[Opinion] How Many Lady Gagas Are There? 2? 3?


New member
I highly suspect that there is more than 1 Lady Gaga. Most people will just say she looks different because of hair and makeup and costumes, but there's more than that. She doesn't look at all the same in some of her videos. Why is this? You know what I think? I think she's got a double. The eyes are a dead giveaway! Look at the eyes. It's rumored she had plastic surgery on her nose, but I can't find any reliable proof, but whether or not she had a nose job is irrelevant. What's relevant is what she ACTUALLY looks like. I'm telling you, she's not always Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta. She's sometimes someone else.

Another bit of info I've come across, is that she IS in fact illuminati and born into it. She apparently is a little rich girl that grew up with the Hiltons. Yes, the Hiltons. Paris Hilton and her sister Nicky Hilton. Gee, I wonder why she sports so much of the illuminati traits and everything in her videos is placed there in the form of illuminati trademarks. She's in deeper than Madonna (another Illuminati agent by the way).

But the question is, who is the other girl posing as Lady Gaga? And, is there more than 1 double? I can only discern 1 for sure, but maybe she's got 2. It WOULD be a great way to protect her, much like princess Amidala from Star Wars. I'm just pointing that out. Saddam even had a couple doubles. So, why not the illuminati's own daughter who they are using to control our young girls so well? Look into it for yourself. I'm sure you'll see that there IS something MORE wrong here.
Oh yeah, before I forget to mention, not only does she LOOK different, she SOUNDS completely different. Please don't tell me it's because of the morphing, I can hear the damn morphing and I can hear the different voices through the morphing. Clearly NOT the same person.

Hell, with all those rumors about Lady Gaga being a drag queen, well, who knows, maybe the other person playing her IS a guy. No one in the general public knows for sure. the only people who know what's going on are the people involved in the scam. Either way, it's all F***ed up! She's there as a form of mind control and to get girls to act STUPID!!!!!!!

Hey, maybe that's why the outrageous outfits and makeup. To cover up for the fact that it's not at all the same person. It would be REALLY easy to cover ANYONE to look like her as long as they look close enough to her with their features, so I think that at least ONE of her doubles, provided there's more than one, IS a guy in drag.
This is a great theory, and it would be very easy to dress similar look women up in crazy outfits to disguise her...who would know? It would be cheap to, just keep changing women...hire a new women if when this one wants too much money!!!
This is a great theory, and it would be very easy to dress similar look women up in crazy outfits to disguise her...who would know? It would be cheap to, just keep changing women...hire a new women if when this one wants too much money!!!

It WOULD be a lot cheaper to keep changing 'her' out. But I think it goes deeper than that. It's known that Stefani Germanotta has ties to an Illuminati family, the Hiltons. I would have to do further research to determine whether or not the Germanotta's are in fact part of the same secret society/societies as the Hiltons, but I'm sure much could be dug up on that. Just the name "Germanotta", has "GERMAN" in it, so that in itself, being of german blood most likely, could easily have some ties to the royal family, which would place them within the illuminati. As of right now, this is just speculation based on just the name and the Hilton ties.

I plan on going into this in more detail this weekend. I'll have lots of time to get lots of information/theories posted. I want to get into claims of Lina Morgana's mother Yana Moragana and how Stefani, or Lady GaGa, stole Lina's identity which I think is just a crock of s**t. But I'll go deeper into my thoughts on that this weekend when i have more time. I'm also gonna try to pick out some prime examples of the differences in the Gagas, their looks and their sounds, and even their movements.

I've got soooo much to say on this subject and I hope others will chime in as well, cuz I'd love to hear other views on this. I know i'm not alone with my theories.
The first 2 pictures are clearly the same girl.

Stefani Germanotta (No Lady GaGa make-up)

Stefani Germanotta (Lady Gaga - Poker Face make-up)

The next 3 images are NOT (in my opinion - I can't prove it) Stefani Germanotta. I believe them to be someone else.



The one on the left doesn't look a thing like Stefani Germanotta. The one on the right actually looks like a man in drag in the Lady Gaga dress/make-up.

These next 2 are debatable.



This last one is up for debate, but I don't believe it's the 'original' Lady Gaga - Stefani Germanotta.

She has sooooo much make up on, it hard to tell if she is not a doll.

"...The one on the right actually looks like a man in drag..."

There is speculation that Lady Gaga may be a man....and have male genitalia. But I am sure you know that!
Yes, I have heard the speculations of Gaga having the old twig and berries, hence why they showed between 'her' legs in the Telephone video. But, that being shown proves nothing.

1) It could still be a guy, but they overlayed an image of a woman's vagina on top of his crotch.

2) It could be a drag queen who had the surgery and now looks like a woman down there.

3) It could just be ANOTHER woman in place of the original Lady Gaga - Stefani Germanotta.

With the editing technology of today, the first 2 possibilities are not unlikely. But, it would be easier to get another chick to play gaga for that video.
I don't know. They all kinda look the same to me. Maybe I'm just too blinded to see? Or maybe they are the same person. I would've never thought, in a million years, that it's not the same woman and that there may be more than one of her. So, I believe her to be just 1 lady.
And then you have someone like Weird Al Yankovic posing as quite a few versions of Lady Gaga, yet, with all the makeup on his face, he still looks like the same person, where she/they DO NOT!

Just watch this: Perform This Way - by Weird Al Yankovic

You can tell it's Weird Al the whole way through. Even with all the makeup, he still looks like Weird Al. In the above video, he demonstrates quite a few of the Gagas. Why is it that HE can look like one person, but SHE looks like many? I'll tell ya why, because HE IS one, and SHE IS many!
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It honestly would not surprise me to find out that you are right, SUNGAZER. To tell you the truth, I really didn't look at this Lady Gaga until you posted this. I've heard of her, but barely. I don't listen to the radio much, mostly when I'm in the car, and I don't generally listen to the stations that play her type of music. I do see where you're coming from, and like I said, I wouldn't be at all surprised to find out that there is more than one Lady Gaga. Nothing much surprises me anymore.

Keep up the good work, eh!
It's just too damn obvious to ignore. Yes, I operate upon assumptions for my claims of this, but I know I'm not the only one seeing this. I'm using this as a way to wake people up to what's going on right in front of their faces. How does that saying go? He can't see his nose for his face. Is that how it goes? Something like that anyways. I can't keep my mouth shut over this stuff, and nobody else should either.
I don't see it. They all look the same to me. Except for good old Al of course.

Then, you, my friend, are blinded. I can only hope that you can come out of the sleeping state and join us who are at least somewhat awake. You are entitled to your opinion, everyone is, and I don't always agree with it, but when you wake up, you just might start to see it.
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you're right! OMG, how could I have not seen it before! I've been so engrossed in her videos that I didn't even notice until now. When you put everything together to view at once, it makes it quite apparent.
It's the blind-minded people who can't see what's in front of their eyes. By blind-minded, i mean hypnotized. They don't even know it. The tv, radio, the news, magazines, the list goes on. And these hypnotic things get reinforced constantly, even just by talking about them like the tv wants you to. You're keeping each other in such a hypnotic state that things like Lady Gaga, elude you. I won't let it happen anymore. I'm not shutting up about this. People need to break the spell thats on them and start seeing. We need to expose those who are holding us back with their brainwashing and hypnotizing us.

This is just step one.

Glad you can somewhat break free and see it! You'll be just fine, tell me more! You're mind is opening. If it wasn't, you wouldn't see it at all.