
New member
Viewpoints, opinions and ideas regarding the issue I have come to from my own personal experience and research into the matter. This is my personal knowledge gained from that:

I am here to give you some insights on the truth about what you call aliens and alien abductions.

The fact of the matter is that there is no such thing as aliens here, or alien abductions - at least not in the sense most of you think.

On the other hand, these experiences are not physical experiences at all, but rather energetic or spiritual experiences happening in the astral realms - or the spirit world, the other side, you have many names for it.

There are, generally, three different experiences responsible for all reports of alien abductions and alien sightings - with a few exceptions.

These three experiences are as follows:

1. People experiencing sleep paralysis and spontaneous out of body experiences / astral projections. These people will often feel as if they are paralyzed, can't move or scream, as they are being lifted up from the bed etc, something which they really are - but in spirit, by their astral body separating from their physical body, and thus the reason they can not move the physical body. In this state hallucinations are common, both visual and audible ones, and even as physical manifestations such as feelings of being touched and so on. People whom fear aliens or have seen or read too much about such things already got their mind ready to blow out an amazingly realistic experience for them, where they think and feel and really believe that they are being abducted by alien beings. This is however not the case, they are in a state of consciousness where their thoughts and emotions, fears and so on greatly affects their environment and creates and manifests their fears in a dreamlike state, yet in a state of mind that is alert, awake and aware.

2. Almost as above, except in this scenario the person is in actual contact with nonphysical entities on the astral realm and perceive these entities as physical and real "aliens" even though that is far from the truth, yet I suppose you could call these entities "aliens" as they are not human, but on the other hand they are here around us all the time and always have and they do not come from other planets. These entities may act in ways that are perceived as either good or bad, they may have sex with the person, as there is a type of being that feeds on sexual energies called Astral Vampires, often also termed "succubussi", and these are indeed real beings but not physical aliens from other planets. They may also be spiritual ascended masters revealing great insights and information to the person, or they may be negative entities of the sort you call "demons" that can bring very unpleasing experiences to the person encountering them.

3. In a very few percentage of cases there are real physical beings involved, but not aliens, rather humans, mostly from the governments and various sinister organizations carrying out various experiments on the population - these can be happening in both physical form where things such as implants can be received, or in spiritual form manipulating the astral realms, basically a form of mind control and created illusions with a deeper agenda behind it.

In addition to the above real experiences, you have some mentally ill people that simply believe things that are not real at all and imagine it all - and some that simply have nightmares, as normal dreams, that they interpret as alien contact.

There is also another issue that should be addressed, and that is when it comes to the people who claim to be in contact with aliens. Usually this is through channeling. Be very aware of this, in almost all cases no aliens are involved in such communication, but rather lower astral entities here on our earthly plane of existence, such as spirits of the dead, astral entities of various sorts etc, whom enjoy to play tricks on people.

Unfortunately people are usually too gullible and blindly believe what they are told by such entities, one late example being Blossom Goodchild, she was just another victim of such entities. She is a woman of a good heart and soul, but unfortunately got fooled by these trickster entities.

Alien beings, and other entities, mainly so called "spiritual entities", do exist and are influencing the course of the human race in a wide range of different ways. They also work here physically, through Human Hosts, or as other People so to speak.

There are also those whom serve these entities, "normal" human beings, whom believe these entities to be "gods" and they worship them, and carry out their agendas and work on their behalf here in the physical level of existence, mainly keeping sure to maintain power and control over the Human race, and mislead and direct the Human race towards lies, deceit and false beliefs - but they are on the tip of losing the grip they still got.

The bottom line is that this physical world was manufactured, created artificially so to speak, though it was through "spiritual means", it was with the purpose of trapping souls to use them as "resources".

However the good thing about that, is the fact we got ourselves in a position that is greater than theirs, as we are unique and truly immortal beings that are multidimensional and exist on several planes of existence at the same "time". We have what is usually termed the "Higher Self" in the new-age scene, which is a connection with the Higher Soul - our True Being.

This Higher Soul, or True Being, exists as an individual entity outside the whole trap system, and what you experience as "yourself" here is merely a small fragment of the Whole Being you are.

You can experience and know that yourself, through various methods of getting in contact with your Higher Soul, meaning that you will be able to shift your consciousness and awareness from your Physical Body, into your total being which is the Higher Soul, and thus see your reality, and existence as a whole, from an outside perspective, and that includes gaining great insights about yourself, reality, who you are and what you are, and all the different "parallel selves" you consist of, living out "their" individual lives in various parallel dimensions - and in a few cases even in the very same physical world as other people.

Think of yourself as the leaf of a tree, and you only experience yourself as that one leaf. Yet, the leaf itself is not the totality of its Being, the whole tree and all its branches and leaves are the same "Being", and the Higher Soul can be compared to that Tree, and your physical body and consciousness here as one of the Leaves.

If you were to shift your consciousness from the leaf into the trunk and all branches of the tree itself, the whole "Being", you would see not only that you are something greater than just the leaf, but that you have many branches connected to many other leaves, and you are able to perceive them all and their "individual" experiences from your new point of view.

Once that is done, you have established a great connection with yourself, gained profound insights and understanding, and you will also be able to see the Ground that the Tree is connected to. The Ground here representing the Physical World, and the Tree representing your true form, your Higher Soul, existing outside of the Physical World and the Trap System. In this example, it would be the roots of the tree that is "trapped" in the ground, the difference here is that a real tree is feeding of the ground and the Earth, but for us it is the opposite, the "physical world" is feeding upon us, but through spiritual energies and entities whom are in control of the "ground" we are trapped upon.

Go up through your roots, experience your total being, and see all the leaves you consist of, there outside the physical world, and way beyond the astral planes and lower dimensions and levels of existence, as the true form you are high above All that is within the Trap System.

It is possible, and you can all do it, through contemplation and meditation and simply looking inwards and wanting to experience your true spiritual essence and being.
Edward "Maggador" Alexander
This is a really great post I would like to know more such as:

  1. How would you suggest that one would go about getting in touch with their true being or higher self?
  2. Have you been successful in contacting your higher self or true being?
  3. What are some ways or techniques to protect yourself from these so-called spiritual entities?
1. Through meditation or ritual work, personally I prefer direct shift of consciousness from the physical body to the higher soul and experience myself from that aspect. I often do it through the meditations i've posted earlier on my website, such as the Astral Sanctum technique or Inner Guide meditation, you can read about those here: Creating an Astral Sanctum to unveil all Mysteries and find the Answer to anything and here Contacting your Inner Guide - Change yourself, change the World

2. Yes, I don't see how I could tell about it if not. Everything I speak of is from personal experience and verification.

3. My cleansing and healing meditation is good for that: and also this ritual I've mentioned on my website: LBRP, Middle Pillar Ritual & Circulation of Body of Light as well as this method for cleansing your area: Cleansing a house or area and making it a channel for good energies

Those 3 are also useful towards achieving what you ask in question 1. Works well together with the methods I presented in answer 1.