Linda Brown – Daughter of Thomas Townsend Brown (TTB)


I think what you may be referring to is a remark that Hobbit made about me being LAL?

He was using my current initials.... instead of my maiden name which was LAB.

I don't normally announce my married name, as just a matter of privacy. I am sure that you understand.

Did you get the response for the " friend" request? I am not sure how to respond to that, hope I did it right!

Was that the proper question for my response on LAL? Linda
Like invisable ink?
I reckon He posted it in another thread.
Mr meticulous should be aware that He making mistakes?

You reckon wrongly.

Mikado said:
Let's do this again. Did you go to the link I posted in regard to the meaning of the word "plonker"?

Why don't you do so and you will see why I posted what I did.

What does plonker mean? plonker Definition. Meaning of plonker.

Now, so you understand why I said what I did?


Now if you point your mouse to the sentence in blue and left click on it, you will be directed to where I received my information.

And Linda talks about my jumping to conclusions, did you even attempt to click on it?

You reckon wrongly.

Now if you point your mouse to the sentence in blue and left click on it, you will be directed to where I received my information.

And Linda talks about my jumping to conclusions, did you even attempt to click on it?


WHAT a plonker.

I asked You where You provided a link to the defination of PLONKER.....You did so in another thread, not this thread.
You only put the link into this thread after I asked.
He doesn't like admitting that Hobbit. Its not part of who he is. But we have never really known who this person is, have we. What has been " presented" to us is one thing. Who he actually is.... is another.

"You have betrayed some who really cared for and trusted you.... and thats something that cannot be changed. Don't expect an easy road from me. "

Thats something I actually wrote a couple of messages ago and I was addressing Mikado.

But I really made an error when I said that and I have since been corrected.

Of course I was speaking of the fellow that Paul chose to call " Morgan"....( meaning that he had been betrayed by Mikado and was trusting in him).... but I was since reminded that some never trusted Mikado to start with... in that meeting in Vegas ( which Mikado has already disclosed numerous times) Mikado blew up over my comment about " engaging the black Submarine"... Mikado reacted then as if a couple of cats were fighting in his brain.... everyone who was sitting at that big table will remember that. I was shocked by his reaction, and I don't think I was alone. We had all just been informed that one of the reasons that our discussions had not been noticed too much by others was that we were all " rank amateurs" and that we had to realize with a subject like this every intelligence agency in the world would have their eyes out for us.... including the Vatican. We all just sort of looked at each other...

I had just said that SOMEDAY I was going to " go after" the entity that I had long ago dubbed the " black submarine".... (that was sort of my code name for a group of people who had been shadowing my activities regarding my Dads work for years). I had a short list of people I suspected were aboard the black sub.... Steven Greer being one of them.... Elizabeth Rauscher being another.....Were they friends just keeping an eye on me? Or were they a force in opposition to what I was trying to accomplish? I stated that it would soon be time to have that actually revealed.

Really, you do twist. Actually, it was a discussion you were having with Johnny in regard to the "black sub". You were discussing how you were going on the offensive and he was asking "why?". It was not a "SOMEDAY" but something you wanted to start doing then. You didn't seem to care about anyone other than the fact that "you" wanted to go on an offensive to an unknown/unidentified enemy. After your discussion or at a brief interlude is when I interjected in regards to YOUR going on an offensive to unknown/unidentified individuals and that in your doing so, you might expose those of us who wished to remain anonymous. At that point, you kept saying "excuse me" and were interrupting as I was attempting to explain myself. You were "crying" the fact that your whole life was exposed and you could do what you wished. I was attempting to tell you that it was YOUR choice to do so and that you didn't have the right to expose those of us who wished to remain anonymous to continue our work. You didn't give a damn about anyone else except yourself. And you still don't and your actions have proven me to be correct but it took over a year for that proof to come forward.

Mikado nearly had a fit. He stormed away from the breakfast meeting...

Actually, I "stormed" away several times taking phone calls from home. You are portraying the situation to your advantage and not truthfully.

... stayed in a huff all day and then confronted me later as I was working with Pladuim....
He stormed in.... threw his cap on the floor and ranted at me............There were three of us there at the time and of course we all saw things differently.

I did not storm in. I came in a direct manner and with intent to ask you a question. The question was ifyou if you were going to follow through on an offensive to this black sub you were discussing, also, you were not "working" with Pladuim. He and Fred were sitting at the counter and talking while you were on the computer on the other side of the room. And I did not "throw my cap on the floor". You are dramatizing. As to the other TWO who were present in the room, they posted on the Hut and countered the facts that you are saying. In other words, they said you were lying about the events.

There was a big discussion later on the HUT about whether or not he had raised his fist in anger at me.... all a matter of perception. He claimed that he did not threaten me.... but I percieved it as a threat. I had said..." Of course Mikado... I will not do anything like that until you are secure with your work..You should KKNOW that!!!"...I moved forward to give him a hug of reassurance.... Pladuim was working nearby and watched the whole scene unfold with wide eyes.

Mikado " threw up his hands " (in anger and frustration?) That we all agree on.... but I stepped back because I thought that he was going to hit me!... the emotions were that strong in that room! Mikado stormed out and Pladuim just looked at me, hardly believing what had happened... That was the first public demonstration of the man we have gotten to know since then. The REAL Mikado.

You perceived it as a threat? Too bad. Putting ones hands up as if one was surrendering with palms open toward you is not a sign of a threat but one of "stay back". I didn't want you invading my aura as you did in McDonalds when you put your hand on my forearm and I exclaimed "I knew it". Lies in truth and truth in lies. I should have left you touch me but then why is it that you are letting the most important part of the discussion out? You were coming over to hug me after I told you what was going on all day since breakfast. You know, when you claimed I had stormed out from breakfast? The hug was not for reassurance of anything.

I will state again what happened at breakfast and why I was "storming" out. Kim had called and I left the table to talk to her and went into the lobby. Refreshing your memory, her son was killed in January and she slowly began to anthropomorphize the rabbit we had as a pet, remember him? The one I saved from being used as bait for pitbulls? Anyway, the rabbit died that morning and Kim was taking it hard, very hard. I was talking with her daughter who was staying with her and she asked if I could come home early. I spent the day attempting to get a ticket home. I told you what was going on and that is when you stood up to approach. That is what triggered my raising of my hands.

In a talk with " Mr. Smith" later I cried over the fact that we had " lost Mikado"

And his only response was " Sweetheart.... You never had him to start with"

Jan mentions that the only men in her experience that use the pet name " Sweetheart" are generally dangerous men. And I believe her.


Mr Smith is a fraud as you portray him. He has openly admitted to several individuals that he is NOT Morgan. Perhaps that is why some of them feel "betrayed" by you. You were not honest with that and Paul's book is based upon all those emails from him. The question raised is - "Who was sending those emails?". You know the answer and it is not what you are saying for to do so would erode away any future statements...wouldn't it.

As to what Jan says, perhaps she has been around all the wrong men..or perhaps they were really only boys who were perceived as men. So many perceptions going on... <g>

WHAT a plonker.

I asked You where You provided a link to the defination of PLONKER.....You did so in another thread, not this thread.
You only put the link into this thread after I asked.

That is an out an out lie.

Even Linda admitted it was there in a round about manner by saying that the color doesn't show up well.

And further more, do you see an edit notation in my original post?

I just posted this on the cosmic-token but would like to share this observation with you folks too. You tell me how we should regard someone who actually ( I believe him) had an exchange with the " spirit world" but then decided to hide all of that from the rest of us. How trustworthy is that person... or do we even believe that he had any contact with the " other side" at all. How do we know that he didn't just make everything up as part of his long standing agenda. Its worth investigating to a point I think.

• View topic - Regarding the HUT and Mikado lll

Linda Brown » Tue Dec 18, 2012 4:34 pm

Sometimes I think I need to restate things here that have actually happened because Mikado is still trying to present himself as the paragon of virtue in other places regarding his interactions with me.... while blaming me all along.... he has been no saint. He has not even been truthful. He said here.....

"[i]Everything about Merlin was correct except for one thing. I shielded him at his request. He said he didn't wish to be involved but what was I supposed to do with the information he was talking about? Afterall, we all were under the spell of Linda and any info needed to be told in some manner...didn't it?[/i]

He says he " shielded him at his request"..... he said because the man "didn't want to be involved"

All thats just fine and Dandy if Mikado had been honest enough at the time to tell us that he was speaking to the spirit of a man who had been DEAD since July of 1999.

And he says I TWIST the truth?

Decide where you are going to be Mikado! But don't mislead us. It makes you look foolish.... and some might even say..... unbalanced? are you going to be straight with us or was Merlin just the " tip of the iceberg" as was once told to me.

And again I ask myself..... when the proofs of Mikados various deceptions are so obvious.... why do I keep thinking that I should involve myself further? Why should I worry about him " redeeming himself?


You just learned about "Due-Diligence" and the importance of it and now you know one of the lessons that I was attempting to teach you. Facts must be checked.

I set that up knowing full well that the man was dead. I was hoping that either you or Rose would do a little search and find out the info. In fact, I expected Dave to tell you that he was dead but I figured you weren't in too much phone communication with him but I figured it was a chance I was willing to take.

There was one more "lie" as you would call it that I recently posted and you took the bait. In fact, you went so far as to make a claim in regard to the disposition of something which is not true. Figure that one out yet?

Due-Diligence is very important, in fact, let me quote from Paul:

Chapter 43 said:
The italics are added, as if to raise the painfully obvious question: “If the author(s) were
unable to discover anything that would substantiate such a conjecture, why then would
they bother to write and publish it in the first place?” [B]If Moore had done his homework,[/B]
he’d have quickly determined that Brown’s resignation from the Navy in 1942 made his
participation in — and subsequent difficulties resulting from — any naval experiments in
1943 a chronological impossibility.

"homework" that Paul is referring to is called "Due-Diligence". Paul was fully aware of what it was and perhaps now you can see why he stopped. Anonymous individuals that were mere shells, empty at that.

Now you know what "Due-Diligence" is by your own actions. You are still so very easily manipulated.

Mikado. You are a sad man. I am sorry your rabbit died. You haven't been the same person since. Linda

I haven't been the same since I discovered all the lies you perpetrated upon Paul Schatzkin that were used as the foundation for the group that was formed.

I suppose I am sad, I took you for your word.

As to the rabbit, thank you for your condolences even though they are over two years late.

Mikado.... again I say.... nobody cares... we have heard all of your charges over and over and over and over... others have even said that they have heard enough.
You need to get over the loss of your rabbit and the fact that things did not go as you planned.
That is an out an out lie.

Even Linda admitted it was there in a round about manner by saying that the color doesn't show up well.

And further more, do you see an edit notation in my original post?


Nobody is LYING silly silly Billy.
You put the link in another thread, not in the one I asked You where it was.

All I asked is WHERE IS THE LINK.

I am not calling You a liar.
You are a full weight PLONKER for sure, making mountains out of mole hills and then putting icing on the top of them.

You copied the link into this thread after I asked.

Get a life plonker.
Mikado.... again I say.... nobody cares... we have heard all of your charges over and over and over and over... others have even said that they have heard enough.
You need to get over the loss of your rabbit and the fact that things did not go as you planned.

I am over the rabbit. I only mentioned the rabbit to convey the entire truth and the reason you stood up to come near me. I could have explained what was going on the entire day to rebut what you said in regard to me but why bother, it isn't necessary. What's the matter....truth upset you?

I didn't have any plans other than my work. I am merely answering posts that you make first. So, who is continuing? As to others then I suppose you should stop mentioning things that involve myself and then I wouldn't have anything to rebut.

You don't get it, do you. You post, I answer. You don't mention my name or anything in connection with me, I don't post.

Nobody is LYING silly silly Billy.
You put the link in another thread, not in the one I asked You where it was.

All I asked is WHERE IS THE LINK.

I am not calling You a liar.
You are a full weight PLONKER for sure, making mountains out of mole hills and then putting icing on the top of them.

You copied the link into this thread after I asked.

Get a life plonker.

I didn't copy anything. You are lying, look at the original post, there are no edits.


this entire company does very well here and survives actually for a very long time without calling each other liars. You seem to carry that word around with you to dispense like candy. I would ask you NOW to stop. It has nothing to do with the subject.... its your own particular brand of confusion which you spread everywhere you go. You instigate arguments and dissentions.

For those new readers... Google the name Mikado and almost anything else and you will run into a long list of contentious messages.... This is what Mikado DOES. Know him by his works.

He even has the false courage to call my husband a " Gutless Marine" As I have said in response to that .... I have never met one of those. Has anybody else? This is Mikados style.

Our responses to him are.... I know... in an effort to communicate.... but you can not actually communicate with someone who has a longstanding and set agenda. Mikados agenda here is to disrupt our conversations, cast aspersions in my direction... generally keep us all from talking about the fresh information that has been flowing in daily.

It won't work. He has been uncovered .... and undone.

So lets go forward.

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As I said.... moving on.

Here is a message I just posted on the Cosmic-Token site.
For those of you who are new... George is my husband... we were married in 1972 and this discussion with my Dad happened during that year.....

by Linda Brown » Mon Dec 24, 2012 2:34 pm

I had an interesting talk with George yesterday about Dad and what Dad might have told him about his past... I asked him if Dad EVER mentioned anything about the war effort and George shook his head and simply said... Not a word.... and then he added something that was totally strange.....

My Dad told him that the reason he left the Navy was that he had experienced a confrontation with an higher ranking officer... an Admiral I believe George said.... who had for some strange reason.... Dad said.... expected him to keep " coke bottles" from being scattered on a certain athletic field. Dad was the head of the school there and he told George in this little story that his confrontation with the Admiral over his responsibilities about that playing field was just the last straw. And he resigned because of that.

At the time George just listened but never thought to ask about the timing. The fact that something ELSE was actually being told to him......( No Navy anywhere would have let their most knowledgeable man about radar detection ( according to statements from the FBI at the time regarding his abilities) go because he had failed to order a football field cleared of Coca Cola bottles.... WOULD THEY???? So Dad was trying to tell George something that he could not express any other way.

Which " playing field" was he actually talking about? Which Admiral? And why would Dad resign rather than follow up on commands given by that man?????

I asked George if he didn't feel that sort of strange.... that Dad would be allowed to resign.... in the middle of wars on two fronts..... over the fact that he hadn't done what was expected of him regarding cleaning up a football field????? What was Dad actually ordered to do that he would not do?????

Questions which make alot of sense to ask. I think.
And Georges response was that he didn't think to ask Dad that.... really hadn't thought about it since and quite frankly.... doesn't see the point in talking about it now. A practical man, my husband.

But this is something that interests me..... Why would Dad tell George something so strange... unless he hoped that George would remember it somehow. How do you leave a trail behind when you are not even supposed to be " casting a shadow" anywhere?

Surely I am not the only person who thinks that this was important? Linda
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A writer named Jeanne Manning did a very good write up about my Dad in this piece I thought. Some of her thoughts were very accurate I thought and some were off the mark and contributed to some of the misinformation about Dad in the public.....Its worth reading the entire piece but here is a section of it that I thought we could talk about.....( dragging all of you into this investigation with me! If you have questions or challenges please let me know! I consider your input valuable!)
Suppressed Inventions and Other Discoveries -

"Whatever the Project Invisibility experiment actually was, Brown was probably an insider, as the Navy's officer in charge of magnetic and acoustic mine-sweeping research and development. However, later in life, Brown was said to be mute on the topic of the alleged Philadelphia Experiment, except for brief disclaimers. He told friend Josh Reynolds of California, who made arrangements for Brown's experiments in the early 1980s, that the movie and the controversial book The Philadelphia Experiment, by William L. Moore and Charles Berlitz, were greatly inflated. He apparently did not elaborate on that comment.

(My comment .... What did Dad mean?... of course Hollywood always GREATLY INFLATES THINGS.... but Josh never thought to ask Dad what he actually meant by that and WHO might have been doing the inflating!)

"Reynolds spoke on a panel discussion at a public conference (dedicated to Townsend Brown) in Philadelphia in 1994, along with highly-credentialed physicist Elizabeth Rauscher, Ph.D. Rauscher theorized that the Philadelphia Experiment legend grew out of the fact that certain magnetic fields can in effect "degauss the brain"—cause temporary memory loss. If the huge electrical coils involved in degaussing a ship were mistuned, the sailors could have felt that they "blinked out of time and back into time."

Blinking this account back to 1942: Townsend Brown was made commanding officer of the Navy's radar school at Norfolk, Virginia. The next year he collapsed from nervous exhaustion and retired from the Navy on doctors' recommendations. More than his hard work caused his health to break down, he had suffered years of deeply-felt disappointments because his life's work—the gravitator—had not been recognized by scientific institutions which could have investigated it.

(She has bought into the fact that he was released " On Navy recommendations" because he had " collapsed from nervous exhaustion..... But I can prove that Beau Kitselman ( his best friend and his closest working associate was the person who floated that piece of disinformation! WHY??)

The final precipitating factor for his collapse was an incident involving one of his men.

Where did she get that? And what did she mean by that?Ms. Manning.... You and I need to talk I think. Linda
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There has been an interesting string of messages on the Cosmic-Token and I want to share them with you. If anyone has any comments we welcome them. Three in a row here but of course you are all welcome to read more of the thread found here
• View topic - Due Diligence

"by Linda Brown » Mon Dec 24, 2012 7:51 pm

Its my thought that whoever started that rumor about my Dad and the charge of homosexuality was actually using the FBI to throw a cover of obscurity over Dad. At the time the FBI was infiltrated very much by agents who were Soviet based....and later the early CIA was just as badly compromised. Dads group would have known that.

It seems to me that " rumor" was generated to misdirect the interest that the German spies ( and later the Soviet agents) into following up on what Dad was actually doing. They would have gotten wind of that report through the FBI.... It does not originate or exist at all in the NAVY records so I have believed for a long time that it was " planted" with the FBI so that the spies embedded in that organization would pick up on it. They would almost immediately discount Dads effectiveness because they would KNOW that Dad would never be placed in a position of upperlevel security with the possibility that he could be blackmailed. A charge of homosexuality in those days guaranteed that you would not be allowed in classified areas. They would have turned thier interest off.... which I think is exactly what Dad was counting on.

But the odd thing is that the FBI followed him all the way to Vegas doorstep and then dropped their interest in him THEN. At least for a few years. Did the agents from other countries do the same thing?

I have the mental image of Dad walking in one door marked VEGA but then disappearing through another door that was afforded to him....But by whom.... whoever it was.... Beau Kitselman was working with " them" too.

It was just two years later that he was asked to fly into the middle of the war in Germany... He was NOT a part of the military then and yet he went and he was working with an organization at the time that obviously had the wherewithall to get him where he needed to be.... with a good back up network too.... Mainly English....There is much to be learned about that entire adventure but I am sure that the man who accompanied Dad would not be given orders to "shoot him in the head" if it looked like they would be captured unless Dad was a very important link in the security of that operation.

So Dad went completely "black" ... was injured and sent home and did not get bacl into this life until he had successfully taken his entire family and
stashed" them on a remote tropical island.

There is alot going on here folks and we just don't have enough information yet.

But getting back to your comment Cat..... yes.... I think the " coke bottle" story was just Dads way of TRYING to share some information with his son in law. But the travesty of all of that is that George just never thought to say.... "but wait Townsend.... How could you just be allowed to walk away like that?.... in the middle of a war?.... because you and some dumb Admiral got in a fight over bottles being left on a field?"

George just said that Dads response was that he was upset.... that the Navy that he was having to deal with... was not the Navy that he had always loved... and he wanted nothing to do with it.....

Much more happening there. Linda
Linda Brown

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by Minoo » Mon Dec 24, 2012 9:47 pm

It seems that George thinks in a very linear fashion. Point A always leads to point B. Always has, always will, end of discussion. Has it occurred to you that you were stashed with him for that very reason? There's a certain amount of built-in protection with someone who doesn't acknowledge the existence of "otherness."

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by re-rose » Mon Dec 24, 2012 11:12 pm

How was that resignation letter worded, again, Linda? "for the good of the Navy" But wasn't there something in it about avoiding court martial? I had the impression it might have had something to do with a strong clash with his superior officer.

Here are my two random bits of knowledge about what was going on then. I don't yet know how if or how they are related.

I have seen correspondence in your files that indicate the Navy wanted Townsend's equipment which was then running at UP. If he happened not to want to do that, he might have chosen to resign.

As for the second item, in addition to the Radar and Materials school, which we know Townsend headed, there was also very secret EW/ASW lab in Norfolk. I'm sure he had a hand in what was being developed and tested there.

By the end of 1942, the Battle of the Atlantic was beginning to turn in our favor. We had the Germans beaten on the surface, and would soon force Hitler to call off the U-boats while he still had some left. But everything that enabled this to happen in the Atlantic would have also been of vital importance in the Pacific theatre. Perhaps some of the technology that came out of that secret lab was ready to be taken to Vega for further development, or to the Army Radar Command on Wonderland Avenue, for implementation.

For now, all possibilities seem open.


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You may be right about this Rose.... because I know that he took his " Stuff " with him.....

" have seen correspondence in your files that indicate the Navy wanted Townsend's equipment which was then running at UP. If he happened not to want to do that, he might have chosen to resign."

Then when he " popped" back up in 1950 for that Pearl Harbor ( Barbers Point) Demonstration that was so very important! BUT the entire thing was compromised by a lack of proper security and caused my Dad to " beat on an Admirals desk" and call the " mistake" " Tatamount to Treason"

I am pretty sure that did not make him popular with that particular Admiral either... Dad was a civilian though and when he flew to California the FBI cables were flashing directly to Washington that Townsend Brown was " operating in the twilight zone."

I thought that was extremely interesting phrase...

for the early fifties.

This may belong in the "Mind Control" section but we are following Dads path and talking about the reason that he quit the Navy. He told George that he refused to shoulder the responsibility of clearing " coke bottles" off a playing field at the school.

Jeanne Manning wrote this about Dad

"Reynolds spoke on a panel discussion at a public conference (dedicated to Townsend Brown) in Philadelphia in 1994, along with highly-credentialed physicist Elizabeth Rauscher, Ph.D. Rauscher theorized that the Philadelphia Experiment legend grew out of the fact that certain magnetic fields can in effect "degauss the brain"—cause temporary memory loss. If the huge electrical coils involved in degaussing a ship were mistuned, the sailors could have felt that they "blinked out of time and back into time."

theorized that the Philadelphia Experiment legend grew out of the fact that certain magnetic fields can in effect "degauss the brain"—cause temporary memory loss

PERHAPS the Navy was just then beginning their mental control program... or erasure of memories at the time. Perhaps they " stumbled " on it as Mrs. Manning and Josh Reynolds have conjectured here...." Clearing coke bottles from a playing field? A program to be used on the sailors who were involved in some of Dads other make them rendered....harmless?

Of course the myth of the Philadelphia Experiment was that the " small crew" which were on the ship suffered intolerable sensations and in Hollywoods wildest version... one of the crew men was supposedly encapsulated in the hull of the ship. Perhaps the " mind control" situation went along with that terrifying development. Perhaps Dad was being told that he had to " clear the debris" away from the project.... that to me might mean..... make sure that the " blinking" was used to wipe clean their memories of what they had experienced.....

Dad resigned from the Navy and then headed off.... first to Vega.... but after that I am not sure who was financing his operation. I know that he used his own money for most of it... the estimate was that Dad had gone through over 250,000.00 by the early fifties.