Dweller on the Threshold

And I want to ask all of you reading this. In the above quotes was I being rude to Mikado? Was I being disrespectful? and yet read his thoughts on how he felt that I reacted? Why is that?

I just caught what he was complaining about. I said we had talked about " Dwellers in the Doorway" and of course it is " Dweller on the Threshold"..... Good Grief Mikado..... all you have to do is correct me.... you don't have to make a federal case out of it! Silly Rabbit. Linda
So if there is a real difference ( according to Mikado) between a Guardian and a Dweller.... then what is that difference?and how have different people experienced that difference? Mikado says a " Guardian" is " something else entirely"

OK.... what then?

And I don't understand the bit about the " Dweller" that gave you a hard time. You say that you have discovered more about it? What was that process like? Linda
Threshold is at a doorway or opening.
I reckon whatever attached to Mikado must be called DUE or DILLI?????
Best to look back to the Egyptians?, they had whole levels of sort of creatures You will have to deal with.
I don't know if any were called DUE..DILLI or had any intelliGENCE?
Forgive me for interjecting, however, I am sorry for your friends passing.

However, what you mention is a good representation of why when one astral travels, on a conscious level, it is essential to raise one's vibrational rate via spiritual meditation as a prerequisite to travelling.

My two cents,


I appreciate your input on this one Mikado. We knew that strange things happened in the San Luis Valley. We knew what had happened to Cindy's Uncle Rocky. We didn't let that stop us. We were teenagers. What's that phrase you use Mikado? Nuff said! That was the year that cindy started having idiopathic seizure activity. It wasn't the only perturbing thing in her life, but It didn't help to be followed by a dark something all the time. People saw strange things at her funeral too, and for quite a while after. It's a cautionary tale of playing with something you don't understand.

Linda, the difference between dwellers and guardians, or between doorways and thresholds may very well be more than a matter of semantics. Gargoyles are guardians. They have a particular role to play. They pieces of the puzzle that Mikado is referring to, may have very specialized roles that require the use of the correct identifier.

Mikado has stated that a "Dweller" has no " role" to play particularly... he said no more than if someone happened to stop in front of a door... that it was just a matter of being in a certain place at a certain time..... but I would like to respectfully disagree with him. Happenstance? What draws that person to stop in that spot? What draws that " dweller" to " happen" to be there? I believe that everyone and everything has a role whether they recognize it or not. Sometimes its better to see your role and not just dismiss it.

Just my opinion of course. Janus was a guardian of " thresholds" for ( I believe) the Romans.... he protected the people as they passed through the doorway..... this is not a new concept... that such an entity would exist from one dimension to the next.

If a "Dweller" is a lower life form that is just " hanging about" for an opportunity to hitch a ride.... then I would consider it something that needs to be known about. How can you be so sure of all of this Mikado. I thought that you only accepted that which could be physically proven?

I haven't encountered any entities in astral travel, other than the people I needed to visit with and talk to.Cindy and I weren't attemting astral travel back in 1973, but we were attempting cimmunication. I would be interested in a more detailed explanation from Mikado if he cares to share one.
I haven't encountered any entities in astral travel, other than the people I needed to visit with and talk to.Cindy and I weren't attemting astral travel back in 1973, but we were attempting cimmunication. I would be interested in a more detailed explanation from Mikado if he cares to share one.

Cat, I would be more than happy to discuss the topic with you but I am apprehensive to do so. Just look at how many posts Linda makes in response to one of mine and in all of her posts, she hypothesizes conclusions based upon what she feels and nothing else. When she finally does make the attempt to look something up, she attacks comes from another angle and always in a bellicose manner. I am not here, as I have said, to argue with her. I am here to perhaps have conversations with some others and to rebut any lie, mis-truth, mis-direction Linda may afford to myself or anyone in connection with me.

She is displaying total ignorance on the subject of astral travelling and yet portrays herself as semi-knowledgeable on the subject. If someone was to tell me of a particular hiking trail and I was interested in going on it for myself, the person could tell me how to get there but wouldn't it behoove me to ask about the dangers involved? The same is true for astral travel.

How many young teenagers have played with a Ouija board? Probably quite a few. Now, out of all those that have done so, how many had latent talents or gifts that they were unaware of? And then how many of those that had latent talents or gifts played with a Ouija board? I would bet that out of all those on this forum, there is more than one person who can or could relay an incident of where something went wrong.

If you would like to discuss the topic, I have no problem but it will be serious and in a PM.

I just caught what he was complaining about. I said we had talked about " Dwellers in the Doorway" and of course it is " Dweller on the Threshold"..... Good Grief Mikado..... all you have to do is correct me.... you don't have to make a federal case out of it! Silly Rabbit. Linda

Good Grief? This is a perfect example of how you DON"T read but afford comments. Now, to you it may be simple and nothing more than a correction but out of all you keep talking about and how you present yourself as a self-appointed authority based upon what you have seen and partook in, are you making the same mistake?

So, who is Silly? I am a bit dismayed in that no one has taken you to task for some of the things you do. Too much apathy in the world today.

Good Grief? This is a perfect example of how you DON"T read but afford comments. Now, to you it may be simple and nothing more than a correction but out of all you keep talking about and how you present yourself as a self-appointed authority based upon what you have seen and partook in, are you making the same mistake?

So, who is Silly? I am a bit dismayed in that no one has taken you to task for some of the things you do. Too much apathy in the world today.


Mikado.... can't you EVER have anything nice to say in my direction or are you stuck in a loop? Linda
Mikado.... can't you EVER have anything nice to say in my direction or are you stuck in a loop? Linda

It is apparent at times that you are the one stuck. However, what I stated is accurate and true for your actions only solidify my statements and rebuttals.

Dr. K?

Are you monitoring this conversation here? Since Mikado seems terminally stuck in his loop and the thread is " Dweller on the Threshold" perhaps you could tell us all here some of the things that you have experienced and what it is like to have something " attach" itself to you? Its a fascinating trend of thought.... and I think might interest others.

Dr. K?

Are you monitoring this conversation here? Since Mikado seems terminally stuck in his loop and the thread is " Dweller on the Threshold" perhaps you could tell us all here some of the things that you have experienced and what it is like to have something " attach" itself to you? Its a fascinating trend of thought.... and I think might interest others.


Who is Dr K???
Dr. K has presented his assistance in helping me solve some of the many mysteries surrounding my Dad. I will not say too much more about him other than he is a fascinating individual who has really been able to open my eyes to certain things. I learn more every day. I can barely keep up.

And I hope its alright for me to add that he was working in the Berlin Tunnel during the same time frame that my Dad and Mr. Twigsnapper passed through. We are working now on trying to get some solid cross references but both of us admit that this is a BIG situation and this is like trying to eat an enormous whale.... one bite at a time!!!!

Obviously my interactions now with Mikado appear to me to be even more childish than I would like to admit. Time to move along because time I spend absorbed in dealing with Mikado is time that I do not have to sharing information with Dr. K. Which do you think is more important?

Me too.

I'm going to decline Mikado's offer to discuss a subject via pm. He has no assurance that I will not make it public and use it against hm, nor do I have any assurance that he will not do the same.

Mikados " offer" was not so much an " offer" to communicate with you more than a " setting of terms" regarding that conversation. You are a wise creature CAT. And I don't think that there are many who can control where you go or what you decide to do. That was a wise move on your part.... just my opinion of course. Linda