Linda Brown
New member
And I want to ask all of you reading this. In the above quotes was I being rude to Mikado? Was I being disrespectful? and yet read his thoughts on how he felt that I reacted? Why is that?
Forgive me for interjecting, however, I am sorry for your friends passing.
However, what you mention is a good representation of why when one astral travels, on a conscious level, it is essential to raise one's vibrational rate via spiritual meditation as a prerequisite to travelling.
My two cents,
I haven't encountered any entities in astral travel, other than the people I needed to visit with and talk to.Cindy and I weren't attemting astral travel back in 1973, but we were attempting cimmunication. I would be interested in a more detailed explanation from Mikado if he cares to share one.
I just caught what he was complaining about. I said we had talked about " Dwellers in the Doorway" and of course it is " Dweller on the Threshold"..... Good Grief Mikado..... all you have to do is correct me.... you don't have to make a federal case out of it! Silly Rabbit. Linda
Good Grief? This is a perfect example of how you DON"T read but afford comments. Now, to you it may be simple and nothing more than a correction but out of all you keep talking about and how you present yourself as a self-appointed authority based upon what you have seen and partook in, are you making the same mistake?
So, who is Silly? I am a bit dismayed in that no one has taken you to task for some of the things you do. Too much apathy in the world today.
Mikado.... can't you EVER have anything nice to say in my direction or are you stuck in a loop? Linda
Dr. K?
Are you monitoring this conversation here? Since Mikado seems terminally stuck in his loop and the thread is " Dweller on the Threshold" perhaps you could tell us all here some of the things that you have experienced and what it is like to have something " attach" itself to you? Its a fascinating trend of thought.... and I think might interest others.