Jewish Lobbyists are loyal to Israel only


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According to some Israeli sources, there are nearly 50 American Jewish advocacy groups, which lobby the US Congress and White House on behalf of Israel. American pro-Israel Jewish leaders, like Dr. Noam Chomsky and Abraham Foxman, on the other hand, claim that their is no Jewish lobby working for the interests of the Zionist entity or controls US foreign policy in the ME in favor of that entity.

The US secretary of state, John Kerry, without realizing, exposed the power of the US Jewish Lobby. In his speech at the American Jewish Congress early this month, he urged American Jewish leaders to convince the Zionist regime to negotiate peace with the Palestinian Authority (PA).

Historically, the American Jewish Lobby was born on February 25, 1901, when Theodor Herzl, president of the World Zionist Organization wrote a letter to Richard Gotteil, president of American Zionist Federation, urging him to enlist other American Jewish organizations to lobby for Jewish immigration to British occupied Palestine.

Prominent pro-Israel advocacy groups in the lobby include the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, the American Jewish Congress (AJC), the Anti-Defamation League (ADL); Christians United for Israel (CUFI), and pro-Israel think tanks like the Washington Institute for Near East Policy (WINEP) and the American Enterprise Institute (AEI).

In addition to running smearing campaigns against Muslim countries (Iran, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Sudan, Somalia, Pakistan, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc.) for the benefit of the Zionist entity, some of these groups have been caught lobbying for the US military complex to sell arms to Turkey, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Tiawan, to name a few.

Jewish journalist, Eli Clifton, in an article published in The Nation on June 25, 2013, claims that the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) received $550,000 contribution from government of Taiwan for lobbying on behalf of Taiwan for US arms sales to the Chinese enclave.

On June 28, 2013, The Bilzerian Report, published an interesting post, entitled ‘Let’s Deport Israel’s Lobbyists, Rather Than Hardworking Mexicans’.

Think about it. Who is more American: a Mexican child smuggled into America as an infant who has spent his entire life working hard and defending freedom, or a guy born in some US state who has never even read the Constitution and believes in programs which deprive his fellow citizens of their rights, such as socialism and gun control? Is it fair that the Mexican-born person is deprived of US citizenship while a person who lobbies politicians to give America’s resources away to another nation and campaigns to have American soldiers killed in Middle Eastern wars that are really for another nation’s security, is considered a privileged citizen?,” wrote Bilzerian.

Jewish Lobbyists are loyal to Israel only | Rehmat's World