Hunting, learn how to do it!


Truth feeder
I'm posting this only due to the amazing amount of people that I've spoken to who have never hunted for gone camping. A lot of people are talking about how to preserve food which is great, but all that you take with you will expire or run out at some point, then what?

Learn how to get food where ever you are! I know alot of people here are vegetarian and dont want to hurt little animals, either do I but I will not allow my family to starve to death. You dont need food stocks to survive well.
Everyone wants to know what they should buy now to help them if all hell breaks loose (which it probably will)

1. Buy a good quality waterproof tent (dome preferably).
2. a high quality hunting knife, pocket knives are handy but wont last long.
3. A billy (something you can boil water in)
4. Hunting bow and lots of arrows ( not to be used all the time but handy in dire circumstances)
5. A hunting dog ( most likely your best asset and tool for survival ) natural hunting breeds are best, (dingo, Basenji, Siberian husky) but almost any dog can be trained very easily.

Try fishing in a river with only your bare hands, learn how to cook your food with almost nothing (make your own spit out of tree branch's!)

For everyone who is contemplating where to go and what to do when hell breaks loose, nature is your only real salvation, the further you go out in to it the better off you will be, there is food and shelter everywhere!
Practice this stuff guys, it will save you!

Honor and thank everything you kill for food, it has given its life to save yours! Nature is your home, don't be afraid of it.

At some point in the future I am planning on taking anyone who is interested out on hunting/camping trips, to show people how easy it is to survive in the wild. I live in the outer west of Melbourne Australia so anyone in the area who is interested just drop me a message and I'll let you know when I'm heading out.
Greetings Unhypnotized.

Good sound tips. Survival means surviving, so would one want everyone else to know his or her skills, especially in places game, gathering and good water may be limited?

Plenty of arrows are a good idea, especially when one is attempting to ration any firearm ammunition. Good arrows are rather expensive, so I've took to making my own suitable for either my Browning Nomad or Bear Grizzly recurve bows.

To find water....THINK of water.
To find a rabbit....THINK of the rabbit.

Etc, etc..this is a solid universe where everything in creation is in direct contact with everything else, We have forgotten( or been persuaded to forget?) Time to remember, what We are, what everything else is.
All is one.
I will supply basic knowledge of dowsing for water....the plants know, the trees come YOU don't ?
To find water....THINK of water.
To find a rabbit....THINK of the rabbit.

Etc, etc..this is a solid universe where everything in creation is in direct contact with everything else, We have forgotten( or been persuaded to forget?) Time to remember, what We are, what everything else is.
All is one.
I will supply basic knowledge of dowsing for water....the plants know, the trees come YOU don't ?

Yeah everything must come down for a drink and dawn up a bit from the stream for me is the best time and place to put a broad head shaft or black powder rifle ball through a buck's heart. Plenty of streams and deer here and near about. A good many cottontails and wild gobblers as well. Then there is a fine mess of trout served up with sides of ramps and morels.

But if I find myself in a barren treeless land, I'll either die of thirst or have to look you up :)