well as historical severe Earth tilt of perhaps 90 degrees has occurred in approx. 12,000 year intervals thousands of times, corresponding to the ‘Precession of the Equinoxes’ as explained in my last article HERE .
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I love how they just "know" this stuff. 12,000 year intervals? Proven? 90 degrees?

I just have a hard time believing scientists.

If something is going to happen, I'm sure, from the sound of it, we'll notice it when it does.
Yes get this on History channel 2 they had something about how America wasn't discoverred by Columbus but the Chinese.They came on the Bimini rocks and in ships thousands of years before. How do they know this? They do "autopsies on rocks" using "progressive photography" no less. Getting us prepared for the Chinese takeover?
Yes get this on History channel 2 they had something about how America wasn't discoverred by Columbus but the Chinese.They came on the Bimini rocks and in ships thousands of years before. How do they know this? They do "autopsies on rocks" using "progressive photography" no less. Getting us prepared for the Chinese takeover?

Sounds like it might be preparing for that. After all, it's said that the Chinese own most of America anways. So that's probably the back up plan. Or at least it's on the list, lol.
Now We're in 16 trillion dollars in debt. How long before they call in all their marks? Doesn't actually pinpoint to one President, though, they've probably all since 2000 had their hands in the cookie jar.
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