Is it getting HOT here or am I some kind of conspiracy nut?


Why don't you ask all of those questions to Nancy Hutchison? She is the one who used the expression " The Hills are Alive" and she and her husband John declare that they know about Dads work. Perhaps you should ask your questions to her? I am sure that she would be interested to hear from you.
Shes easy to find. They are sorta all over the Internet. And they have developed a "Ray Gun " that is supposed be able to reduce radiation. It would be interesting to see what you think of what they have been saying.

Why don't you ask all of those questions to Nancy Hutchison? She is the one who used the expression " The Hills are Alive" and she and her husband John declare that they know about Dads work. Perhaps you should ask your questions to her? I am sure that she would be interested to hear from you.
Shes easy to find. They are sorta all over the Internet. And they have developed a "Ray Gun " that is supposed be able to reduce radiation. It would be interesting to see what you think of what they have been saying.

Now let me get this straight, you want me to ask Nancy Hutchison the following:

"That sounds like a reference to the Decker Lab and the wall?"

So I should ask her because her Father was at Deckers? Is that what you are saying?

By the way, do you have any pictures of anything at Decker's?

So that would also mean I should be asking Nancy for photos of Deckers.

How big was the wall? Was it mounted to the wall or was it built in front of the wall? Nancy can tell me the size of the wall the speaker was on etc...interesting.

There are no references in the lab books so what is the source for the reference to the speaker at Decker's? Again, very interesting that you tell me to ask Nancy about Deckers'. Does that mean her Father wrote lab books in regard to Deckers'?

Therefore, since you are telling me to ask Nancy Hutchison about Deckers, are we to assume that it was her Father who was there and was the individual that built the speaker referred to all along?

I asked you Linda, don't side step the questions. Ever see yourself in how you demand others to answer your questions?

And comment on Dr. Paul Brown? Why?

You make me laugh...still....pertinent little girl. And yes, you still come across as a little girl.

Dear Mikado.

Do you want me to wear a Catholic School girl uniform and braid my hair? Will that help with your fantasy?
I am really not into games like that but you can picture me any way that you want. Its your head. Being called a little girl right now is a compliment.

Mikado if you want to do YOUR homework...... is that the Hutchisons are developing what they call a " Ray Gun .... honest.... no joke.... and with it they are incorporating what they have openly said that they learned from my Dads technology.

We have had our differences Mikado ......but the situation with the Hutchisons bears looking into it... if you regard what Dad did at all and plan to carry forward with any of his work, I don't know how to " bring you up to speed" on what is happening there but I am asking you to look into it.

? View topic - Claims made

and I think you will REALLY enjoy this one

? View topic - Sounds of Oregon

But as always.... Do what you will.

Dear Mikado.

Do you want me to wear a Catholic School girl uniform and braid my hair? Will that help with your fantasy?
I am really not into games like that but you can picture me any way that you want. Its your head. Being called a little girl right now is a compliment.

Actually, I never found the uniforms that the girls wore in school very flattering. It would appear that you are taking my reference in the wrong manner but looking back over the course of conversations in which I used that image, I would have expected you to come out and say I was a pedophile, if you haven't already....oh wait...I think someone sent me a message in that manner where you and Cat were having a grand time in that vein. Yes, I know, you are both sooooooo psychic.

Mikado if you want to do YOUR homework...... is that the Hutchisons are developing what they call a " Ray Gun .... honest.... no joke.... and with it they are incorporating what they have openly said that they learned from my Dads technology.

I believe you are misunderstanding their technology/claims due to your own lack of understanding. Remember, you always claimed that you were the one standing in the hallway during science class. Someone from your forum sent me a copy of a message with a link to a forum called liferay.

Which begs the still sending those messages? If not, who/whom is the minion?

Mikado if you want to do YOUR homework...... is that the Hutchisons are developing what they call a " Ray Gun .... honest.... no joke.... and with it they are incorporating what they have openly said that they learned from my Dads technology.

We have had our differences Mikado ......but the situation with the Hutchisons bears looking into it... if you regard what Dad did at all and plan to carry forward with any of his work, I don't know how to " bring you up to speed" on what is happening there but I am asking you to look into it.

? View topic - Claims made

and I think you will REALLY enjoy this one

? View topic - Sounds of Oregon

But as always.... Do what you will.

First of all, even though in your post it doesn't say where the link is from, upon posting, the link is to your forum. Now why would I go there directly and read? Afterall, going to your forum to read would be akin to being in debate class with you and I on the podiums and you giving your point and when it came time for my counterpoint, the mediator comes up and puts a gag on me and then your would give your rebuttal and claim that I cannot respond so therefore your point is made. If you can't see that, then you really are dumber than you look. If I can respond, I would read and you don't want that.....fear Linda.....pure unadulterated fear.

And for 5 years, I did what you willed until the truth awoke me.

You want to join the Cosmic-Token? Please join.

But understand that any divisive remarks you make about me will be ignored by me and if they are insulting... I am telling you right up front that they will be deleted. If that happens you will have to make the decision if your remark was worth it... then it needs to be rephrased..

If you have constructive things to say then you are welcomed and yes... actually needed in the conversation. Hobbit would be delighted to see you back... I know that.

But before we go there maybe I should address some of your comments here so that we can go on without coming back to them.

1)If you can't see that, then you really are dumber than you look (THATS precisely the kind of remark that will get you deleted.)
2)And for 5 years, I did what you willed until the truth awoke me.

So good..... if you believe that you see the " truth now" You are your own person. Go forth and make what you know productive. Its time for you to take responsibilities then... More power to you.

and the last response

"I believe you are misunderstanding their technology/claims due to your own lack of understanding. Remember, you always claimed that you were the one standing in the hallway during science class. Someone from your forum sent me a copy of a message with a link to a forum called liferay.

Which begs the still sending those messages? If not, who/whom is the minion?

I have never sent you a message Mikado... directly or through an agent... this is the only one that I will be sending you. Its sort of a one time deal and its totally up to you....Whoever has been keeping you abreast of what is going on with me and this Forum I think probably has an interest in you as a person. Perhaps there are many others on the Cosmic Token too that feel the same way. You can join us and be a productive member or you can insult your way out... Its really up to you.... Linda
Oh, if you decide to join... let me know here. After that influx of false members we have a few restrictions on our memberships that were not there before and it would take special handling to walk your application through to full Forum membership... which I would want you to have. Tom usually would do that but I am not asking anything of him until he decides to come back... so since you are here already... we can continue the discussions here on the board and until you can post directly over there I would copy the messages over for you. Don't know how else to do it. If you have other suggestions... I will listen. Linda
Just to be clear, I objected to Linda banning Mikado from the Cosmi Token when he hadn't done anything to warrant that action. He joined. He said hello. He got banned.

Now let me get this straight, you want me to ask Nancy Hutchison the following:

"That sounds like a reference to the Decker Lab and the wall?"

So I should ask her because her Father was at Deckers? Is that what you are saying?

No , but whatever works for you.

By the way, do you have any pictures of anything at Decker's?

Yes I do. Nice picture of Dad standing in front of the main finished unit, showing how big it was...I would guess about 40 feet wide and twice as high as Dad standing there... which means about 12 feet tall. So that would also mean I should be asking Nancy for photos of Deckers.

How big was the wall? Was it mounted to the wall or was it built in front of the wall? Nancy can tell me the size of the wall the speaker was on etc...interesting. There was a walkway behind the unit. I remember being able to climb up on a ladder in the back to make corrections or repairs... Plenty of room to work. Nancy doesn't know anything at all about the Decker speakerThere are no references in the lab books( remember that he was keeping a separate set of lab books Mikado.. I have the first seven but there is a nine year gap... remember. This was during that "gap" so what is the source for the reference to the speaker at Decker's? Again, very interesting that you tell me to ask Nancy about Deckers'. Does that mean her Father wrote lab books in regard to Deckers'? Nope.Therefore, since you are telling me to ask Nancy Hutchison about Deckers, are we to assume that it was her Father who was there and was the individual that built the speaker referred to all along?

I asked you Linda, don't side step the questions. Ever see yourself in how you demand others to answer your questions?

Nancys claim to fame is that she is John Hutchisons wife now.... and the " agent" for the firm in Oregon where they are supposedly building a " ray gun". fun huh.And comment on Dr. Paul Brown? Why? Because his name has not come up.

You make me laugh...still....pertinent little girl. And yes, you still come across as a little girl. Good. AT least with you Mikado I will never age! <g> Goodnight. LindaMikado

Shoot have to write more outside the quote.... is this enough? Linda

I wish that I did have more pictures of our time spent at Deckers but I was never allowed to take pictures. We had our own building there in the Decker complex... Building number four.... but I know now that the entire complex is GONE.... as you know... there is no trace left that Deckers was ever there.... Paul Schatzkin and I stood where it was.... now a parking lot.....

Nancy doesn't know anything about Dads work there at Deckers. She is coming at this from another direction entirely. I don't understand anything that she is trying to explain to me. And she can repeat it all she wants. I have the hunch that somewhere she is onto something.... but its covered with so much information I can't see through it. This is a complicated situation Mikado and I can't explain it all at once. And you might decide that you are not interested in looking into any of this so this message may just be a waste of time. I just hoped that you might give me your impression of the viability of what she claims that they are actually doing. It makes no sense to me.... but thats no real shock. I was out in the hallway, remember? <g> Linda
This is an example of the material being talked about on the Cosmic-Token...A message from Nancy Hutchison.... posted recently
? View topic - The Hutchison Consortium Discussions

Now back to your father and the fan/loudspeaker.
Remember, sound creates matter
Alter the law..the relationship of one thing to another
alter the spin, the caduceus coil of sound
and you alter matter
as in what is purported to happen in the Philadelphia Experiment.

and in the Hutchison lab with the transmutation of metals into substances that were no longer metal.
the technology that Elizabeth was so intent on knowing
and, as I understand, the reason you don't "trust me or what we are doing".

Nothing I can do or say that is going to convince you to trust us.


( I basically agreed with her in my response. The " Elizabeth that she mentions was Elizabeth Rauscher. I don't know if she has crossed your path yet or not...Take care in that direction)

This is an example of the material being talked about on the Cosmic-Token...A message from Nancy Hutchison.... posted recently
? View topic - The Hutchison Consortium Discussions

Now back to your father and the fan/loudspeaker.
Remember, sound creates matter
Alter the law..the relationship of one thing to another
alter the spin, the caduceus coil of sound
and you alter matter
as in what is purported to happen in the Philadelphia Experiment.

What was reported in the Philadelphia Experiment, at least generally, was that the decks/bulkheads became fluidic in that men dissolved into them thus making the claim that the metal transformed into a semi-liquid state. And of course, there is another theory in that the men and ship became out of sync with each other and when rematerializing, they weren't exactly in phase. Who knows, however, what Nancy might be referring to is the frequency produced in the purported coils in the ship and that these frequencies transmuted the metal hull of the ship.

Thus, matter was altered. Just a guess mind you.

and in the Hutchison lab with the transmutation of metals into substances that were no longer metal.
the technology that Elizabeth was so intent on knowing
and, as I understand, the reason you don't "trust me or what we are doing".

Nothing I can do or say that is going to convince you to trust us.


( I basically agreed with her in my response. The " Elizabeth that she mentions was Elizabeth Rauscher. I don't know if she has crossed your path yet or not...Take care in that direction)


Can frequencies cause the transmutation of metal? Can it cause the transmutation of ..... any matter? I would have to agree to an extent. I remember seeing you tubes several years ago by Hutchison that showed metal turning into liquid without any heat, just by resonant frequencies along with the juxtaposition of frequencies being imparted to the metal. In fact, if I remember correctly, there was a piece of wood inserted into the molten metal and the two became one after the frequencies were stopped. Here was a piece of metal with this wood sticking out of it. Sound like some of the purported stores of men in deck plates? Perhaps this is the basis for the statement in regard to your Father's work.

I don't see the fan/loudspeaker as something that was created for the remediation of radiation, at least from what I know. Doesn't mean I am correct but I see the fan as an antenna that is capable of transmitting longitudinal waves. Now, could this be adapted to what Hutchison is doing? I don't see why not but I am wondering if that is what they want or they might want a transverse wave instead.

Well, that's the short version,


May I repost this on the Token as well so that folks there and here can see your comments? Perhaps your thoughts will help someone else have a unique thought on this situation. Linda
Mikado and anyone else who wants to respond. Here is a recent exchange

Nancy_Hutchison » Fri Jan 17, 2014 5:30 pm

Linda Brown wrote:
Your mention of the Chinese "Knock off" Ionic Breeze made me smile.

Jim Lee ( developer of the "Ionic Breeze" which he presented to Sharper Image after Dads death of course... when Paul Schatzkin interviewed Mr. Lee he said that he had tried to get them to mention Dad as the "prior art" but they chose to say in the informercials that the device was a " revolutionary new technology developed exclusively in the Sharper Image labs" and there was not much that he could do about that.... At the time HIS patents ( built on my Dads prior work) had run out themselves so of course the Chinese immediately flooded the market with them. I just smiled.

Of course.....You can make them into a loudspeaker. I think that Andrew Bolland managed to do that of course... but you are saying that you don't want to do that? Leaving this inference ????????
Nancy responded:We have a Chinese knock off of an Ionic Breeze here at the lab.
Had one thought, just after Linda mentioned the fan/loudspeaker experiment with her father
"Maybe we should try adding the device."
Next thought--
"Too much at risk. Adding it has the potential of destroying what we are doing."

and I respondedToo much at risk? What do you mean by that? How could adding THAT destroy any potential of what you are doing? I find that an odd comment. Unless you have already tried it and found that to be true? Linda

Nancy had this in response and I would like Mikados translation on what this means, if thats possible.Read Mikado's comment about changing the speaker changing the wave form.Nancy_Hutchison
I noticed that Mikado has joined the Cosmic -Token but it will probably be awhile before he has posting priviledges. Here we go. <g> Linda