How to make fire with a regular orange fruit

100th Monkey

New member
This video explains how to use an orange to create fire most likely because of the citric acid. You need a rock, a stick, and a regular orange.

Mmmmmm, I'd really like to see that guy open up the egg, I'd like to see what's inside it. Of course it's bad for you, nothing about Coke is good for you, everything about it is designed to harm you. Remember its one of the most popular drinks on the planet, if they are going to use anything to hurt us it would be Coke.
It's great to have this information you never know will come in handy, citric acid can be ignited. So that means that it could probably be used as a fuel source?

Bad enough they have our corn being converted into fuel, I don't really want them doing it to our oranges to. They got a leave something for us to eat.
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There are many common chemicals that have a very low ignition point, oranges are not the only source of this. Anything that contains large amounts of fats or oils will burn well or ignite well. Also in a pinch if you can find any aerosol type cans, almost all of them contain a chemical that will ignite with smallest spark.
One of the best ways to start a fire is with a magnifying glass. Keep one with you all the time (in your car or in your purse) as long as the sun is shining they will have a source of heat to ignite a fire easily. I carry around a magnifying glass on my keychain.

As you have some dry paper, glass or twigs and the sun you have fire.
Interesting video, its good informstion, you never know when you need to know something like thst in this day and age.