pegasus living moon

If that is the case then Mikado... You don't have to worry about your Father anymore.... and I know that your Mother loves you.... so why don't you just put this heavy burden down?

There is a question that I wish you could answer. Linda

And what do you know about my parents? What burden? And what is the question, I am not sure I follow you.

Mikado you are still in your own loop.
You don't need to insult others. They have a right to their opinions and however they drew them. You seem to constantly forget that you can not control everybody. You couldn't control Hobbit and you certainly have no control over Gemini... and you yourself here have answered the question....

I have said nothing to the hobbit. And yes, people are entitled to an opinion but what gemini said was libel. He made a conclusory statement based upon nothing but something he imagines.

You DID take the money that I offered.... and you have said that the story is on the HUT.... which means that your statements about giving that Money to your Mother is also there. Of course people have to get a special password... and I doubt that there are many who are interested but I will take your word for the fact that all that correspondence is still there..... You gave that money ( YOU SAID) to you Mother to COMPENSATE her for the imagined hardships that she had undergone because of another imagined slight toward you and your family. That was your excuse.... but you wrote it....and thats what you did...

Yep, it is all there and it sticks in your craw. As to the those statements, they are not archived. Only posts prior to August of 2011 are archived.

That money was meant to help you with your research.... not to go into your Mothers bank account or to help her with groceries. Would she even remember this situation? Its a fair question to ask. I tend to believe ( this is my opinion) that IF you gave her any money at all.... You CERTAINLY didn't say that it was from Linda Brown.

So we are back to the same old drill. You misappropriated monies that were intended for research.

Here is a fair question. Did you understand the term "fungible commodity"? You need to check your cancelled check and you will see that it was deposited into the account for Hut B and not my Mother's account. You are misrepresenting or just flat out lying to your own enurement.

I don't see anything that you have said that changes my opinion of that. Do you have any reason that was valid? Other than sheer spitefulness on your part. It would be nice to see it. Linda

Frankly, I don't give a damn about your opinion however, I do give a damn in the lies and misrepresentations you put forth. Frankly, you wouldn't know the truth if it bit you on your ass.

Mikado you wrote this to Gemini.....

"And what do you tell your Mother? Does she cry at night over the delusions you have? The psychopathic dreams and displaced realities you have told her? Does she wonder where she went wrong? Hell, you can't even spell correctly or form a proper sentence, so what do you tell your Mother or for that matter....Father... who you are a great disappointment to."But are you actually speaking and asking this of yourself? Linda

And in your haste to strike out you fail to differentiate the quote from what you wish to say. You really need to learn some self-control.

No, I am not speaking of myself but perhaps it could apply to you?

And we dont know if its not true either,so where at a stands still which leaves to stay neutral,but your right, i dont know, and i will say i do apologize...mikado,
'may you look in the mirror and have no regrets on what ever happened'

So, are you in the habit of posting lies? Are you in the habit of posting supposition?

And how much of all the other stuff you post would fall into those categories or would they just be delusional self induced renderings of perceived representations?

I had written a long challenge to Zorgon about finally accepting the fact that I am who I have said I was... and that there was no need for him and the rest of his crew ( Exterminator, Pimander) to continually question that.... unless of course they had an agenda involved in doing that. Which is looking pretty obvious now because the entire episode here was so really silly.....

Anyway.... I challenge Zorgon again to meet me in Vegas... and to tell me to bring whatever it is that he feels that he needs to see to prove to himself that I am who I have said I am.

For him not to respond to that challenge... simply means that this whole thing has just been a ploy on his part to waste time and misdirect peoples attention. Thats really nasty and must not be allowed to stand.

So Zorgon. Don't think that I will forget...I believe that you are hiding out now from your pledge on making that apology.

I intend to see you honor your committment to that promise! Please don't disappoint any of us any further!

If you are still having problems with transportation and we decide to meet in Vegas I will send a car for you........what have you got to lose? Linda

And here is something else I agree with you on Linda.

It shouldn't be too difficult for Zorgon to meet with you for afterall, you are only roughly two hours away. Perhaps you might understand what he is feeling. Difficult to hold one self accountable for their actions, perhaps you two are more the same than not.

Yes Mikado its an easy trip. Heck. I might already be living in Las Vegas?... or maybe Philadelphia? Fact is.... you have no idea of where I am right now or where I plan to be in the future.

Its only a few hours away in any case.... from almost any place. You should know that an IP number never really verifies where someone is posting from....... otherwise you would be living in Loudoun County, Virginia now most of the time, wouldn't you ? Silly Rabbit. Linda.
Mikado... You have admitted that you accepted my check to be put into the Hut Bs account and to be used for research. You have admitted here that you TOLD me that you had given that amount to your mother because you KNEW that would upset me. Of course it did. I don't care about the legal beagle definitions of where money goes.... the more important thing demonstrated here is also a legal term and it is called " Failure to act in good faith". I gave you that money which you have admitted here and on the Hut Forum ( though you have hidden it very well from public viewing) that you took that money ( which came from me) and gave it to your Mother.

I will let your own concience settle with that. I have other things to do. It probably won't be the last money that you take and then use in another direction.... if you do it with me... How can anyone else trust you?

The rest of your rhetoric is just that... smoke to cover your actions.

No wonder that " Morgan" locked you out.

Yes Mikado its an easy trip. Heck. I might already be living in Las Vegas?... or maybe Philadelphia? Fact is.... you have no idea of where I am right now or where I plan to be in the future.

If you are laboring under the delusion that I give a frog's fat frackin' ass as to where you live, well disappointment is all you will reap.

Its only a few hours away in any case.... from almost any place. You should know that an IP number never really verifies where someone is posting from....... otherwise you would be living in Loudoun County, Virginia now most of the time, wouldn't you ? Silly Rabbit. Linda.

Ok, why don't you tell everyone where you got that Loudoun County from? Actually it is Ashburn, Virginia that keeps coming up when you would log in to the Hut and you used to check to see who was online. IF you would do your research, which you don't, that is a Verizon switching station and a good deal of logons would come through that. You did, I did, Cat would sometime and a slew of others. So, who informed you that one couldn't trace an IP back? So when law enforcement tracks down child pornographers, email threats etc, they really aren't capable of that since Linda Brown says it can't be verified.

The only one silly here is you for the only comedy is your ignorance of how things work.]

Mikado... You have admitted that you accepted my check to be put into the Hut Bs account and to be used for research. You have admitted here that you TOLD me that you had given that amount to your mother because you KNEW that would upset me. Of course it did. I don't care about the legal beagle definitions of where money goes.... the more important thing demonstrated here is also a legal term and it is called " Failure to act in good faith". I gave you that money which you have admitted here and on the Hut Forum ( though you have hidden it very well from public viewing) that you took that money ( which came from me) and gave it to your Mother.

Failure to act in good faith, that is not really a term but I will let you have it. Now let's get this straight. You invested the funds into Hut B and that is where they went. Hut B was going to prove EG was real. $500 as compared to the rest of the funds invested, over $30,000, is only 1.66%..roughly and that percentage is shrinking even now. The funds were refused, several times, but being the little patent leather shoe girl you are, WE and I do mean WE capitulated in taking the funds because you claimed you had a right to contribute since it was based upon your Father's work. As a side note, why don't you tell everyone how I have refused to take funds from ANYONE even though offered? Doesn't fit your agenda, that's why. Getting back on track here, so, since I put in the rest of the funds which is approximately 98.33% and continuing... and I wish to give my Mother some money from the money I put in, so be it. The reason I said it was yours is because you said you wanted nothing, and I repeat nothing, to do with Hut B or myself and that I fell flat on my face. My response was that I gave your funds to my Mother since you caused a great deal of stress in her life as well as my Father's due to you childish tactics which was flat out wrong. Of course you have no accountability for you don't know the meaning of the word but I will in time..teach it to you. Therefore, since you wanted nothing to do with me, I gave your funds to my Mother but then how can it really be your funds? Money is a fungible commodity. The funds you gave were spent a good deal of time prior to August of 2011.

Now, getting back to what you are calling "Failure to act in good faith", how is that so? You were offered the right to come and see the demonstration of a fully functioning Gravitor. You refused. Sounds like even though you have been misrepresenting everything when in fact you are putting forth lies, here is the offer that was made:

Linda's email sent said:
----- Original Message -----
From: xxxxx
To: Elizabeth Helen Drake
Cc: Jan L.
Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2012 10:16 AM
Subject: An offer


There was a meeting of what has been called Hut B yesterday afternoon via conference and different phone calls. And it was decided as to the following.

On the first weekend of August, specifically the 4th, the final active testing of the Gravitor will commence. Owing to the fact that the underlying foundation is based upon your Father's work, it was decided to offer you the opportunity to observe final experiments of full dynamic testing.

At some point, depending on the success or failure of the experiments, it will become public. Although this may take a bit of time for the compilation of the results, it is, as mentioned, built upon your Fathers' work.

This decision came about in all fairness and is being offered to you and Jan since she is the writer of your memoirs. It will be further extended to the writer of the only known biography written about your Father as was promised.

We look forward to hearing from you,

Mikado, XXXXXX et al.

The above is the email that was sent to not only you but Rose as well. You never answered but Rose responded and so did Paul Schatzkin. I would say that you need to talk to your lawyer for it was all fair. And why we are at it, why don't you tell everyone that you were going to get 25% of anything that came out commercially from Hut B as opposed to the 5% that Andrew was going to give you. Further more, why don't you tell everyone how you claimed that you didn't want that 25% and that you wanted NOTHING from me. And now you want your investment returned.

Not going to happen little girl. Everything was done as promised, because you refused to come and see it operate, that is on you and not me. You act as if since you didn't come, and you were going to be in the area in the month of August which reminds me, why did you use my name at a local realtor? I think that is misrepresentation if not fraudulent. It never stops with you. I fully expect a twisted cone from you on this, I prefer a vanilla/chocolate twist so how about indulging

I will let your own concience settle with that. I have other things to do. It probably won't be the last money that you take and then use in another direction.... if you do it with me... How can anyone else trust you?

Just because you don't trust me doesn't mean that others don't. I never breached any fiduciary trust in the funds you placed, the job was done and proven. The work continues.

The rest of your rhetoric is just that... smoke to cover your actions.

No wonder that " Morgan" locked you out.


What you call rhetoric is truth. As to Morgan....LMAO....he is a freakin' coward. He locked the door because he was afraid, pure and simple.

I guess he was right. You were lost a very long time ago. Linda

Who said I was lost? Who was "he"? Are you talking about Morgan? Now is that Dave or the Morgan that exists in your fantasy world? Is this response the best you can do? What's the matter Linda, did my post explain too much and that it didn't fit your agenda in the attempt to cast me as some kind of fraud?

The email is real, ask Rose, ask Paul.

And let me correct you on you "so-called" legal term that you made up that couldn't have come from a REAL attorney. "Failure to act in good faith" is not cause for a tort but could be used as argument only. The tort would have to be drawn under a statute and that can vary from state to state, so, since the transaction occurred in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, you would have to hire an attorney here, or get an attorney in California or somewhere that is admitted to the Bar and can practice here.

Now the first thing you need to understand is that you would have to file under corporate law but any attorney worth his salt would file both under corporate law and individually in that would cover everything. Sort of like throwing it at the wall to see what sticks. But I am going to be helpful here for you. You cannot file under Fraud because you are barred from doing so due to a two year statute limit unless you can prove something otherwise and that would be that the statute begins to run from the time the fraud became apparent. In your case you would do what you do best and just lie. However, you could say that you first found out in August of 2011 which is when you started all this about the money but then, I could make a very good defense that would more than likely dismiss that particular count. Now the next statute you might want to consider would be "Breach of fiduciary". That might be your best attack but again, I can make a very good defense that would have that count dismissed as well. Now the best thing you could do would be to bring a count that would be the co-mingling of personal funds into Hut B. Use of invested funds for personal use and a host of others. But in any event, it all boils down to one thing. You have given me the perfect defense. An email that was sent out and you refused to respond and when you did, it was as a comment on a public forum. What you must understand is, you were given "due and timely notice" to attend the culmination of Hut B's work, you refused. You also have publicly stated that you want nothing to do with me or Hut B. You have publicly stated that you hope Hut B would fail and that others have surpassed what we have done which I believe to be a lie.

And the best is that I can and would bring in a portable supply and demonstrate to the court the culmination of the work and then at the same time you file your charges, I would bring a counter suit against you, the owners of the Token and any other forum that hosts your statements for all the libelous statements you have posted on the Token without the ability to back up those statements with facts that they are based upon and as to the owners of said forums for allowing violations of their own TOS (Terms of Service).

As to anything I have said (hypocrite etc), I can back it up with evidence and one thing you must understand, just ask one of the two attorneys you have is that cases are won by the preponderance of the evidence. In other words, whose has the most and who has the most believable and I have witnesses. Tread lightly...missy.

So, am I lost? I gather that it would be determined by a point of reference. Usually, one doesn't realize they are lost for first there is denial and then the reality sets in. Am I lost? I don't think so for I have answers to your Father's work that I would bet that he didn't have and in my world, I have answers and have found solutions and to me, I am not lost.

Now, answer the questions above...but I know you won't because you can't...your world would fall apart.

Ha ha,
Are We finally.....finally arriving at what all of this has been about??????
Debase TT Browns record, and install the great mikado as the great inventor????

Is that it Mikado, create as much shite as possible , throw it all at Linda so lots sticks on Her fathers records.
Denounce Her and Her father ,to herald in the great Mikado????

Thats what the above post reads as.
Ha ha,
Are We finally.....finally arriving at what all of this has been about??????
Debase TT Browns record, and install the great mikado as the great inventor????

Is that it Mikado, create as much shite as possible , throw it all at Linda so lots sticks on Her fathers records.
Denounce Her and Her father ,to herald in the great Mikado????

Thats what the above post reads as.

No, this is NOT what it is all about.

Linda started the crap about the $500. I explained the $500 and some facts that went with it in regard to Hut B.

I will state this and do so emphatically:

I have before, now and will in the future always refer to Townsend Brown as Dr. Brown. I have stated that I respect all his work regardless of his personal life. Linda has stated publicly that she always supported anyone who would take her Father's work and build upon it. That is what Hut B has done and will continue to do which has not one thing to do with Linda Brown.

The work has nothing to do with Linda, she didn't do a damn thing in regard to that but what she did do was to create an illusion to Paul Shatzkin who was writing a biography of her Father, she further perpetrated this hoax upon a good many of individuals and that is what it is in regard to Linda. Her repeated attempts at public embarrassment directed at myself and others as an offensive first strike (remember who started the public assaults originally on the Hut) against those individuals to portray herself in a positive manner when the reality of it all is her delusions being used as fodder for a perpetuation and embellishment of a story to give herself some credibility.

All she is, is nothing more than the daughter of Townsend Brown. She is not the scientist that he was. She does not understand any of it and to afford her that status, which by the way is what she promised to the Pegasus, is nothing short of fraud.

So, my response that you are commenting upon Mr. hobbit, was made in response to not only Linda's claim of fraudulent actions by myself and Hut B but also in response to Immortalgemini's unfounded libel as well. The complete story needed to be told.

I told and substantiated that no fraud was committed and included an email that was sent. Anyone can ask Rose about the email and they will see the truth, it was sent and her email will show that it went to multiple recipients and that, I can't fake on her computer.

Precisely. The mask is falling further and further from the ugly face. Linda

Let us know when it has fallen off of you.

Now answer the questions I put forth, I answer yours. Perhaps you can't or would that be won't?

Your the Titanic, keep saying the ship is unsinkable...and Linda plays on.

Hobbit.... You have seen some of the new information that is headed in our direction. New shipmates and a fair breeze which will take us out of these Mikado doldrums and into clear weather.

You are the Navigator as you always have been meant to be. The Resolute is " coming about" and setting another course. Jettison the unimportant, clear the decks. We have a long and productive voyage in front of us.

Hobbit.... You have seen some of the new information that is headed in our direction. New shipmates and a fair breeze which will take us out of these Mikado doldrums and into clear weather.

You are the Navigator as you always have been meant to be. The Resolute is " coming about" and setting another course. Jettison the unimportant, clear the decks. We have a long and productive voyage in front of us.


What's the matter Linda? No more comments about the $500?

You couldn't shut your mouth about it and when confronted with the reality, you scamper away with your tail between your sail away on a ship created in the same shipyard as Morgan/twigsnapper et al.


**edit** And since you aren't commenting anymore than one conclusion that most will come to... One cannot argue the truth. How does it feel to be faced with the truth? Doesn't help your agenda too much, does it.
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All she is, is nothing more than the daughter of Townsend Brown

Higher praise I could never ask for.

And thats all I have to say........ the $500.00 was an investment in someone I trusted and had faith in. It was a cheap lesson.

Your shouting.
Your cheap snide remark aimed at Dr Brown and His personal life just cost You.