Linda Brown – Daughter of Thomas Townsend Brown (TTB)

A reminder to all that plonker besides meaning ( idiot ) also is a reference to a certain part of the male anatomy.
And no matter how fond one might become of that certain part..... it is still only that.
And it usually has a mind of its own.

So I am not sure that I would assume that you have been given a compliment Mikado... but of course with your ego... almost anything is possible.

And what I do with my pantyhose is not up for discussion here... Sweetheart.

A reminder to all that plonker besides meaning ( idiot ) also is a reference to a certain part of the male anatomy.
And no matter how fond one might become of that certain part..... it is still only that.
And it usually has a mind of its own.

So I am not sure that I would assume that you have been given a compliment Mikado... but of course with your ego... almost anything is possible.

And what I do with my pantyhose is not up for discussion here... Sweetheart.


But you can discuss my penis...affectionately?

You wouldn't know sarcasm if you were run over by it.

Little school bus

Mikado....<g>...on second thought...ROFL
"But you can discuss my penis...affectionately?

Now THERE is what I mean by a roaring, over the edge EGO. WHO was talking about your penis Mikado?
Again.... only in your mind! What a dangerous place it must be!

Stop rolling around on the floor Mikado. Its a ridiculous mental image.

"But you can discuss my penis...affectionately?

Now THERE is what I mean by a roaring, over the edge EGO. WHO was talking about your penis Mikado?
Again.... only in your mind! What a dangerous place it must be!

Stop rolling around on the floor Mikado. Its a ridiculous mental image.


Let's do this again. Did you go to the link I posted in regard to the meaning of the word "plonker"?

Why don't you do so and you will see why I posted what I did.

What does plonker mean? plonker Definition. Meaning of plonker.

Now, so you understand why I said what I did?

The link is sometimes difficult to see Hobbit. On my screen its barely another color to show that it is in fact a link.

Can we please talk about something just a little more worthwhile?

Men. <g>

I have a straight out question for you Mikado. Why is it that you feel this need to continue to interact in what I am doing? You really have no reason to do that. You say you have research. Why aren't you just doing that? Why do you even care about what I have said to others? Thats my reputation and responsibility. I don't recall anyone appointing you the Mikado Police force to regulate what I am saying about my own experiences and my own family. What is it to you?

You seem to be constantly trying to keep me from " tarnishing" my own fathers reputation? Why are you worried about that. The work will prove him out. Seems to me that you are more worried about people not taking YOU seriously... and you should worry about that. Look at the spectacle that you have made of yourself.

Or is that all there is? You ready to settle for that... Your interaction with me all you have left of the Townsend Brown Legacy? If thats the truth thats really too bad.... but again its not my responsibility.

You keep coming back to respond to me as if you expect me to be cordial to you. Reread some of the things that you and your girlfriend have spouted about me over the past few months... and don't give me that " searching for the truth crap" You know what you were doing.

You want to be free of me and all I stand for then walk away....

You have betrayed some who really cared for and trusted you.... and thats something that cannot be changed. Don't expect an easy road from me.
The link is sometimes difficult to see Hobbit. On my screen its barely another color to show that it is in fact a link.

Can we please talk about something just a little more worthwhile?

Men. <g>


Like invisable ink?
I reckon He posted it in another thread.
Mr meticulous should be aware that He making mistakes?
He doesn't like admitting that Hobbit. Its not part of who he is. But we have never really known who this person is, have we. What has been " presented" to us is one thing. Who he actually is.... is another.

"You have betrayed some who really cared for and trusted you.... and thats something that cannot be changed. Don't expect an easy road from me. "

Thats something I actually wrote a couple of messages ago and I was addressing Mikado.

But I really made an error when I said that and I have since been corrected.

Of course I was speaking of the fellow that Paul chose to call " Morgan"....( meaning that he had been betrayed by Mikado and was trusting in him).... but I was since reminded that some never trusted Mikado to start with... in that meeting in Vegas ( which Mikado has already disclosed numerous times) Mikado blew up over my comment about " engaging the black Submarine"... Mikado reacted then as if a couple of cats were fighting in his brain.... everyone who was sitting at that big table will remember that. I was shocked by his reaction, and I don't think I was alone. We had all just been informed that one of the reasons that our discussions had not been noticed too much by others was that we were all " rank amateurs" and that we had to realize with a subject like this every intelligence agency in the world would have their eyes out for us.... including the Vatican. We all just sort of looked at each other...

I had just said that SOMEDAY I was going to " go after" the entity that I had long ago dubbed the " black submarine".... (that was sort of my code name for a group of people who had been shadowing my activities regarding my Dads work for years). I had a short list of people I suspected were aboard the black sub.... Steven Greer being one of them.... Elizabeth Rauscher being another.....Were they friends just keeping an eye on me? Or were they a force in opposition to what I was trying to accomplish? I stated that it would soon be time to have that actually revealed.

Mikado nearly had a fit. He stormed away from the breakfast meeting... stayed in a huff all day and then confronted me later as I was working with Pladuim....
He stormed in.... threw his cap on the floor and ranted at me............There were three of us there at the time and of course we all saw things differently.

There was a big discussion later on the HUT about whether or not he had raised his fist in anger at me.... all a matter of perception. He claimed that he did not threaten me.... but I percieved it as a threat. I had said..." Of course Mikado... I will not do anything like that until you are secure with your work..You should KKNOW that!!!"...I moved forward to give him a hug of reassurance.... Pladuim was working nearby and watched the whole scene unfold with wide eyes.

Mikado " threw up his hands " (in anger and frustration?) That we all agree on.... but I stepped back because I thought that he was going to hit me!... the emotions were that strong in that room! Mikado stormed out and Pladuim just looked at me, hardly believing what had happened... That was the first public demonstration of the man we have gotten to know since then. The REAL Mikado.

In a talk with " Mr. Smith" later I cried over the fact that we had " lost Mikado"

And his only response was " Sweetheart.... You never had him to start with"

Jan mentions that the only men in her experience that use the pet name " Sweetheart" are generally dangerous men. And I believe her.

I just posted this on the cosmic-token but would like to share this observation with you folks too. You tell me how we should regard someone who actually ( I believe him) had an exchange with the " spirit world" but then decided to hide all of that from the rest of us. How trustworthy is that person... or do we even believe that he had any contact with the " other side" at all. How do we know that he didn't just make everything up as part of his long standing agenda. Its worth investigating to a point I think.

• View topic - Regarding the HUT and Mikado lll

Linda Brown » Tue Dec 18, 2012 4:34 pm

Sometimes I think I need to restate things here that have actually happened because Mikado is still trying to present himself as the paragon of virtue in other places regarding his interactions with me.... while blaming me all along.... he has been no saint. He has not even been truthful. He said here.....

"[i]Everything about Merlin was correct except for one thing. I shielded him at his request. He said he didn't wish to be involved but what was I supposed to do with the information he was talking about? Afterall, we all were under the spell of Linda and any info needed to be told in some manner...didn't it?[/i]

He says he " shielded him at his request"..... he said because the man "didn't want to be involved"

All thats just fine and Dandy if Mikado had been honest enough at the time to tell us that he was speaking to the spirit of a man who had been DEAD since July of 1999.

And he says I TWIST the truth?

Decide where you are going to be Mikado! But don't mislead us. It makes you look foolish.... and some might even say..... unbalanced? are you going to be straight with us or was Merlin just the " tip of the iceberg" as was once told to me.

And again I ask myself..... when the proofs of Mikados various deceptions are so obvious.... why do I keep thinking that I should involve myself further? Why should I worry about him " redeeming himself?

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And thank you for this spot Lady of Light. I would like to keep it going so that I can report occasionally on what is happening in my the future.

The boxes are starting to be stacked against the wall ... just as you had said....this is going to be a long process. Two places are involved.... here in the desert and in Philadelphia....

I am so thankful to have your help. Linda
More and more boxes Lady of Light. If I am not talking about it much... it does not diminish the importance of what is happening here. Hard to know even where to start.... sitting now with a black notebook FILLED with my Dads own handwriting and I have never seen it before! And that was just from ONE of the boxes that you foretold.

The words " Due Diligence" have been returning and returning and returning so I invite all of you to trundle along with me as I try to work all of this out. I feel that we are finally on the right path...

I posted this recently on the Hut and would like to put a link here too.

• View topic - Due Diligence

1947. Indeed. An important year for all of us.

I hope its alright but I feel that it is important to copy that link to the Hut. Can't always explain things...

"In November of 1947 my Dad visited a place called " Barking Sands"

Afterward he set up his entire immediate family ( My Grandmother, Mary Bliss Townsend Brown and my mother Josephine Beale Brown.... my brother Joseph and me.... in a VERY out of the way 17 acres in a remote canyon of the island of Kauai. He set up what was to be the first of his " remote labs".... which there was nothing much more than a big searchlight and a few rows of sugar cane.....He made sure that we had plenty of canned goods and that Mother knew the neighbors well enough to be invited to the occasional " fish pull" .... the garden had other vegetables and the spot where we lived had banannas and guavas growing wild.....we even had the family dog.... Ginger... who traveled with us from California....

Then suddenly Dad was gone. And except for a couple of visits ... he stayed gone from us until we moved to the base of Diamond head and Dad had his famous " Demonstration" for the " Brass" that has been so well recorded by the FBI and reported by so many others.

But where was he during the time that he was gone from us? Working with Beau Kitselman... I am sure.... but what were they both doing?

Elsewhere there is a project which is simply called Project1947. Its worth looking into.

I have my own particular style of that " due diligence." Starting also in 1947.

Lets see where all these boxes lead us! Linda
Linda Brown

Posts: 4032
Joined: Thu Aug 25, 2011 1:08 pm
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Of course the above information makes no sense to someone who would believe that I am not who I say I am.... and do not have the authority of being Townsend Browns daughter. It was a pleasant trip through the giggle weeds folks but the time for games is OVER. I may not be able to explain what I am doing and why I am doing it.... but rest assured.... I am who I have said I am..... and now the real work I was set out to do... is in front of us. Boxes and Boxes of it Lady of Light.... Boxes and Boxes. Linda
A quote from something written in 1942

"This consideration now resolves itself into two objectives

Production of highly directed ( beamed) radient energy
The production of force or motion ( reaction effect)
Both objectives will be borne in mind in the development of the method. BOTH are equally important and useful."

Please note that the date was about one month AFTER Dad mysteriously resigned from the Navy.
He reported to Vega Aircraft and met with some engineers there. I know that Bradford Shank was one of them....and I believe that Beau Kitselman was another.

Two objectives to be developed...... a beam of " radient energy?"
and the production of motion......

WHAT were they working on?

Remember the time frame here folks. Wars were raging .... so what was the person that was reported to be the 'foremost authority on the detection of radar.... up to?"

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I just posted this on the Cosmic Token but it needs to be asked here too....

by Linda Brown » Thu Dec 20, 2012 5:38 pm
Where do people get the idea that the " military shot the UFO down?" The one that " crashed" at Roswell? I have heard for years that something strange CRASHED... but when was it that the idea that it may have been "shot down" was floated?

Anybody know? Was it an author writing books about UFOs? Was it someone just asking the question more recently on the internet? How did they come to that conclusion. I think that maybe I need to find where the source of that story was and investigate it myself.

Tecumseh... You knew Beau well. Did he ever mention to you when he first met Townsend Brown? I just wondered.

Does the idea of developing some sort of " death ray" for DEFENSE make any sense to you.

Dad would have gone in that direction if he was convinced that we were under a threat somehow from an outside force.

So was he involved in developing something that had the capability of downing an intruder ship? If that was the case.... then we still have that system.... and I can see why it would be cloaked in disinformation .... and will still be.....

You can see that I have not made myself any kind of expert in things related to UFOs but I think that I ought to start paying attention. Expecially now that this new possibility has raised itself.

What would have been important enough for the Navy to release someone of the calibre that my Dad enjoyed in his position.... especially during wartime?

What was it that drew him into such a horrifyingly dangerous mission to secure a " high voltage expert" who was being offered as some sort of " trade" by a section of the German military? Did that mission have anything to do with what was being reported as "Foo Fighters" over the skies of Germany at the time? Why was DAD the one who was picked for this mission? He wasn't even in the Navy at the time? Why did he go?

Mikado and his " Due Diligence" effort on the HUT ... attempted to discredit the entire story that Mr. Twigsnapper told me about my Dads experience in Germany... but I think the harder we look at it the more things that we will find will back it up... I just haven't looked hard enough..

I am sure that the forces determined to keep this story in the black have been operating in Mikados camp too... whether he was involved and realized it ....or not.

And why would Dad so hurriedly shift all of us to Hawaii and then effectively " stash" us there for so long. What happened during the summer of 1947? Roswell.....

What happened later when green " fireballs" were being seen over the Southwest? Exactly what was our military doing about it. I have read reports that General Curtis LeMay was convinced that they were a demonstration of some sort of " death ray".... why did he come to that conclusion. The man was brash and arrogant.... but he was not stupid.

So what was REALLY going on that we have not been told.

And I have a feeling that many of the old stories are just going to be told and retold but perhaps the time has come to NOW look at everything with fresh eyes and the proper fresh questions. Linda
And just today I got an invitation to the 22nd Annual 2013 UFO Congress Convention and Film Festival.

One particular speaker I think has logged onto the new slant of things. His name is Grant Cameron....
his short discription of his dissertation mentions this....

"In a 1950 top secret Canadian government memo it was reported that American officials had confirmed that " flying saucers were real, it was the most highly classified subject in the country and that the American officials were " investigating along quite a number of lines which might possibly be related to the saucers such as mental phenomena"

Now there is an interesting twist. Who was that who had the news of the most " highly classified subject" leaked to the Canadian Wibert Smith? Ultimately that came from a man named Dr. Robert Sarbacher? And what was he doing in the 1950s? Spending alot of time with my Dad....

So what was going on here folks? Linda