Dweller on the Threshold

Lady of Light

Once again, a thread as requested by Linda Brown for discussing. Again, I currently have 0 input. :)

Here you go! Let's get some great discussion going, shall we? :)
You know the old expression about the ballfield .... build it and they will come.... and though I have about as much knowledge about this subject as you do Lady of Light I nevertheless think that his thread is being called for somehow.

Mikado mentioned " Dwellers in the Doorway" recently actually and then said that we had already talked about it here and that he felt I had sort of steered the conversation away into Black Magic....( That was not my intention to do but thats what seemed to come up.... the whole idea of somehow " letting something " come " back with you" is a very disturbing thought because ( for me anyway) I just don't get the feeling that this " something" hitching a ride is GOOD.... but I might be mistaken.)

It sort of reminds me of the rant that I ran into when I talked to John Lear many years ago... I had heard that he had said to someone else that MY DADS WORK had " opened a portal" and now humankind was "LOST" and according to him...." Its all over but the whimpering".

He advised me to simply pull the " blanket over my head" that it was too late....that Dads actions had let " others" in and that it was all over for all of us.

Years later of course I had the opportunity to message John Lear on what I thought was his website... The LivingMoon. Turns out he is sort of a " guest speaker" there and Zorgon runs the place with a group of advisors.... but Zorgon was kind enough to put me in touch with John .... who claims now that he doesn't remember that conversation ( but somehow Zorgon already knew about it and mentioned it????.....) Too much mystery there for me to bother to wade through.... going back to the concept of " entities" waiting somehow at the doorway.... does anyone else have something to say about this?

Mikado is welcomed to come here and state his case if he would like.... but its pretty obvious that he has a hard time breathing the same air that I do <g> so I will try to give him as much courtesy as possible so that he can tell us what was on his mind. He is one of the few amongst us who has " died and come back"

And I wonder why he mentioned the Dweller the way that he did. Does he think that something " hitched a ride with him?" and now just doesn't know how to express those sentiments? If anyplace would be appropriate for that... this is the place to have the discussion.

And no Mikado.... excusing some of your behavior in the past by claiming that the " Devil made you do it" just won't fly. <g> Linda
Here are the posts that suggested this thread.

Originally Posted by ImmortalGemini527
Because you can actually bring unsolid entities back with you...or in you...Remember when I said the same thing to you Linda? And you attempted to twist it into some form of "Black Magic" that I was referring to or some such nonsense. I called it a dweller on the threshold.

Doesn't matter, I though I would point it out.


So you are saying that someone " travelling????" can " bring unsolid entites back with you????"

Gemini???? Mikado???? Anybody else???? Linda
A friend and I unintentionally opened a portal in 1973. Whatever came through, attached itself to her, and plagued her for the rest of her life. She died less than eight years later.

You know the old expression about the ballfield .... build it and they will come.... and though I have about as much knowledge about this subject as you do Lady of Light I nevertheless think that his thread is being called for somehow.

Mikado mentioned " Dwellers in the Doorway" recently actually and then said that we had already talked about it here and that he felt I had sort of steered the conversation away into Black Magic....( That was not my intention to do but thats what seemed to come up.... the whole idea of somehow " letting something " come " back with you" is a very disturbing thought because ( for me anyway) I just don't get the feeling that this " something" hitching a ride is GOOD.... but I might be mistaken.)

"Dwellers in the Doorway" is WRONG. You prove how you don't read, you don't listen, you don't comprehend but yet you expect individuals to "ooo" and "aaaa" you as being perfect and truthful.

I have said it as "Dweller on the threshold".


Mikado is welcomed to come here and state his case if he would like.... but its pretty obvious that he has a hard time breathing the same air that I do <g> so I will try to give him as much courtesy as possible so that he can tell us what was on his mind. He is one of the few amongst us who has " died and come back"

I have answered you elsewhere in the other thread. I have stated my "case" and gave links from when I did it the first time. My NDE has no bearing on the subject of a "dweller". Again, interjecting something that is not germane to the subject to confuse and obfuscate.

And I wonder why he mentioned the Dweller the way that he did. Does he think that something " hitched a ride with him?" and now just doesn't know how to express those sentiments? If anyplace would be appropriate for that... this is the place to have the discussion.

Read the links and refresh your memory. I mentioned the aspect of a "dweller" as a precautionary measure in a response to Dylan Cooper. YOU are the one that is blowing it out of proportion. The place to have the discussion was done back in September on the Hut.

And no Mikado.... excusing some of your behavior in the past by claiming that the " Devil made you do it" just won't fly. <g> Linda

My behavior? My behavior has been nothing more than to rebut the lies you have been telling. To rebut the false representations of situations. To counter the fictitious ramblings that you continue to perpetuate in regard to anonymous individuals that don't exist.

Your last quote above is a prime example of how you twist and manipulate to present a statement shellacked with a representation of truth when the core is not.

A friend and I unintentionally opened a portal in 1973. Whatever came through, attached itself to her, and plagued her for the rest of her life. She died less than eight years later.


Forgive me for interjecting, however, I am sorry for your friends passing.

However, what you mention is a good representation of why when one astral travels, on a conscious level, it is essential to raise one's vibrational rate via spiritual meditation as a prerequisite to travelling.

My two cents,

This message from Mikado belongs here....

When I said " meet you" Mikado... it was an invitation for us to discuss " Dwellers" on a new thread... If Lady of Light thinks that it would be interesting enough to post it.

If you have something to say then at least we would have an appropriate place. I haven't bothered to look into the subject that much but it might be interesting. Linda

An invitation to discuss a "dweller on the threshold". As I said, we did, to some extent.

Here is the link where I mentioned the term "dweller":

The Quonset Hut • View topic - In regard to misinformation by others..

Here is the link where you questioned it and of course, attempted to throw several speculations as to what it is instead of to just simply ask as to what it is or what is meant by the term.

The Quonset Hut • View topic - Astral projection

And this link is my response:

The Quonset Hut • View topic - Astral projection

If you continue to read after the above link one will see where you don't agree. Even though you have no idea what a dweller is, you don't agree. Therefore, it is another example of what I say about you. You derive conclusions that you profess to be accurate without any real knowledge about the subject therefore it is merely a subjective truth based upon nothing but what you feel.

So, what do you really wish to discuss?

Thats what he posted on the other thread...... Like I said.... he has a hard time breathing the same air that I do... I haven't read the links yet but at least if anyone has a response to them they will be in the right place and not cluttering up someone elses thread.

I guess that you will have to go to the initial post to catch the links properly. They don't seem to survive the copy process. I am still trying to see what point Mikado is trying to make.... other than he is upset with me.. Linda
And what are you? A moderator?

An explanation as to why my post was made on the other thread is there you twit. I don't appreciate you moving my posts around without reason to fit some agenda you are attempting to put forth.

The forum generates emails with links to threads. I click on the link to respond. If the forum doesn't want a response in that thread then let a moderator either A) not send out the link to respond, or B) they can move my post.

I reiterate, I do not appreciate you moving my posts and then interjecting words into it without the use of "quotes" or anything else and to use a color that the only way I could read it was to highlight it. You are misrepresenting the presentation of my original post.

Gemini made the statement that a " non form entity" .... is that the way he said it? Someone correct me if I am wrong....Could attach itself to you (or IN YOU).

So if it has nothing to do with NDEs then.... to anyone who wants to talk about it here.... What does this really mean.

I do not see any real answers coming from Mikado. Am I simply missing them?

Anyone else have a handle on this concept?

I guess that you will have to go to the initial post to catch the links properly. They don't seem to survive the copy process. I am still trying to see what point Mikado is trying to make.... other than he is upset with me.. Linda

I am upset at you moving my posts.

As to my response, I was attempting to show that the subject has been discussed. If you wish to discuss it here, that is not my call but I will choose if I wish to partake and my participation is the links I provided.

You are attempting to make a mountain from a mole hill with the subject.

Links are fixed. :) The discussion is fine in either thread, but it fits in this one moreso than the other. I do not split threads unless it it necessary. I don't see the necessity to split and move.
No Mikado... I am not a moderator. But I am the one who asked for this thread on this subject. You could see by the post that Lady of Light had put up that your message belonged HERE and not where you left it.....

You are so busy trying to put " agendas" on me that you are not even being polite.

"I reiterate, I do not appreciate you moving my posts and then interjecting words into it without the use of "quotes" or anything else and to use a color that the only way I could read it was to highlight it. You are misrepresenting the presentation of my original post."

Then speak up here Mikado and make your case known.

Sorry about the color problem. I forgot that you are viewing this with the dark screen and blue disappears.... is red better? I use the lighter screen because I had that problem too. This Forum gives you several choices.

Mikado you were the one who brought up Dweller. Do not blame me or others for becoming interested enough in the subject to pursue it and certainly do not attempt to " head us off at the pass' once we start looking at the subject.

You have said that I have misrepresented what you tried to say. Well, then.... correct me but don't just insult me and leave it at that. I am trying to get to what you were trying to say and I figured that it was worth the effort. If you don't want to participate here then don't. Its your call. But the subject is going to be explored.

As to astral projection, go ahead, start one. I haven't much to say about it other than most individuals that claim to do/have done it haven't really. Most times it is a lucid dream state. When astral projecting for the first time, most individuals are confronted by a dweller on the threshold and this must be confronted and dealt with if anyone is to continue to astral travel.

The Quonset Hut • View topic - In regard to misinformation by others..

What do you mean then Mikado?. .... Confronted by a dweller? What is a dweller in your experience?

Anyone else " confronted by a Dweller?"

"The Dweller on the Threshold refers to a purported invisible and possibly malevolent entity that attaches to a human being. The term was first used by Bulwer-Lytton in his novel Zanoni.

In theosophical literature, Helena P. Blavatsky describes it as the discarded astral double of an individual in a previous life that may not have fully disintegrated yet when that individual is reborn. Thus the dweller will be drawn to the new incarnated personality due to their affinity. Sometimes this entity is also called Guardian of the Threshold

Dweller on the threshold - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Comments from anybody???? Linda
So what were you doing Mikado just showing off your Theosophical learnings? Or did you actually have something to say? Linda
Here are some of the responses that occurred on the Hut that Mikado mentioned. Its an interesting read....

Mikado.... A question... I am kind of wondering why no one else caught this yet but you said in response to one of these threads on Astral Traveling.....

"When astral projecting for the first time, most individuals are confronted by a dweller on the threshold and this must be confronted and dealt with if anyone is to continue to astral travel.

Most people are confronted by a dweller on the threshold????? What do you mean by that???? Like a Guardian to the other side???? thats sort of what it sounds like.... protecting the "Portal?" Is that what you mean. You would not have mentioned that if you had not experienced that.... so if you can.... would you be able to describe that experience to your members?

And anyone else out there? I have visions of the LivingMoons silly " Exterminator" and Eradicator" and whatever else Zorgon called them...... so what did your " dweller on the threshold seem like to you? And how does an entity earn that postition? Which seems to me is important. Linda
Linda Brown
Posts: 6615
Joined: Tue Apr 07, 2009 5:36 am
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In Astral Travelling I have heard it said that there are " Entities" that " guard the portals or the gates.... and that you have to " deal with them" before you go further. So my question rather specifically here is.... WHO are these Entities? How do they manifest themselves for Astral travellers? And what more can anyone add to this idea? Even if it is just a fanciful notion by some I think that it needs to be investigated. And if its more than that then maybe this would be a good place to talk about it.

I am posting this also on the Hut hoping that someone who has been reading there in silence might speak up. Same thought here...

If you have experienced anything like meeting a " Centurian" at some sort of " Portal" while you have been " traveling" can you talk to us here about that experience? This is not a thread where you have to prove the experience was real. We passed that checkpoint Charlie a long time ago. <g> Linda

It is none of the above. A dweller is a lower vibrational being and usually appears for an opportunity, in a manner of speaking, on ill prepared travellers.

It most definitely is not a guardian. A guardian is something else entirely

"so what did your " dweller on the threshold seem like to you? And how does an entity earn that postition? Which seems to me is important. "

A hideous being that was blocking my way to my body. I have since learned more about it. As to your comment about "earning" a position, it would be like saying that someone who was walking down the street and saw an open door and stood in front of it earned the position to be there. It is nothing more than the right place at the right time.
