Feedbot feedback!!


Staff member
We have been running a feed program though the feedbot user to post articles and news stories. But is seems it is just annoying users. I would like to know what our users think of it.

Pros of the feebot:

1. Saves user's time.

2. Brings in lots of reliant content.

3. It has increase site traffic by 19.64%.

4. Sign ups have increased.

Cons of the feebot:

1. Buries other users threads.

2. Takes possible post away from other users.

3. Post articles that maybe should NOT be posted.

4. Its machine like, devoid of character.

I have turned it off for now untill we determent if it's worth having. We do not want to take anthing away from our users. We are just trying to attract more users to get this site busiers and more interesting.

Any comments and other pros and cons you feel are missing would be great.

Maybe we could turn it on once in a while so that we can all post as well as the bot i have noticed an increase of traffic for sure but even DAY had some issues with this bot and we missed this member being around for quite some time now sounds like he/she Day is once scared off again just a thought.....ricklbert

well Im not scared off lol...nor was I the first time....there are times when i have to be away ...might want to check in with me if you are wondering ...better than making assumptions.:biggrin2:

the feedbot once posted the same article as I did about 30 mins after my post.
At the time I didnt know about the feedbot program.

here's my thoughts.

if the program is bringing in new members ...thats great
increasing traffic also great.

I think once members know about feedbots program it will seem like reading a news feed.
'Sorry for the assumption Day just makin smalltalk" you have a point traffic has indeed been much better, and if you would like Rumas you can turn it back on full force I believe know that the more people get the info the better, and if the bot does a good job to do that then please bring it back online,once again my sincere apology ...thank you guys for your time ......ricklbert
OK I will keep it on for now. If you notice it has double post a thread, let me or lady of light know. If it has posted something you have posted let us know and I will delete the feedbots post, if you spent the time posting it you deserve the credit.

well first of all I love the green eye is great...LOL

no really with all Respect very beautiful....

sometimes it takes a while to go threw all of the bots post and I really like the slow moving forums here, It gives us time to come back and read the articles when not busy posting else where.

with the bot I just read the one's that catch my attention....

but some times is good to have when we do not post any files ...

I' have been under new medication and only post what I can when I feel like posting ..but I do come in and check them out frequently and that goes for the other site...also...

So my suggestion is to have it on at least 3 day's of the week...

maybe Monday's. Thursday's and Saturday's or when ever you Choose R..
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'Sorry for the assumption Day just makin smalltalk" you have a point traffic has indeed been much better, and if you would like Rumas you can turn it back on full force I believe know that the more people get the info the better, and if the bot does a good job to do that then please bring it back online,once again my sincere apology ...thank you guys for your time ......ricklbert

no worries unalii ( friend ) :)