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The Zionist-controlled mainstream media has reported that the latest two-day talks between the IAEA Watchdog and Iranian nuclear authorities have ended in “disappointment” – as no agreement was reached on any of the USrael’s issues on Iran’s nuclear program. They reported the failure of the talks was due to Iran’s refusal to allow the IAEA inspectors to visit a military site at Parachin, which according to Israeli Mossad is being used as a secret nuclear weapon testing facility.

Iran’s representative to the IAEA, Ali Asqar Soltaniyeh, has claimed that Iran is committed to continue talks with the IAEA, but the hostile countries are manipulating these positive relations.

Bad news for Israel that IAEA team was unable to find a new ‘smoking gun’ in Iran’s nuclear program. Tehran has called the UN and world powers to help declare the Middle East as a ‘Nuclear Weapon Free Zone (NWFZ)‘. Israel has conditioned the proposed NWFZ with a Arab countries’ recognition of Israel as a ‘Jewish State’ and Iran’s willingness to abandon its civilian nuclear program.

Last October, the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW) held a meeting between Israeli and Iranian activists in London (UK). Israeli representatives informed Iranians that Israelis tend to consider the nuclear question taboo or too complex for expressing dissenting opinions. It’s fine by most that only top acting political and military leaders assume that right, only in closed forums. Any relevant information in Hebrew is rare; information in English is abundant but arduous to analyse. The absence of discussion stems also from the fact that, since the inception of its own nuclear program in the late 1950s, Israel has officially stuck to a policy of “ambiguity”: it “won’t be the first country to introduce nuclear weapons in the region” is the official posture.

“If we as a society give any thought to nuclear weapons, it’s to Iran’s, which hasn’t yet become a reality,” notes Sharon Dolev, Greenpeace Mediterranean Disarmament Israeli campaigner.”Like the hunchback who doesn’t see his hump, we don’t see our own weapons.”

Last November, the IAEA, based on various foreign intelligencies reports and not findings of its own inspectors – claimed that Iran has engaged in activities related to the development of nuclear weapons, there’s no ‘smoking gun’ as to a decision to actually develop a bomb.

Advocates of the abolition of Israel’s “nuclear opacity” believe that calling a spade a spade could gradually open the region towards arms control, if not creating a NWFZ. “But if prevention (of Iran’s nuclear capability) fails, it’s unlikely that Israelis would look to arms control as a solution,” Avner Cohen, predicted in his 1998 book ‘Israel and the Bomb’.

Dr. Gareth Porter, an investgating historian, journalist and author believes that past history of Iranian cooperation with the IAEA on carrying out inspections at the Parchin military testing centre, as well as a previous IAEA-Iran work programme agreement, suggests that Iran is keeping permission for such a visit as bargaining leverage to negotiate a better deal with the agency.

“Judging from past negotiations between Iran and the IAEA, Iran is ready to offer access to Parchin as well as other sites requested by the agency as part of an agreement under which the IAEA would stop accusing Iran of carrying out covert nuclear weapons experiments,” says Dr. Gareth.

However, the problem was IAEA team wanted to interview Iranian nuclear scientists who have escaped Israeli assassinations. Iran has rejected such demands as threatening its legitimate national security interests, in violation of the IAEA statute. One wonder what would be American or Israeli reaction if IAEA insist on talking to their nuclear scientists who are working at the US-Israeli nuclear weapon producing facilities?

In order to understand the real USraeli agenda in Iran – one needs only to study Ziocon think tank, Brookings Institute’s 2009 report Which Path to Persia?. The report concedes that Iran’s leadership may be aggressive, but not reckless. The possession of nuclear weapons would be used as an absolute last resort, considering American and even Israeli nuclear deterrence capabilities. Even weapons ending up in the hands of non-state actors is considered highly unlikely by the report.
