Doctor Who Season 7 (2012 Season)


New member
Season 7 of Doctor Who not scheduled to air until November of this year (2012), kinda disappointing. I was really looking forward to the new season airing as it normally does at the beginning of the year, but, now we wait i guess. They only just started filming it, according to what I've read, this month.

I kinda hope they bring in a new Doctor this season. Although I've gotten used to Matt Smith, it's time for a change.

I also wonder who the new girl will be, haven't' looked into that yet cuz i want to be surprised.

Well, I guess that's all there is on that for now, not really much more to say.

So, just to sum-up:

Doctor Who Season 7, not scheduled to air until November 2012.
Sounds like more mindless brainwashing me, what's so good about the show? How will this help me reach enlightenment?
Although tv in general IS mindless brainwashing, I tend to gravitate towards shows that actually depict the real world and what IS. Doctor Who, just so happens to show things that are behind the scenes, so to speak, and the endless possibilities of what actually IS.

Yes, the need to know who will be in the show, is mindless dribble that is useless information. And yes, it could be said that it is useless to need to know when the shows air. BUT, if looked at as an "educational tool", it is quite useful in the attainment of enlightenment, merely because of what's behind the storylines.
I was just looking up Doctor Who for the start date of Season 7, and Imdb has it listed as August for episode 1. No exact dates or anything.

So, I guess if all goes well, August 2012 it is!!! I can't wait to see what truths are slipped into THIS season.

Are we gonna get a new Doctor, finally? I sure hope so! Time for a change, I say!

Just thought I'd give an update. I know I'M getting anxious, so I'm sure others are too. :)
Well, now that the first half season is over, we see how the demise of the Williams...oops...the Ponds has been orchestrated. Those damnable Angels! Oh Steven Moffat, you killed them off but they are alive in 1938 and both lived to a ripe old age.

Unfortunate that the Dr. can't go back and rescue them..but...why couldn't he go to a different point in space say...California...and go to New York and rescue them? Also, how is it, River Song can go there with the Vortex least that is what I got from it for she said she was going to tell her Mom to write the epilog.

Hmmm...still pondering that one out.

As to someone mentioning quite a while ago as to how this is achieving enlightenment, well, we all need to play and this is play and allows me time to relax and be entertained. A good remedy for "brainfry".

Sure beats arguing...<g>
