Hollywood Jews defend ‘anti-Semite’ Mel Gibson


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Anti-Semitism is a lose cannon in the hands of the Israel Lobby. It unload the cannon on everyone who challenges Zionism or Israel. Its victims can be found among government leaders, politicians, military officials, academic, writers, authors, bloggers, sports, religious leaders, Nobel Prize laureates and even Jewish-controlled Hollywood.

Among the Hollywood anti-Semites, producer, director and actor Mel Gibson holds a unique position. He is despised by Zionist Jews but loved by his fellow Hollywood Jews.

Mel Gibson’s record with Jewish lobby group is no different than Barack Obama’s since he was elected US President in November 2008 by securing 79% of the Jewish votes. The more these two dudes bend on their knees to please pro-Israel crowd, the more they’re called untrustworthy.

Since Gibson produced his 2004 movie, ‘The Passion of Christ’, based on the biblical story of Christ’s crucification – he has been vilified by the Zionist lobby groups. Even they blamed Mel for his father’s denial of the ‘Six Million Died‘ story.

Last year, one of Hollywood’s biggest studios, Warner Brothers, which happens to be owned by Jews – agreed to make a movie about one of Jewish history’s greatest heroes, Judah Maccabee, with this so-called ‘Jew-hater’ Mel Gibson.

This month, the plans to film ‘Judah Maccabee’ fell apart, igniting a feud between producer Mel Gibson and screenwriter Joe Eszterhas that involved more accusations of anti-Semitism, Jewish groups again went for Mel.

On April 23, Jewish new agency JTA claimed that many Hollywood figures including lawyers, studio execs and publicists – all of them Jewish, defended Gibson over the Hungarian-born Eszterhas. Almost to a man, however, they declined to be quoted by name – due to fear of smear campaign by the Jewish lobby groups.

“I really believe that everyone deserves a second chance. I want to give Mel the benefit of the doubt. I think Mel’s problem is he’s a little immature and can’t handle his anger,”JTA quoted veteran Hollywood producer Mike Medavoy.

According to JTA, the loyalty to Gibson of some in Hollywood comes despite the controversy over his controversial portrayal of Jews in the 2004 film ‘The Passion of the Christ’, his rant against Jews following a drunk driving arrest in 2006, and his violent threats and accusations against an ex-girlfriend that were leaked online in 2010. Also that year, Jewish actress Winona Ryder said that Gibson had called her an “oven dodger” at a party in the mid-1990s.

Rabbi Marvin Hier, dean and founder of the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles, said last September that letting Gibson direct ‘Judah Maccabee’ would be “like casting Bernie Madoff (the $60 billion Jewish swindler) to be the head of the Securities and Exchange“.

Hollywood Jews defend ‘anti-Semite’ Mel Gibson | Rehmat\'s World