Israeli daily: “Peres bought Nobel Prize for $100,000″


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Last week, Yoav Yitzhak, in the wide circulation newspaper Maariv, revealed that Shimon Peres gave his Norwegian pal Terje Roed Larsen, the UN special coordinator for Middle East peace, $100,000 to secure him a Nobel Prize. In June 2008, Lebanese Islamic Resistance Hizbullah had accused Larsen for acting as an Israeli poodle.

This week, Israeli journalist David Bedein, writing in Makor Rishon, applied the coup de grace. He interviewed a member of the Nobel Prize Committee, Kaare Kristiansen, who not just confirmed the bribe but described Larsen’s pressure on the committee in full detail.

Shimon Peres (born in 1923 as Szymon Perski in Poland), has always been a “shady character” who was not trusted by most of early Zionist leaders. For example, in 1952, Zionist prime minister Moshe Sharett said of Peres: “I utterly reject Peres and see his ascendance as the most malignant form of political corruption. It will be a cause of national mourning if Peres becomes a minister of government for Israel“.

Jewish historian, Avner Cohen, in book ‘Israel and the Bomb’ has called David Ben Gurion and his protégé Peres as the ‘Father of Israel’s nucler bomb’. In December 2009, Peres’ fellow Israeli Jewish writer and author, Gilad Atzmon, called him a War Criminal.

Shimon Peres was the first head of state who met the newly appointed Pope Francis I, at Vatican. Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio, former Archbishop of Buenos Aires (Argentina) belongs to the Franciscan cult of Roman Catholism, founded by St. Francis of Assisi in 1208. Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio adopted his Papal name Francis I in honor of the founder of the Franciscan Order. During his stay in Rome, Peres also visited the tomb of St. Francis at Assisi.

On May 1, 2013, Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs in a statement said: “President Shimon Peres, in the Italian city of Assisi received the honorary Citizenship of Peace of the city of Assisi, the symbol of peace in Italy. Assisi Mayor Claudio Ricci, dignitaries and hundreds Franciscan friars. During the ceremony President Peres received the unique award and the key to the city of Assisi for the first time in history. Assisi, the birthplace of St. Francis, was filled with thousands of tourists, Franciscan choirs, dancing troupes and more.“

Israeli daily: “Peres bought Nobel Prize for $100,000″ | Rehmat's World