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Richard P. Feynman

Profession: Physicist. Born 1918, Brooklyn, New York.
Died 1988, Los Angeles, California.

"We could, of course, use any notation we want; do not laugh at notations; invent them, they are powerful. In fact, mathematics is, to a large extent, invention of better notations."
(Source: The Feynman Lectures on Physics, Addison-Wesley, Chapter 17)



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Gustave Flaubert

Profession: author. Born 1821. Died 1880.

Since you are now studying geometry and trigonometry, I will give you a problem. A ship sails the ocean. It left Boston with a cargo of wool. It grosses 200 tons. It is bound for Le Havre. The main mast is broken, the cabin boy is on deck, there are 12 passengers aboard, the wind is blowing east-north-east, the clock points to a quarter past three in the afternoon. It is the month of May. How old is the captain?


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Gottlob Frege

Profession: mathematician. Born 1848, Wismar, Germany. Died 1935, Bad Kleinen, Germany.

Every good mathematician is at least half a philosopher, and every good philosopher is at least half a mathematician.


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Galileo Galilei

Profession: scientist. Born 1564, Pisa, Italy. Died 1642, Florence, Italy.

In questions of science the authority of a thousand is not worth the humble reasoning of an individual.


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Evariste Galois

Profession: mathematician. Born 1811, Paris, France. Died 1832, Paris, France.

Unfortunately what is little recognized is that the most worthwhile scientific books are those in which the author clearly indicates what he does not know; for an author most hurts his readers by concealing difficulties.


Mathematics ... condescends to render service to astronomy and other natural sciences, but under all circumstances the first place is her due.


Mathematics is the queen of the sciences, and number theory the queen of mathematics.


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Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas.


Mathematics are well and good but nature keeps dragging us around by the nose.

~Albert Einstein



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Mathematics is as much an aspect of culture as it is a collection of algorithms.

~Carl Boyer, 1949, calculus textbook



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Susan Gerhart

Profession: mathematician.
One person’s constant is another person’s variable.


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For me it remains an open question whether [this work]
pertains to the realm of mathematics or to that of art.

- M.C. Escher






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Profession: philosopher, scientist. Born 384 bce. Died 322 bce.

Number proceeds from unity.

The mathematical sciences particularly exhibit order, symmetry, and limitation; and these are the greatest forms of the beautiful.

The primary question was not what do we know, but how do we know it.


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Roger Bacon

Profession: scientist. Born 1214. Died 1294.

In mathematics I can report no deficiency, except it be that men do not sufficiently understand the excellent use of Pure Mathematics.

Mathematics is the gate and key to the sciences.

The things of this world cannot be made known without a knowledge of mathematics.



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Jon Barwise

Profession: mathematician. Born 1942. Died 2000.

There are many ways to explore unfamiliar territory: you can go with an experienced guide, you can go by yourself or with others along well marked trails, or you can go alone or with a friend through uncharted territory. Each has its own rewards and drawbacks. If you prefer the uncharted territory, with its rewards and pitfalls, then research may be for you.
(Source: Curriculum Vitae of Jon Barwise by Dana Scott)

Niels Bohr

Profession: physicist. Born 1885, Copenhagen, Denmark. Died 1962, Copenhagen, Denmark.

An expert is a man who has made all the mistakes, which can be made, in a very narrow field.

Prediction is difficult, especially of the future.

Pierre Leon Boutroux

Profession: mathematician. Born 1880, Paris, France. Died 1922, France.

Logic is invincible, because in order to combat logic it is necessary to use logic.


Blaise Pascal

Profession: mathematician.

... engulfed in the infinite immensity of spaces whereof I know nothing, and which know nothing of me, I am terrified.

He is very intelligent but he is not a mathematician: this as you know is a great defect.
(Source: From a letter of Pascal to Fermat)

Humble thyself, impotent reason!

Man is equally incapable of seeing the nothingness from which he emerges and the infinity in which he is engulfed.

Reason’s last step is the recognition that there are an infinite number of things which are beyond it.



Profession: philosopher.


The mind is not a vessel to be filled,
it is a fire to be kindled.



Proclus Diadochus

Profession: mathematician.

This therefore is Mathematics:
She reminds you of the invisible forms of the soul;
She gives life to her own discoveries;
She awakens the mind and purifies the intellect;
She brings light to our intrinsic ideas;
She abolishes oblivion and ignorance which are ours by birth.


Wherever there is number, there is beauty.



Profession: mathematician.


Number is the within of all things.


There is geometry in the humming of the strings.


Geometry is knowledge of the eternally existent.


Srinivasa Ramanujan

Profession: mathematician.


An equation means nothing to me
unless it expresses
a thought of


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Rudy Rucker
Profession: mathematician, author.

The study of infinity is much more than a dry academic game.
The intellectual pursuit of the absolute infinity is,
as Georg Cantor realized,

a form of the soul’s quest for God.

Whether or not the goal is ever reached,
an awareness of the process brings enlightenment.


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