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Israeli and American Jewish media is very excited about Barack Obama’s nomination of Sen. John Kerry as next Secretary of State to replace Israel-Firster Hillary Clinton who is expected to retire early next month. Hillary Clinton is expected to go for presidency in 2016. French foreign minister Laurent Fabius was the first world Jewish leader who congratulated Kerry, calling him the perfect choice. In October 2012, Fabius had claimed that Iran is on way to become a nuclear power.

On December 22, Chemi Shalev at Israeli daily Ha’aretz described John Kerry, as: “John Kerry is a staunch supporter of Israel. He has an exemplary voting record in the Senate on Israel issues and believes in a muscular American posture against Iran’s nuclear design“. However, according to Chemi and other Israeli propagandists, John Kerry doesn’t meet the “Israel-Firster” definition – because he has been critical of Israel’s policy of new illegal Jewish sttlements. In 2009, Kerry had admitted Washington’s opposition to new settlements “a policy on paper but not backed by actions“.

John Kerry’s grandfather Frederick A. Kerry was born Fritz Kohn in the Czech Republic. John’s brother Cameron Kerry returned to Judaism when he married Jewish lawyer Kathy Weinman.

John Kerry 69, has all the ‘kosher credentials’. He has the approval from Israel-Firster heavyweights like Senators John McCain and Joe Lieberman. Therefore, Kerry will certainly receive stamp of approval from the pro-Israel lawmakers who hold majority in both the Congress and Senate. The Jewish Lobby don’t consider John Kerry as “evil” as the former senator Chuck Hagel who may get nominated for the post of Secretary of Defense. Both John Kerry and Chuck Hagel are Vietnam War veterans and won medals for serving American imperialism.

Karry has represented Obama adminitration in negotiation with American Viceroy in Kabul Hamid Karzai, anti-Israel Syrian president Bashar al-Assad and US poodle Asif Ali Zardari in Islamabad.

Both John Kerry and his millionaire wife Teresa Heinz (owner of Heinz Foods) are members of of the powerful Israel advocacy group, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). CFR president emeritus Leslie H. Gelb (Jewish) who admitted that he supported Iraq war to further his career, said that John Kerry would like to jump into direct negotiation on Iran’s nuclear program.

The Jewish dual citizen and Bush administration’s convicted senior official, Elliott Abrams, said: “I know 2013 will be a very tough year on Iran. If I were he (Kerry), I would try to insist I’m incharge and the negotiators will be my guys, not from the White House‘.

Professor Shibley Telhami (University of Maryland), who is senior fellow at Jewish advocacy group Saban Center for Middle East Policy, says that Kerry will be less follower of Israel dictation than Hillary Clinton.

Jonathan Schanzer, the Zionist Jewish vice-president of Israel advocacy group, the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, says the Kerry’s first test would be how much credibility he will have with the new Syrian government after the fall of Bashar al-Assad. He was trying to make fun of Kerry and his wife having dinner with the president of Syria in Damascus in 2009.

Israel: ‘John Kerry is kosher’ | Rehmat's World