Lady of Light

Recently, I have been feeling 'not of this world'. It's quite strange really. I guess I would describe it as 'dreaming while awake', but not daydreaming. I feel almost as if my soul is half way out of my body at all times. I don't quite feel connected with the physical world anymore. I know that consciously I am, but, what if I'm really not.

An example of this is, two days ago, I was walking to my car after work. And on my way to the car, I remember thinking, "this feels funny". Walking that is. It just felt extremely strange to me. I looked down at my legs and feet and thought "what a strange feeling". It feels normal to me again now, but in those few moments, I really didn't know what to think. I still don't know what to make of it.

I still feel otherworldly. This is all new to me. I believe that I AM a wanderer here on this planet in these trying times. Maybe I'm just becoming more aware of my true self.


Lady of Light
I have been going through a deep transition myself, feeling different in my body as though learning how to use it in a different way. I feel as though a radio picking up signals and listening with the antenna of my heart. I learned something interesting from Dr Horowitz video that Rumas has the link to about the antenna of the DNA. Could it be that our DNA is changing in some way due to our spiritual inner work and learning? could it be that we are learning how to use our bodies and our thoughts in new ways as our DNA code transitions? is this what is meant by ascension?
I do think that our DNA is changing in some way. I forget how he put it but, David Wilcock said that there is a change coming from the sun that is altering our DNA and getting us ready for 'the harvest'. All we need to to is accept it and it will happen. Personally, I'm all for it. I want to be as prepared as I can.

So, I would say, yes, this is part of the ascension process.

Lady of Light
It's gotten to the point where I know where I am, but I don't really know where I am sometimes. I find myself stopping at almost every green light while driving. I've never done that before. I feel like I am in such a daze most of the time. I find myself zoning out no matter what I do. Like right now while I'm typing this, I don't feel like I'm really here.

All of my senses are definitely affected. All in a good way I'm sure. It gets a little freaky sometimes, especially when driving, but I'm learning to cope and have the best of both worlds for now.

Lady of Light