Hello, I am Mikado


New member
Hello, I am Mikado and I have joined this site to present rebuttals to what is being presented about myself by certain members. I am not here to instigate and will only post after something is said about me.

However, I may post in unrelated threads where I haven't been mentioned and the topic interests me.

Thank you for providing the opportunity to join,

Hello, I am Mikado and I have joined this site to present rebuttals to what is being presented about myself by certain members. I am not here to instigate and will only post after something is said about me.

However, I may post in unrelated threads where I haven't been mentioned and the topic interests me.

Thank you for providing the opportunity to join,


I am certain Your NDEs would be of great intersest to those upon here.
Hello, I am Mikado and I have joined this site to present rebuttals to what is being presented about myself by certain members. I am not here to instigate and will only post after something is said about me.

However, I may post in unrelated threads where I haven't been mentioned and the topic interests me.

Thank you for providing the opportunity to join,


Hello Mikado glad you could make the stop by. I wouldn't expect any less of you to rebut anything said about you, it's only right and fair. :) The only thing that I have heard about you is that you and Linda Brown are at odds. The first time I heard anything at all and learned of your existence was when I had my first visions for Linda; it was a strong vision of a train engine that I later learned was called a Mikado Engine.

It's nice to hear that you are not here to instigate, not that I assumed you would.

I would love to hear your thoughts on any of the things we have posted here. I always love to hear different points of view on everything.

I would never deny you the opportunity to be a part of my forum. It doesn't matter who you are or what you have done. What matters is what you do while on THIS site that determines whether or not you are a part of it. I like to give fair chance to everyone. After all, you can't have freedoms for everyone if you deny freedoms to some, especially when those denials are based on someone's opinions. So, no matter what has been said of you, no matter how others may feel about you, I don't know you; to me, you are human and you deserve the rights of every other human being.

I am certain Your NDEs would be of great intersest to those upon here.

Yes, your NDEs would be great to hear if you wish to share those with our members. I know I would be interested to hear them. And like I've told many others before, to share your stories helps others who have had similar experiences come forward and tell their stories. By sharing the stories it helps everyone to be more comfortable in this world knowing they are not alone and that what they are going through is more normal than they could have ever imagined.

Anyhow, welcome and enjoy UHF. :)

Lady of Light
Hello Mikado glad you could make the stop by. I wouldn't expect any less of you to rebut anything said about you, it's only right and fair. :) The only thing that I have heard about you is that you and Linda Brown are at odds. The first time I heard anything at all and learned of your existence was when I had my first visions for Linda; it was a strong vision of a train engine that I later learned was called a Mikado Engine.

At odds...I haven't heard that expression in a long while but I like how you put it. Yes, a Mikado is an engine of the 2-8-2 wheel arrangement that was originally designed for export to Japan, that is how it received it's name. As to my nickname being that, I am not sure. It was given to me by a friend back in '93. He used it as a password in the office computer and I asked him why he chose it. He said it fit me. I was taken aback by it and took it as a slam for I asked him if he saw me as some type of "emperor" or something. He said no, it wasn't that. He never did explain it, I was just content to believe it was because of the engine or some other idea he had. He was a good friend, he passed away in 2000 and I still miss him and look forward to the time we meet again.

It's nice to hear that you are not here to instigate, not that I assumed you would.

I don't believe you would assume.

I would love to hear your thoughts on any of the things we have posted here. I always love to hear different points of view on everything.

I would never deny you the opportunity to be a part of my forum. It doesn't matter who you are or what you have done. What matters is what you do while on THIS site that determines whether or not you are a part of it. I like to give fair chance to everyone. After all, you can't have freedoms for everyone if you deny freedoms to some, especially when those denials are based on someone's opinions. So, no matter what has been said of you, no matter how others may feel about you, I don't know you; to me, you are human and you deserve the rights of every other human being.

Thank you for what you have expressed. I will conduct myself accordingly.

Yes, your NDEs would be great to hear if you wish to share those with our members. I know I would be interested to hear them. And like I've told many others before, to share your stories helps others who have had similar experiences come forward and tell their stories. By sharing the stories it helps everyone to be more comfortable in this world knowing they are not alone and that what they are going through is more normal than they could have ever imagined.

In time, in due time after I settle in.


If there was ever a place where we could communicate without being " at odds".... this is it.
I am glad that you came over.

The engine looks like the ones I remember the UP Railroad using on the trains that ran in fron of my Grandma's house. Have to research that. Maybe there's one at the railroad museum in Golden.
Family history calling me again.
