pegasus living moon

Well, Rons answer to that was to send me a nice nasty personal little note, calling me a "drama queen "and expressing his sincerest disappointment that he had apparently not been able to " wash his hands of me".

My question though now is.... that since he has washed his hands of me he can't seem to do anything quite right with them.... for example... posting the note of apology that he promised that he would do when he was sure that I was actually Townsend Browns daughter? Surely he has figured that one out by now. He seems to be having a hard time keeping track of what is going on right under his nose....

For someone who has been reduced to begging for funds from his members and the public so that he can replace his worn out truck.....things certainly don't sound too rosy in his direction. And it doesn't seem to be getting better.

He was the one that said his Forum had " fizzled".

Anyway... he kicked me off that newsletter group with his typical glee...( he hadn't realized that I have been there for years) and he still doesn't know the sources of my other information. But I am good with that. I wouldn't have had time to respond to Matt and Dr. Strevens anyway

Kisses to you too Ron. ( otherwise known as Zorgon... the slightly less than great!) Linda.
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I will keep what you said in thought, as I will move on to other adventures on this site. I don’t like for men to be mean to woman, as my higher power is that of the 'Mother of all Mothers‘, the mother of 'all light that shines' in the universe.
Have a good day...And may you win your battles against the forces of evil/mikado,who seem to have no respect for

Immortal Gemini,

You comment on things you know nothing about. Mean to woman? How dare you comment about my character when you know nothing about me. Here is something for you to prove your abilities and verify the veracity of those "things" you have said about me that you intimate have been acquired from other worldly sources.

If Lady of Light is amenable to this, I will tell her what has had me occupied for the past several months and why I have been absent from this forum in the past month within a PM for her eyes only. "You" can then post, publicly, what that has been within a certain amount of time. She can confirm or deny.

If you are not amenable to this then what conclusion can a reader of this forum have as to all you have said in my direction? The difference between what you have said and what I have said to Linda is that it happened on this earthly plane and there are those that were present.

If Lady of Light is amenable to this, I will tell her what has had me occupied for the past several months and why I have been absent from this forum in the past month within a PM for her eyes only. "You" can then post, publicly, what that has been within a certain amount of time. She can confirm or deny.


If that is what needs to happen, then so be it.
Mikado.... no one here on this Forum or on other forums needs to meet you personally to get a good handle on what your personality is like. The way you address people....tells volumes

"You comment on things you know nothing about. Mean to woman? How dare you comment about my character when you know nothing about me.

Oh. but they do. Learning more everyday too. Linda
Mikado.... why does this man look so much like you? Do you have another career you haven't bothered to tell anyone about..... you said recently that you had " other sources of income"... now maybe its just a coincidence... or maybe you have a twin? Or maybe your own doppleganger????

Anyone else who has met Mikado face to face.... tell me if there isn't a strong resemblance here.

Maybe one of your lives is getting mixed up with another?

And on the Pegasus Consortium too.... how convenient.

Pegasus Research Consortium

Exterminator just typed " Who is Linda Brown? Don't know, because has no record that TT Brown had and kids...

Curious that, eh?
You HAVE to be kidding , right?
Alls well in the world kiddos... This is Linda Brown, rightful heir to the Thomas Townsend Brown legacy...
I am Linda Ann Brown ( Dad wanted a LAB at the time.... I guess in December of 1945 I had to do!!! <g>)
My brothers name was Joseph Townsend Brown.... he was proud of his name and his legacy too though he chose to go into sports instead of science. ....

So curious it is Exterminator! Is this your idea of research? hahaha and now I am supposed to not exist?
You folks are really very funny.

Lady of Light. I am sorry that I have been away. I have many questions to ask of you because much new material has come in my direction and I am curious to know if you have had any other strange feelings or visions about all of this. I feel that there is a tremendous upwelling of positive energy which will benefit all of us as long as we don't let petty bickering sideline us. Sometimes its good to step to the side to avoid an oncoming freight train... anything short of that the above....are just silly statements which are just unnecessary and are designed to delay serious and thoughtful considerations...Lets not get sidelined with silly stuff like this!

Too much is counting on the thoughts that can be developed here for the future.

I will try to keep up with the subjects here Lady of Light.... thank you so much for allowing me membership.

Times are changing and certain forces are losing their grip on what they want us all to see as reality...Don't let these forces delay your own progress into the future.

Thats as much as I am going to say about Exterminators comments. If anyone doubts that I am who I say I am you are very welcomed to join me at the Forum that carries my Dads full name. Or through this avenue contact me directly.

Best to you all Linda

Things have not changed too much since the above response to Exterminator... except that she has exited " stage left" and Mikado has increased his presence here while ignoring any and all comments on the HUT.... the site that he and Kim run. It still carries my Dads name ( so its a wonder to me why he thinks it so very strange that I would take affront to the things that both of them have decided to leave for the public viewing there. No matter.... we move along

I know that I have at least another four important chapters to write. I have been advised to take my time with this.... that this is an important part of what I have been called to do and in a way I think that the delay that I am feeling neccesary is all part of the overall master plan. I am OK with that.

I will try to keep you all up to date on the chapters as they unfold.... One of them addresses the importance of dreams ..... and the communications that are sent through them. I know that Lady of Light will especially find this interesting.

The others are still forming up because the information is still slowly finding its way to me.

I get so tired but this is not something that can be ignored.

Thanks for being a receptive group.

This was a recent post on the cosmic token. I encourage those who are interested to take a look at the full text and also the messages surrounding it. I just carved out what would be interesting for the folks looking at this particular thread.

? View topic - Kitselman and Brown pre 1950

"I do know however that when gentlemen such as my Dad and Beau Kitselman operated in such darkened secrecy that others took advantage of that and wrote their own opinions of what was going on. Then, for years, they have presented those opinions as FACT..... which it is not.... necessarily. A vaccum was created and agendas as well as nature ( as you so well know).... abhors that situation.

My efforts are simply to bring as much quality information to the surface as is possible.

You may already know that I actually launched myself into this process years and years ago when a person by the name of John Lear ( the son of one of my Dads friends and associates, William Lear) made several public comments .... and then reiterated them to me during a phone call.... He stated that my Dad and his " Group" was RESPONSIBLE for opening a "Portal" to "another dimension" ( or some such thing) allowing " other "entities"..... some of them extremely negative.... into our world."

Now thats alot to swallow. Its something I didn't believe at all at the time and I was insulted that he would charge that........
But the story was being told and believed by others.....
So I started off trying to put all of the little dots together to counter all of that information.

But I have to admit that there are some mysteries to this that are only getting deeper and more concerning.

Now what becomes disturbing to me is this comment made by some that " Beaus work had " negative consequences". You know that I am going to have to ask you and Beaus daughters what is meant by that.

I know that what I am asking may seem fantastic.... but could it possibly be true? WHAT caused those " negative consequences".... The story of " negative energies" being unleased on unsuspecting humans is ancient.... and now you mention to me that Beau was interested in a book on the subject of ancient magic??????

What were the driving forces that encouraged Dad to announce suddenly to his wife that moving to Hawaii was so very important? He started this push at the end of 1945 but my Mother refused to budge until 1947....What was actually happening there? What was Beau doing.

Why ( if it was not to study HUNA.... the idea that has been promoted by others....) did Beau go in that direction? Why was he in Hawaii also?

Coin tosses or random acts?

We have so much to learn!


Note that there is a wonderful picture of " Beau Kitselman" on a connecting message.

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The questions occurr to me of course... why was I such a danger to the Pegasus Research Group? So dangerous that they have banned me completely from their site? I hear alot of rhetoric from the likes of " The Exterminatior" that I was causing disruption to their well ordered system but looking back all I can see is that I was asking very pointed questions about some of the members and their agendas there. I never was rude. But my goodness. You should have seen the responses I got in return.

The only conclusion that I have been able to come to is that whatever the agenda on the Pegasus Group is.... its as mysterious as the subjects they SAY they are studying.

Just repeating something that I had written here a few messages earlier so that we can go from there.

"You may already know that I actually launched myself into this process years and years ago when a person by the name of John Lear ( the son of one of my Dads friends and associates, William Lear) made several public comments .... and then reiterated them to me during a phone call.... He stated that my Dad and his " Group" was RESPONSIBLE for opening a "Portal" to "another dimension" ( or some such thing) allowing " other "entities"..... some of them extremely negative.... into our world"

Now when I talked to John Lear about this ( about 1990 I believe.... Mom died in brother a year later in 1990 and it wasn't until AFTER that that I contacted John... so my memory might fog a little but it was about 90 or 91. At that time he was DEAD SERIOUS about what he was saying.

All of the sudden now he is saying that things are different now.... that there is more hope for the future.... and I want to know ....... what caused the change? You don't switch your opinions so drastically without a good reason and I sure would like to know what his reasons for that change were.

So if anyone happens to be reading this from the Pegasus Group perhaps they can answer that?

What things were brought to his attention that caused his change of mind.

If anyone is lost in this conversation regarding what he believed just look up

The John Lear Hypothesis to see what I mean.

Things have not changed too much since the above response to Exterminator... except that she has exited " stage left" and Mikado has increased his presence here while ignoring any and all comments on the HUT.... the site that he and Kim run. It still carries my Dads name ( so its a wonder to me why he thinks it so very strange that I would take affront to the things that both of them have decided to leave for the public viewing there. No matter.... we move along



And what of the tripe you have on the Token?

...oh I forgot...your creedo is..."Not what I do but what I say is the only truth!"

What a child.

Oh, and as to your new book I have a question. Will it be similar to the first in that your Father is portrayed, in footnotes, as the Forrest Gump of his time?

..just asking mind you.
