[Warning!] Now the Future of Yard Sales under Attack?


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Your right to resell your own stuff is in peril - Jennifer Waters's Consumer Confidential - MarketWatch

By Jennifer Waters

Another new plan to separate and keep you from your money. This from the SCOTUS. Probably another future taxable item for the IRS. What in the world is happening to us?

CHICAGO (MarketWatch) — Tucked into the U.S. Supreme Court’s agenda this fall is a little-known case that could upend your ability to resell everything from your grandmother’s antique furniture to your iPhone 4.

That’s being challenged now for products that are made abroad, and if the Supreme Court upholds an appellate court ruling, it would mean that the copyright holders of anything you own that has been made in China, Japan or Europe, for example, would have to give you permission to sell it.
I've been waiting on this one, ever since Chicago police started handing out tickets to anyone with a "For Sale' sign on their cars. I have family members in the Chicago police dept. who are very worried about the police state. my cousin tells me that every new recruit is brain washed by FBI & CIA where one of the more outrageous claims is that our nations founding fathers were terrorist, sorry got a bit off track but yeah our rights are being systematically eradicated and we better start organizing against this before it's late.
Somehow I wouldn't doubt that, but give it the benefit of a doubt. My friend is from Chicago and still has older family members and now a few cousins. :) Wouldn't put it past the SCOTUS to make it law of the land. Then where do we go from there? Good luck to you and your friends and family.
The SCOTUS what a joke the people in charge of safeguarding our constitution and bill of rights are the first ones to sell us out. power corrupts weak minded individuals, The shadow government goes after our politicians as well as the scotus, they spy on them and gather incriminating evidence, such as meetings with prostitutes [both male and female] bribes accepted, drug abuse ETC. once they have this evidence they own them and we lose. this goes on around the world when they can't find any incriminating evidence and when they can't bribe public officials then they send in the jackals to poison and or assassinate them.
Yes, I have heard of the assinated mirobiologists along the way. The ones who would be able to help in a pandemic. How in the world did we let people like this get in control?

Good find. There's been quite a few similar stories that on occasion come up in the news. Thanks for reminding me ridiculous to attack something as innocent as lemonade stand! Why aren't they looking for real criminals.

Here's one I can't find the whole story on their it was some time ago, he wound up removing flag, becuse the fines were too much. Guess we know what kind of people are in charge of Tamarac Fl.
Micro management, abuse of power and killing the free enterprise spirit. It's all part of dumbing down the public desensitizing public officials as well as the general public the first step in walking up is accepting the fact that we have been taken over by power hungry lunatics who have been working in the shadow for a couple of centuries these people are devil worshipers, ruthless, and backed by technology 25-30 years more advanced than the rest of us their goals are total control, depopulation (Georgia Stones) and a work force incapable of critical thinking their plan has been successful only we stand in their way thanks to our founding fathers who understood this threat and blessed us with the right to bear arms, if we allow them to disarm us that will be check mate they already have a large part of the American public thinking that the answer to violence is gun bans, but we know better I predict another major attack soon a la batman movie massacre (false flag) using Russian special forces which are already in the U.S.A out job is to help others out of the sleep like state wake them up by leading them to the water yet allowing them to think it was their plan all along.i like to ask questions allowing them to find the answers for themselves.seems to work better than a know it all conspiracy theorist ranting lol
We're still entitled to an opinion, so far, in this country. I have a few theories of my own.

I'm not a product of the Public schools who are now under the jurisdiction of the Dept of Ed, (Mid-1970's, I think) and the NEA (National Education Assoc.) Teaching was better, before they had to be pretty well versed on things, not a "specialty" like a dr. nowdays.
I blame them for the dumbing down business, maybe agenda driven, by TPTB. School started around the last week of Aug. They've already had three days off, since it started. They're off around here more than they are on, and the people who have property still have to pay an unreasonable amount of property taxes. They only care about FCAT, sure we had it when I was in school, but they didn't put such an to do over it as they do on it now.
Game shows, believe it or not, if you watch, especially Let's make a Deal, they rely on complete strangers, if they're under 40, the older people make their own decisions.
I, too, believe there will be another False Flag, exactly what, I'm not sure, they could do it for almost any issue.
Rahm Emmanuel Mayor of Chicago: "You never want a serious crisis to go to waste." Then chief of staff. (Nov 21, 2008)

Be safe.