
FBI warns of growing unrest around Obama's legitimacy
Monday, April 6, 2009

InfraGard, an FBI special department responsible for the identification of trends that the American social stability and national security to jeopardize, warns that the ever increasing number of lawsuits, including senior military and state politicians, the legitimacy of Obama's presidential shelf into question, might bring a constitutional crisis in the U.S..

If one or more cases would appear that Obama, who until now refused to have official birth certificate to make public (and also a number of other documents), not a born American citizen, as in most cases are made would, all contracts, orders and orders from Obama, and all signed international treaties,
thus invalid.

"If President Obama continues to oppose the disclosure of this information, there is growing concern about outbreaks of social unrest or worse-in the streets of our nation. Together with the economic crisis, such a constitutional crisis the flash in the pan can save the conventional law enforcement and components of the Department of Homeland Security on the test will be made, "says the FBI.
The Army Times recently reported that plans for the so-called "Consequence Management Response Force (CCMRF), currently consisting of the 1st Brigade Combat Team of the 3rd U.S. infantry division, to expand to 80,000 soldiers. This domestic military combat power will be used in widespread social unrest as a result of the collapse of the economy or the degradation of functional political and judicial order. " The latter description may well apply to the situation that will arise as Obama not legal to be president (or even a legal U.S. citizen, and therefore should be deported).

The growing number of protest demonstrations tions (so-called "Tea Parties") in the U.S. against the ever-deeper economic degradation and the billions-bailouts of banks, are signs on the wall, and show that the concerns of the FBI decided not unfounded be.

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Defend our Freedoms
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