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Lisa Renee ascension update for 2010
« on: Today at 01:17:26 PM » Quote Modify Remove
ES-The Year of Indigo - Jan 2010 9 Hours, 53 Minutes ago
Ascension News- January 2010
The Year of Indigo
Dear Family,
Happy "2010" and Welcome to the Year of the Indigo! Last November brought in a
powerful new energy cycle, one of which has left us staggering in its wake
attempting to establish the personal inner and outer balance required to
navigate this new terrain. What is happening right now in the multidimensional
fields is such a humongous transition to our consciousness that any "words" to
describe this event is entirely not adequate.
This year will be the first cycle of which this planet will begin to build and
house the energy architecture that supports the Indigo Race consciousness and
its group ascension mission. The Indigo races have been building braid by braid,
brick by brick - the foundation that allows transduction and exchange of the 6D
Indigo Light spectrums that also include the higher octaves of the Blue Ray
consciousness. The Blue Ray consciousness, are also known as the Oraphim, are
the cosmic parents of the Indigo races and are accessible and able to support
the incarnated Indigo races now. These "Unity Field Blue Ray Races" have been
recently introduced via 13th gate circuits reconnected into our planetary grid
and its holographic matrix field. On December 9th we were actually able to see
what a Stargate with a pulsing Blue Ray projecting outwards from its black hole
center actually looks like in photograph and video captured over Norway. This
Norway Spiral was hastily blamed on a failed Russian missile test, however my
personal experience with the Turquoise Ray or "Blue Light" is of a completely
different nature. (For details be sure to listen to the BBS Radio show "As You
Wish" on 12/19/09 where James Gilliland and myself shared our direct personal
experience and Guardian perspective on the Norway Spiral)
These Stargates are access points (like wormholes) in the time space fields and
they have never been opened as they are now. This is a part of the sequences of
activation during the Galactic Consciousness Cycle that make available to this
plane - frequency, dimensions, and entities that are beyond the seven solar
planes of our 3D planet Earth. The Guardian perspective is that these "galactic"
levels and where we are going have never been connected to this density before.
We stand at the Threshold of the Unknown and are the courageous souls that are
here to bring the unknown into physical embodiment. More phenomena will continue
to occur and be documented this year, as the invisible is being made visible to
us with increasing clarity. These open wormholes allow easy connection points
between the human races in this 3D density and the multitude of races that exist
in other dimensions. It will not be surprising to see increasing levels of
"credible" extraterrestial contact finally being allowed to be reported in the
mass media. It is just a matter of time.
Additionally, this last shift brought another powerful crank forward in the
"frequency dial" which has drastically changed our relationship to the
space/time field. This last cycle radically collapsed a series of decrepit or
obsolete timeline architectures which gives us a real sense of "losing" time, or
existing in some strange "in- between" time state. This state is similar to
being within the hypnagogic state, a different brain wave state which places our
conscious awareness in the dimensional space between "being awake and being
(Before you go to sleep at night do the 12D shielding technique. Then pay
attention to that space where you are just about to fall asleep to
unconsciousness, as your body is deeply relaxed, you will feel warmth spreading
in your body and a low tone ring in your ear, sometimes if you leave the light
on you will see the light flicker in your periphery vision, or an object in your
periphery. This is the entry to the hypnagogic state. It is the state where
Astral projection is practiced.)
From the Guardian perspective this state has been outside of our "waking"
visible light spectrum (and is being reintroduced to us while awake now). This
state is when you are just beginning to "see" the layers of the hologram's
matrix architecture. (It also the entry to the Astral plane and 12D shielding
and fear control is highly suggested before intentionally entering) Over the
course of history philosophers and scientists both have documented many theories
about this consciousness state, however, their final conclusion usually chocked
up to some illusory hallucinations from the observer. However in actuality these
objects in view (while in hypnagogia or lucid dreaming states) may be encodement
symbols, geometries and math that are used in the language of the holographic
matrix field that create our perception of reality. The brain neurochemistry
will organize these holographic bits into colors and shapes that move or fit
together. (These holographic matrix fields are set up as a hierarchal system of
"celestial management structures" that define and govern each dimensional plane
of existence. Each plane has a "gatekeeper" consciousness or species that is
existing within its dimensional space) Science refers to these moving objects
commonly observed within hypnagogia as the "Tetris Effect" of which has spawned
a video game that many of us have played on our cell phones or computer.
This brings us to the realization that the next series of these incredibly high
octaves of "galactic" frequency are being sequentially downloaded to our planet
and into our bodies. It is changing our brain wave state and its related
neurochemistry functions. It is changing our DNA Structure. We are feeling this
energetic impact as a deep foundational cellular shift in our bodies. Everything
we thought we are is moving away rapidly. We are beginning to "see" the patterns
of the matrix and the structures that define its architecture. Who Are We
without the Matrix to define us? We are about to find out…..
The Factory Reset
During the last few weeks similar to an old computer system being updated, we
are undergoing a process similar to a "system restore to the factory reset".
This is akin to the reformatting of our hard drive (wiping away all data
archives) and the total replacement of our "motherboard" circuitry. The hard
drive is the storage space of all of our data (i.e. cellular memories and brain
file storing) while the motherboard is the centralized circuit board of which
distinguishes all the memory and its impulses be routed and checked against the
appropriate "belief system program" or installed software. This installed
software is likened to the "personality program" and the autonomic functions of
the body. (i.e. breathing, sleeping, eating, hormonal distribution, energy
management functions, etc) Those electrical impulses are powered and managed by
the multiple instruction sets received and directed into functioning by the
motherboard. Needless to say, if the foundational structure of which manages our
every bodily function and its "personality program" is being replaced, we are
going to feel very odd, disoriented, and at times, in a state of total nervous
system exhaustion. This will be a recurring theme in the ascension waves all
throughout this year, as more and more people undergo this "factory reset".
The transmogrification required during this last frequency download and its
"factory reset" has been especially potent and powerful to downright
de-habilitating. For many of us the ability to have an "average" accepted
functioning that is generally required of our 3D physical body and the
personality attached to it has been severely compromised. We have had to slow
down our movement tremendously.This means we cannot continue in whatever
foundational lifestyle pattern we had (old energy patterns) and must find new
creative resolutions in supplying our (newly soul infused) body what it needs to
be nourished. Additionally the energetic platforms that supported our old
lifestyle are officially now nonexistent, so if we persist in the old way we
will find ourselves suffering greatly. Many times it just requires letting go of
what it appears to be on the surface, such as an "insurmountable problem" and
the mental "analysis paralysis" that comes with our old way of "strategic
problem solving". Strategic problem solving has flown out of the window and only
the "now moment" presence remains. (Anyone still working with a mental
pre-planning strategy in micro-managing their life will continually run into
obstacle after obstacle, like two steps backward and no steps forward.) We have
been given a new control panel for our life and we are now learning how to use
it by giving up control!
In order to create inner harmony we can no longer ignore the places we have
neglected or abused within ourselves. Every last vulnerability, limitation
belief, sore spot, emotionally hurt areas, physical issues are blaring to the
surface, demanding our attention. Many times we have been physically leveled to
make sure we sit "inside" it and do not run away from it by creating
distraction. There is no running away from what we have to face inside ourselves
at this time. It has been incredibly uncomfortable for many. We are truly
walking the path of forced "self mastery" these days.
This self mastery requires another applied level of a multidimensional lifestyle
approach. (How do I serve my physical, emotional, mental and spiritual selves in
an integrated and balanced way?) Many of these intense recent changes are
occurring within our foundational life structures which have included: radical
dietary changes, changes in biorythym and biochemistry, sleeping and napping
patterns, physical or emotional distress, changed working and social interaction
patterns, radical turnstile of abrupt changes moving within relationships,
residence and jobs. It's very surreal every day, everything happening in the
exact now moment (at the 11.9999 hour) with only the flow of synchronicities to
direct the way we move throughout our life.
Flatlining or Freaking Out
Some of us undergoing this recent upgrade and or have been a part of the recent
planetary grid healing have been in a state similar to "hibernation" since the
week of Christmas. Like a bear sleeping in the winter, a conservation of
personal energy has been directly enforced. There is no energy leakage or forays
into external fields allowed that compromise this new lightbody upgrade, along
with the recovery and rest it requires to integrate. This hibernation state has
a similar quality of "flatlining" where you are almost ready to check your pulse
to make sure your system is still online. I have found myself continually in
deep meditation states, shallow breathing and perfect stillness. Generally
during this hibernation phase, there is no available energy for intense brain
focus, conversation exchanges or initiating new projects. The physical body has
needed to be very still while its coordinates are being moved through the time
space fields to a platform of "no time". The calm and depth is so vast it is
almost a "flatline" of non existence and emptiness. It is a space way beyond any
self introspection. We are being moved (our space/time coordinates, which is
also includes our astrological configuration imprints) into a completely new
energy platform architecture, a space of no-time.
The other camp undergoing this shift is having a deep contrast in experience.
Those not able to release the mental body enough to relax through this planetary
transformation are having bouts of extreme anxiety, obsessive worry or old
addiction patterns rearing. During the last sixty days I have observed people
experiencing panic and anxiety like never before. These negative thought
patterns are being largely impulsed from the mental body and are a part of the
required discipline and healing of that body in order to relax it into
submission to trust the higher source intelligence. The internal "Armageddon"
experience happens when the mental body of the personality program (ego) is
undergoing a threat of submission or perceived annihilation, as enforced
naturally when the higher soul bodies ( source intelligence) starts to take over
the flesh. At this point there is nothing but trust to surrender to this
process, however many people undergoing their spiritual awakening do not have
the tools or context to understand what is happening to them. When we are
uninformed and confused it creates much more fear and resistance. As we know
resistance makes the process much more difficult and the person undergoes a lot
of suffering, otherwise known as the "dark night of the soul". We continually go
through the layers of the "dark night" until we have disciplined our ego mind
from thinking and being in control of the bodies. Since we are going to see many
more people confused in this awakening process of the "dark night",
understanding this so you can hold the light that comforts and supports them is
of paramount service to them and our planet.
To get beyond ego suffering we have been encouraged to raise the octave of our
3D Solar Plexus body (our 3D conscious mind matrix control panel) to the 5D
Higher Mental Body. Several treatment meditations have been provided as a
support in the ES Community.(Clear Mental Body Treatment, 5D Higher Mind
Integration, Umbilicus Reset, Negative Form Removal, Physical Health Upgrade,
Fear Removal programs) During these intense days we will need a daily spiritual
practice and the building of our spiritual "muscle". Once we have mastered the
negative ego (i.e. fear), inner peace is achieved in all circumstances. Some
skill in this area will be imperative to maintain psycho-spiritual integration
in the current and forthcoming changes. We have been given a target date to be
fully removed from the 3D collective mental body within the next two years. Set
your intention now to serve your soul and to be freed of the 3D mind control
programming. Never give up and place your trust in God Source as your supply.
Recent Starseed Projects
With the new November 8th Ascension cycle a new controller technology of a
mental body atomic harness was placed in the 3D holographic architecture. This
exacerbates the mental body pressure clearly observed by the amounts of people
experiencing crisis points of stress. Because males tend to be more mental body
focused, many have undergone severe anxiety to anti-depression medication to
heart attacks. It feels like a crushing weight to someone who does not realize
what is happening to their mind or body. We have been given much support and
help to raise the octave of the mental body to a 5D higher mind integration to
avoid the impact of this mental body harness. Negative ego clearing and staying
in the now moment is a simple and effective tool.
Gridworkers have been working to reroute new transit pathways that allow exit
points for those that choose to pass their physical bodies within the next two
years. This means that many will be able to transit all the way beyond the
reincarnation state, freeing them from returning to this plane again. This is
great news. This is largely because of the Astral plane reorganization and the
collapse and demolition of false ascension matrices existing previously in the
4D planes. (These souls do not have to be caught up in the false umbilicus that
was leading them to the Astral Plane)The false ascension matrices are the
complex architecture that created "white light" webbing and holographic reality
inserts like a double sided mirror in the 4D Astral Layers. These complex
systems were feeding off of souls connecting to the "white light" at the 4D
octave. This is an area many planetary lightworkers were getting lost within the
astral layers of delusion, creating complacency and a drunken type of bliss.
(This is called a "comfort implant" to keep one inert and ineffective) A massive
system of false white light siphoning was terminated by the Founders (Guardians)
during the week of Christmas. This was a systematic preparation leading up to
this as during 2009 the "Aquarian Project" which was healing the vulnerable
Gallbladder meridian structures and merging of the 2D and 4D layers ( emotional
bodies of the human race) in the astral plane allowed the Founders to "get to"
this system and destroy it. Yes, they use the word "destroy" as this situation
was not pretty. Since this was a 4D astral plane architecture, much Egyptian
memory clearing as well as the energetic rubble of this major structure
dismantling has left a felt residue of toxicity and trauma. It had many black
magic systems attached to it and was connected to that "collective thoughtform".
The clearing of this toxicity is happening now and has resulted in a multitude
of bizarre symptomologies such as allergic type responses from the body. This is
coming from an "overload" so resting and detoxing yourself is mandatory.
Remember energetic parasites create physical ones and the microorganisms in our
physical self have reflected this change. Allergic symptoms are from
inflammation which is caused by infection or injury to the body. If you feel
heat, swollen, bloated or allergic, anti-inflammation therapies, staying
alkaline, possibly fasting or eating very little with proteolytic enzymes ( i.e.
pancreatin, bromelain, digestive enzymes, wobenzyme) helps the body a lot. When
the body is this overloaded there is not enough resources for complex digestion
and the load is placed on the liver and kidneys. Be aware to care for your
detoxification organs now.
Resurrection Prototyping Update
Additionally the Resurrection template (began last April 12, 2009) for some of
the Starseed protoypers has begun a new cycle of embodiment. The Aurora families
are directing and working primarily with these new templates that call for
re-encrypted raw material for the physical self. This means an elemental body
structure upgrade to the raw material of the physical self as it has been
recorded in the chemical constituents of the 3D DNA program. (The Founders liken
the elemental physical body in 3D as an "inanimate" clay that has to be
"re-animated" with God Source, the living light code.) Once freed of the false
umbilicus structure, the power management in the monadic atomic body that
connects at the 1D level is changing (at what is known as) the transduction
sequence record. The transduction sequence is the exact moment of cellular
record of incarnational birth into this physical body. For now, those doing this
project, this means our body is being released of the "cellular record" of
physical birth into 3D. Upon the power/energy management structure changing
within the electromagnetic battery body, the etheric webbing that is closest to
the physical body is "growing a new skin". This "new skin" appearing on the
etheric webbing is in actuality the process of which the cellular matrix in the
etheric body is projecting its new "skin" into the cells of the physical body.
Apparently this is a step of how the re-encryption to the elemental structure of
the physical body is being accomplished. They mention this process is a
milestone that is breaking the hierarchal link between multidimensional systems
that have been using a "consumptive model". Consumptive model means that the
"entity" needs to consume something external to itself in order to "exist". The
Resurrection Template is designed to break the link in the chain that creates
the consumptive modeling in all dimensions. (Consumptive modeling is another way
to say, consuming another life form or in extremes, vampirism, parasitism and
the feeding of phantom matrices.) It means the entity can sustain itself and
exist from its inner source without requiring an external energy/battery source
of which to continue its existence. Because of the change in our bodily energy
management conversion, we may consume very little food. It's really quite
We are in this adventure together and until next….Stay in the luminosity of your
Avatar Heart Path! This year and forward, we should experience more energetic
support and connection for our Indigo Family more than ever!
Love, Lisa
© 2010, Lisa Renee
Lisa's interview with James Gilliland
Lisa Renee interview by James Gilliland 1 of 6
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Lisa Renee is a Spiritual Scientist, Energetic Healer, Galactic and
Multi-Dimensional Guide and Quantum Therapist. She is an impactful and
startlingly insightful educator bringing new wisdom about our Planet's Ascension
Cycle, its effects on our bodies, minds and spirits and how this new energy can
be utilized for positive personal and global transformation.Lisa Renee is a
Telepathic Channel for the Guardians, an Interdimensional Group of beings
focused on the evolutionary purposes of Humankind. Find Lisa on the web at:
« on: Today at 01:17:26 PM » Quote Modify Remove
ES-The Year of Indigo - Jan 2010 9 Hours, 53 Minutes ago
Ascension News- January 2010
The Year of Indigo
Dear Family,
Happy "2010" and Welcome to the Year of the Indigo! Last November brought in a
powerful new energy cycle, one of which has left us staggering in its wake
attempting to establish the personal inner and outer balance required to
navigate this new terrain. What is happening right now in the multidimensional
fields is such a humongous transition to our consciousness that any "words" to
describe this event is entirely not adequate.
This year will be the first cycle of which this planet will begin to build and
house the energy architecture that supports the Indigo Race consciousness and
its group ascension mission. The Indigo races have been building braid by braid,
brick by brick - the foundation that allows transduction and exchange of the 6D
Indigo Light spectrums that also include the higher octaves of the Blue Ray
consciousness. The Blue Ray consciousness, are also known as the Oraphim, are
the cosmic parents of the Indigo races and are accessible and able to support
the incarnated Indigo races now. These "Unity Field Blue Ray Races" have been
recently introduced via 13th gate circuits reconnected into our planetary grid
and its holographic matrix field. On December 9th we were actually able to see
what a Stargate with a pulsing Blue Ray projecting outwards from its black hole
center actually looks like in photograph and video captured over Norway. This
Norway Spiral was hastily blamed on a failed Russian missile test, however my
personal experience with the Turquoise Ray or "Blue Light" is of a completely
different nature. (For details be sure to listen to the BBS Radio show "As You
Wish" on 12/19/09 where James Gilliland and myself shared our direct personal
experience and Guardian perspective on the Norway Spiral)
These Stargates are access points (like wormholes) in the time space fields and
they have never been opened as they are now. This is a part of the sequences of
activation during the Galactic Consciousness Cycle that make available to this
plane - frequency, dimensions, and entities that are beyond the seven solar
planes of our 3D planet Earth. The Guardian perspective is that these "galactic"
levels and where we are going have never been connected to this density before.
We stand at the Threshold of the Unknown and are the courageous souls that are
here to bring the unknown into physical embodiment. More phenomena will continue
to occur and be documented this year, as the invisible is being made visible to
us with increasing clarity. These open wormholes allow easy connection points
between the human races in this 3D density and the multitude of races that exist
in other dimensions. It will not be surprising to see increasing levels of
"credible" extraterrestial contact finally being allowed to be reported in the
mass media. It is just a matter of time.
Additionally, this last shift brought another powerful crank forward in the
"frequency dial" which has drastically changed our relationship to the
space/time field. This last cycle radically collapsed a series of decrepit or
obsolete timeline architectures which gives us a real sense of "losing" time, or
existing in some strange "in- between" time state. This state is similar to
being within the hypnagogic state, a different brain wave state which places our
conscious awareness in the dimensional space between "being awake and being
(Before you go to sleep at night do the 12D shielding technique. Then pay
attention to that space where you are just about to fall asleep to
unconsciousness, as your body is deeply relaxed, you will feel warmth spreading
in your body and a low tone ring in your ear, sometimes if you leave the light
on you will see the light flicker in your periphery vision, or an object in your
periphery. This is the entry to the hypnagogic state. It is the state where
Astral projection is practiced.)
From the Guardian perspective this state has been outside of our "waking"
visible light spectrum (and is being reintroduced to us while awake now). This
state is when you are just beginning to "see" the layers of the hologram's
matrix architecture. (It also the entry to the Astral plane and 12D shielding
and fear control is highly suggested before intentionally entering) Over the
course of history philosophers and scientists both have documented many theories
about this consciousness state, however, their final conclusion usually chocked
up to some illusory hallucinations from the observer. However in actuality these
objects in view (while in hypnagogia or lucid dreaming states) may be encodement
symbols, geometries and math that are used in the language of the holographic
matrix field that create our perception of reality. The brain neurochemistry
will organize these holographic bits into colors and shapes that move or fit
together. (These holographic matrix fields are set up as a hierarchal system of
"celestial management structures" that define and govern each dimensional plane
of existence. Each plane has a "gatekeeper" consciousness or species that is
existing within its dimensional space) Science refers to these moving objects
commonly observed within hypnagogia as the "Tetris Effect" of which has spawned
a video game that many of us have played on our cell phones or computer.
This brings us to the realization that the next series of these incredibly high
octaves of "galactic" frequency are being sequentially downloaded to our planet
and into our bodies. It is changing our brain wave state and its related
neurochemistry functions. It is changing our DNA Structure. We are feeling this
energetic impact as a deep foundational cellular shift in our bodies. Everything
we thought we are is moving away rapidly. We are beginning to "see" the patterns
of the matrix and the structures that define its architecture. Who Are We
without the Matrix to define us? We are about to find out…..
The Factory Reset
During the last few weeks similar to an old computer system being updated, we
are undergoing a process similar to a "system restore to the factory reset".
This is akin to the reformatting of our hard drive (wiping away all data
archives) and the total replacement of our "motherboard" circuitry. The hard
drive is the storage space of all of our data (i.e. cellular memories and brain
file storing) while the motherboard is the centralized circuit board of which
distinguishes all the memory and its impulses be routed and checked against the
appropriate "belief system program" or installed software. This installed
software is likened to the "personality program" and the autonomic functions of
the body. (i.e. breathing, sleeping, eating, hormonal distribution, energy
management functions, etc) Those electrical impulses are powered and managed by
the multiple instruction sets received and directed into functioning by the
motherboard. Needless to say, if the foundational structure of which manages our
every bodily function and its "personality program" is being replaced, we are
going to feel very odd, disoriented, and at times, in a state of total nervous
system exhaustion. This will be a recurring theme in the ascension waves all
throughout this year, as more and more people undergo this "factory reset".
The transmogrification required during this last frequency download and its
"factory reset" has been especially potent and powerful to downright
de-habilitating. For many of us the ability to have an "average" accepted
functioning that is generally required of our 3D physical body and the
personality attached to it has been severely compromised. We have had to slow
down our movement tremendously.This means we cannot continue in whatever
foundational lifestyle pattern we had (old energy patterns) and must find new
creative resolutions in supplying our (newly soul infused) body what it needs to
be nourished. Additionally the energetic platforms that supported our old
lifestyle are officially now nonexistent, so if we persist in the old way we
will find ourselves suffering greatly. Many times it just requires letting go of
what it appears to be on the surface, such as an "insurmountable problem" and
the mental "analysis paralysis" that comes with our old way of "strategic
problem solving". Strategic problem solving has flown out of the window and only
the "now moment" presence remains. (Anyone still working with a mental
pre-planning strategy in micro-managing their life will continually run into
obstacle after obstacle, like two steps backward and no steps forward.) We have
been given a new control panel for our life and we are now learning how to use
it by giving up control!
In order to create inner harmony we can no longer ignore the places we have
neglected or abused within ourselves. Every last vulnerability, limitation
belief, sore spot, emotionally hurt areas, physical issues are blaring to the
surface, demanding our attention. Many times we have been physically leveled to
make sure we sit "inside" it and do not run away from it by creating
distraction. There is no running away from what we have to face inside ourselves
at this time. It has been incredibly uncomfortable for many. We are truly
walking the path of forced "self mastery" these days.
This self mastery requires another applied level of a multidimensional lifestyle
approach. (How do I serve my physical, emotional, mental and spiritual selves in
an integrated and balanced way?) Many of these intense recent changes are
occurring within our foundational life structures which have included: radical
dietary changes, changes in biorythym and biochemistry, sleeping and napping
patterns, physical or emotional distress, changed working and social interaction
patterns, radical turnstile of abrupt changes moving within relationships,
residence and jobs. It's very surreal every day, everything happening in the
exact now moment (at the 11.9999 hour) with only the flow of synchronicities to
direct the way we move throughout our life.
Flatlining or Freaking Out
Some of us undergoing this recent upgrade and or have been a part of the recent
planetary grid healing have been in a state similar to "hibernation" since the
week of Christmas. Like a bear sleeping in the winter, a conservation of
personal energy has been directly enforced. There is no energy leakage or forays
into external fields allowed that compromise this new lightbody upgrade, along
with the recovery and rest it requires to integrate. This hibernation state has
a similar quality of "flatlining" where you are almost ready to check your pulse
to make sure your system is still online. I have found myself continually in
deep meditation states, shallow breathing and perfect stillness. Generally
during this hibernation phase, there is no available energy for intense brain
focus, conversation exchanges or initiating new projects. The physical body has
needed to be very still while its coordinates are being moved through the time
space fields to a platform of "no time". The calm and depth is so vast it is
almost a "flatline" of non existence and emptiness. It is a space way beyond any
self introspection. We are being moved (our space/time coordinates, which is
also includes our astrological configuration imprints) into a completely new
energy platform architecture, a space of no-time.
The other camp undergoing this shift is having a deep contrast in experience.
Those not able to release the mental body enough to relax through this planetary
transformation are having bouts of extreme anxiety, obsessive worry or old
addiction patterns rearing. During the last sixty days I have observed people
experiencing panic and anxiety like never before. These negative thought
patterns are being largely impulsed from the mental body and are a part of the
required discipline and healing of that body in order to relax it into
submission to trust the higher source intelligence. The internal "Armageddon"
experience happens when the mental body of the personality program (ego) is
undergoing a threat of submission or perceived annihilation, as enforced
naturally when the higher soul bodies ( source intelligence) starts to take over
the flesh. At this point there is nothing but trust to surrender to this
process, however many people undergoing their spiritual awakening do not have
the tools or context to understand what is happening to them. When we are
uninformed and confused it creates much more fear and resistance. As we know
resistance makes the process much more difficult and the person undergoes a lot
of suffering, otherwise known as the "dark night of the soul". We continually go
through the layers of the "dark night" until we have disciplined our ego mind
from thinking and being in control of the bodies. Since we are going to see many
more people confused in this awakening process of the "dark night",
understanding this so you can hold the light that comforts and supports them is
of paramount service to them and our planet.
To get beyond ego suffering we have been encouraged to raise the octave of our
3D Solar Plexus body (our 3D conscious mind matrix control panel) to the 5D
Higher Mental Body. Several treatment meditations have been provided as a
support in the ES Community.(Clear Mental Body Treatment, 5D Higher Mind
Integration, Umbilicus Reset, Negative Form Removal, Physical Health Upgrade,
Fear Removal programs) During these intense days we will need a daily spiritual
practice and the building of our spiritual "muscle". Once we have mastered the
negative ego (i.e. fear), inner peace is achieved in all circumstances. Some
skill in this area will be imperative to maintain psycho-spiritual integration
in the current and forthcoming changes. We have been given a target date to be
fully removed from the 3D collective mental body within the next two years. Set
your intention now to serve your soul and to be freed of the 3D mind control
programming. Never give up and place your trust in God Source as your supply.
Recent Starseed Projects
With the new November 8th Ascension cycle a new controller technology of a
mental body atomic harness was placed in the 3D holographic architecture. This
exacerbates the mental body pressure clearly observed by the amounts of people
experiencing crisis points of stress. Because males tend to be more mental body
focused, many have undergone severe anxiety to anti-depression medication to
heart attacks. It feels like a crushing weight to someone who does not realize
what is happening to their mind or body. We have been given much support and
help to raise the octave of the mental body to a 5D higher mind integration to
avoid the impact of this mental body harness. Negative ego clearing and staying
in the now moment is a simple and effective tool.
Gridworkers have been working to reroute new transit pathways that allow exit
points for those that choose to pass their physical bodies within the next two
years. This means that many will be able to transit all the way beyond the
reincarnation state, freeing them from returning to this plane again. This is
great news. This is largely because of the Astral plane reorganization and the
collapse and demolition of false ascension matrices existing previously in the
4D planes. (These souls do not have to be caught up in the false umbilicus that
was leading them to the Astral Plane)The false ascension matrices are the
complex architecture that created "white light" webbing and holographic reality
inserts like a double sided mirror in the 4D Astral Layers. These complex
systems were feeding off of souls connecting to the "white light" at the 4D
octave. This is an area many planetary lightworkers were getting lost within the
astral layers of delusion, creating complacency and a drunken type of bliss.
(This is called a "comfort implant" to keep one inert and ineffective) A massive
system of false white light siphoning was terminated by the Founders (Guardians)
during the week of Christmas. This was a systematic preparation leading up to
this as during 2009 the "Aquarian Project" which was healing the vulnerable
Gallbladder meridian structures and merging of the 2D and 4D layers ( emotional
bodies of the human race) in the astral plane allowed the Founders to "get to"
this system and destroy it. Yes, they use the word "destroy" as this situation
was not pretty. Since this was a 4D astral plane architecture, much Egyptian
memory clearing as well as the energetic rubble of this major structure
dismantling has left a felt residue of toxicity and trauma. It had many black
magic systems attached to it and was connected to that "collective thoughtform".
The clearing of this toxicity is happening now and has resulted in a multitude
of bizarre symptomologies such as allergic type responses from the body. This is
coming from an "overload" so resting and detoxing yourself is mandatory.
Remember energetic parasites create physical ones and the microorganisms in our
physical self have reflected this change. Allergic symptoms are from
inflammation which is caused by infection or injury to the body. If you feel
heat, swollen, bloated or allergic, anti-inflammation therapies, staying
alkaline, possibly fasting or eating very little with proteolytic enzymes ( i.e.
pancreatin, bromelain, digestive enzymes, wobenzyme) helps the body a lot. When
the body is this overloaded there is not enough resources for complex digestion
and the load is placed on the liver and kidneys. Be aware to care for your
detoxification organs now.
Resurrection Prototyping Update
Additionally the Resurrection template (began last April 12, 2009) for some of
the Starseed protoypers has begun a new cycle of embodiment. The Aurora families
are directing and working primarily with these new templates that call for
re-encrypted raw material for the physical self. This means an elemental body
structure upgrade to the raw material of the physical self as it has been
recorded in the chemical constituents of the 3D DNA program. (The Founders liken
the elemental physical body in 3D as an "inanimate" clay that has to be
"re-animated" with God Source, the living light code.) Once freed of the false
umbilicus structure, the power management in the monadic atomic body that
connects at the 1D level is changing (at what is known as) the transduction
sequence record. The transduction sequence is the exact moment of cellular
record of incarnational birth into this physical body. For now, those doing this
project, this means our body is being released of the "cellular record" of
physical birth into 3D. Upon the power/energy management structure changing
within the electromagnetic battery body, the etheric webbing that is closest to
the physical body is "growing a new skin". This "new skin" appearing on the
etheric webbing is in actuality the process of which the cellular matrix in the
etheric body is projecting its new "skin" into the cells of the physical body.
Apparently this is a step of how the re-encryption to the elemental structure of
the physical body is being accomplished. They mention this process is a
milestone that is breaking the hierarchal link between multidimensional systems
that have been using a "consumptive model". Consumptive model means that the
"entity" needs to consume something external to itself in order to "exist". The
Resurrection Template is designed to break the link in the chain that creates
the consumptive modeling in all dimensions. (Consumptive modeling is another way
to say, consuming another life form or in extremes, vampirism, parasitism and
the feeding of phantom matrices.) It means the entity can sustain itself and
exist from its inner source without requiring an external energy/battery source
of which to continue its existence. Because of the change in our bodily energy
management conversion, we may consume very little food. It's really quite
We are in this adventure together and until next….Stay in the luminosity of your
Avatar Heart Path! This year and forward, we should experience more energetic
support and connection for our Indigo Family more than ever!
Love, Lisa
© 2010, Lisa Renee
Lisa's interview with James Gilliland
Lisa Renee interview by James Gilliland 1 of 6
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Lisa Renee is a Spiritual Scientist, Energetic Healer, Galactic and
Multi-Dimensional Guide and Quantum Therapist. She is an impactful and
startlingly insightful educator bringing new wisdom about our Planet's Ascension
Cycle, its effects on our bodies, minds and spirits and how this new energy can
be utilized for positive personal and global transformation.Lisa Renee is a
Telepathic Channel for the Guardians, an Interdimensional Group of beings
focused on the evolutionary purposes of Humankind. Find Lisa on the web at: