"Good Wife"


Less than four years after his multiseason role as a wealthy charmer on "Gilmore Girls," Matt Czuchry has moved on to something decidedly more grown-up: "The Good Wife."

As the young, ambitious lawyer Cary Agos -- ousted from the law firm where star Julianna Margulies' character works and playing a pivotal role in the Illinois state attorney's office -- Czuchry is finding out, along with viewers, that there's more to his character than meets the eye.

"What I discovered that's been surprising to me is his vulnerability when he gets fired" at the end of Season 1, the actor says. "That was the first time that he truly really failed at anything." Much like his own journey as an actor, Czuchry says, "We see him grow up."

The 33-year-old New Hampshire native made his first television foray in 2000 with the sudsy summertime "Dawson's Creek" spinoff "Young Americans," which didn't get past eight episodes.
Everyone of us has different definition of wife and vis-versa. For example, my expectation from my wife are certainly different than French President Sarkozy, Zionist Jews Daniel Pipes and Bernard-Henri Levy, who defending his fellow Jew Roman Polanski in the rape of a 13-year-old girl last year on the stupid assertion that the rape happened 32-year-ago and since Polanaki is the so-called “holocaust survivor”, he has already suffered for his and fellow Jews’ crimes as Jesus did for the Christians!