pegasus living moon

Hobbit.... so we can better inform Dan Patch. I was NOT a co-writer with Paul Schatzkin. THAT biography was the one and ONLY one written about my Dad. I shared no writers credits on that one and according to our contract agreed that I would get just 20% of the income AFTER all of his expenses were paid. ( I was the one who picked that figure. For access to my family archives and my full attention for the six years we worked together I thought that was fare. Then Paul met with Mikado .... and weeks later HE decided to publish the book unfinished and without even editing it.... which of course was the kiss of death for it and any income that might have eventually found its way to me.

Now.... there is a legal term for that.... called " acting in bad faith" but I will leave that for others and later.

I didn't actually care about the income then or now and its a good thing because as of my latest calculations..... it will be over eighteen years before I see a dime.

So don't be crass enough to try to tell anyone that I am " Making money by selling biographies"

The book that I wrote with Jan is a MEMOIR.... not a biography..( and yes, thank you very much it has done FAR better than Pauls book ever did)..

Smashwords — The Good-Bye Man — A book by Linda Brown

I simply tell of the experiences I had while helping Paul with the writing of his biography of my Dad. I pretty much start the book when he contacted me and end the " arch " of the account when he mysteriously threw up his hands and walked away from the project. Thats my story to tell from my viewpoint. I have been told that its interesting.

However... I have also recently been told that I didn't say enough.... and more needs to be disclosed ..and I have been promised help in doing that.. and thats what I intend to do. Apparently that is making some factions just a tad nervous. Not exactly a Little nervous.... apparently a whole lot nervous!

So do your homework or not..... Yammer at me all you want. Its not going to stop me. Linda
Sorry about the blank. I wrote a nice little response but now it has disappeared and I don't know what I did to do that so maybe like Hobbit I should just regard it as one of Raymonds Hic-ups where I must have deleted it from my future self <g>
So I think that I will just sit down and shut up which I guess I am supposed to do here.

Hobbit.... there is only one biography... the one that Paul Schatzkin wrote
My book is officially a memoir and it was about the experiences I had while helping Paul write that book. So thats more about my life.... so I hope that Pimander learns the difference. But you have to realize that he is not in this to make an accurate accounting of anything. Follow the passion in the words.... where does it go? Linda

Why are you changing the subject. You asked for proof that I was Linda Brown, daughter of T. Townsend Brown.... I supplied you with information that I had from my Birth Certificate.... all you had to do was verify that.... and answer one question from me.... the Drs. name on the certificate.... just so that I would know that you had done the courteous thing and actually looked it up...

But you haven't said a word... and in fact have allowed Exterminator to continue her childish rants. Don't you have any respect from Zorgons henchmen over there?

You asked me directly to supply you with information that would be proof. I have done so

I have also supplied Exterminator with information which would lead her directly to a public source ( a newspaper article which mentions my Dad and Mom and NAMES their two children. I gave you the paper and the date. All you had to do was look it up.

So lets stop this farce. You are only here to create diversion. Make yourself honorable or be known for what you actually , obviously are. Linda

Why are you changing the subject.
I'm not. I know you didn't write you Dad's bio. You wrote "your own". I know however that you were feeding Schatzkin when he wrote it. I also suspect Schatzkin is suspicious but I will check that for myself.

As for telling me something about a birth certificate.... I can go to the register of Births and find the birth details of any person in the UK. I could get Margaret Thatcher's birth details, say I was her, then claim she had an affair with Ronnie Reagan. Would that be proof I was her and what I was saying was true? Absolutely not.

No, I am not changing the subject. You could be anyone spinning a yarn. Prove you are TT Brown's daughter.
Originally Posted by Exterminator
I feel sad for dcooper though, the poor kid is getting sucked in and will end up ruining his career before it even starts
Originally Posted by dcooper
Exterminator do not feel sorry for me I believe Linda is Thomas Browns Daughter. Where else did she got all the photos, information, Notebooks and how does she know Thomas Brown very well, if she is not related to Thomas Brown in any way then why would she get this information, clearly Thomas Brown would not pick a random person to give all his info. I think what is happening is just some people are blind with hatred and are trying so hard discredit Linda. In the comic forum Linda said "I have proposed to Zorgon that we meet in person in Vegas....If some of what I have written above is a misunderstanding or I am totally mistaken then he can explain it to me then..and I will publically post an apology. But nothing short of a face to face meeting will do......I think that meeting is only fair and in it I want him to explain why suddenly he has decided that I have to prove my own credibility to him........... in any way. Its time for tit for tat I think. He can prove himself to me too.....if he can.......I don't mind the trip to Vegas.....lets see if Zorgon wants to just continue to take pot shots at me from a safe distance or is bold enough to go face to face." Which is in the Regarding the HUT and Mikado III page 11. -dcooper
I reposted this so that maybe Pimander and Exterminator will get this. -dcooper
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Just because you believe it without proof, that doesn't mean it is true.

I have replied to your PM. I will not speak for Zorgon.
Pimander. You are the silliest ever!

Didn't ask you to look up Margret Thatcher. Asked you to look me up. You had all the details. Doesn't matter what else that might mean.... just do your homework. Linda

Yes Mum.... thats the last shake of the trouser leg for today. I promise/ it was just in front of my nose.... couldn't resist the temptation. Going back to work now. Linda
I am in no way trying to "deflect" anything or anyone, You and several others are masters at such though.
You will go a long way before you find a more honest debater that me. You will also go a long way to find someone who wins a debate with me (plenty of stale-mate endings but no defeats). The reason is that I don't argue unless I already know I am right. If it an opinion I present it as such. Simple but effective technique but not always the best material for dramas.

I deal with any reasonable point made, but not repeatedly. If Linda proves who she is, then I take her story more seriously. That is not a deflection, it is a sensible position. I still think EG was a counter intel disinfo operation regardless. Perhaps the operation continues.....
Pimander. You are the silliest ever!

Didn't ask you to look up Margret Thatcher. Asked you to look me up. You had all the details.
I'm not that silly. I have the details and am in the process of checking. I haven't seen Thomas Brown's name on the records yet is all. The rest checks out.

I still don't know it's you yet of course, but at least it's a start.
So don't be crass enough to try to tell anyone that I am " Making money by selling biographies"
I'm not suggesting you are making a packet out of this. Just that you are making important claims based on who you are. You are "selling" your story so who you are matters.

However... I have also recently been told that I didn't say enough.... and more needs to be disclosed ..and I have been promised help in doing that.. and thats what I intend to do. Apparently that is making some factions just a tad nervous. Not exactly a Little nervous.... apparently a whole lot nervous!

So do your homework or not..... Yammer at me all you want. Its not going to stop me. Linda
I'm not nervous about any of this. I just like facts. It can't have escaped your notice that I always ask for more information not less.

Tell more. But please help me verify you are TT Brown's daughter, if you can, otherwise this is all just stories to me. I do not have some sinister agenda. I swear on my life. I can't believe that you guys are trying to use my integrity regarding proper research against me. It's madness.
You will go a long way before you find a more honest debater that me. You will also go a long way to find someone who wins a debate with me (plenty of stale-mate endings but no defeats). The reason is that I don't argue unless I already know I am right. If it an opinion I present it as such. Simple but effective technique but not always the best material for dramas.

I deal with any reasonable point made, but not repeatedly. If Linda proves who she is, then I take her story more seriously. That is not a deflection, it is a sensible position. I still think EG was a counter intel disinfo operation regardless. Perhaps the operation continues.....

Prepare to loose.
Dagnabbit... it won't let me see the last page. Whatever did you say?

Anyway... here is this for you Pimander now that I am finally logged in

"For some reason my computer won't let me see the last posts put up? I know, I know... I am not supposed to respond to you and take my attention away from my other paperwork but honest .... its lunchtime.

Pimander... remember that the initial volley here was that Townsend Brown had no children!!!!! Thats straight from Zorgons research assistant... his daughter.... Exterminator... she doesn't like doing that kind of stuff so I will give you this information. Maybe it will be easier for you to find my brother Joseph Townsend Brown.... born March 13, 1934 at Zanesville Ohios Bethesda Hospital.... the" Ohio Department of Health.... division of vital statistics... certificate of live birth.... ( birth number 134)

Dad was listed as 29, Thomas Townsend Brown... white... born in Zanesville, Ohio.... usual occupation " Consulting Engineer"
Mother is listed as 24 Josephine Alberta Beale, white ... born in Leachburg Pa

Joe was born at 2|05 pm............ and the Doctors name? You do me the courtesy of supplying THAT information/
The nurse was Della McBride.

Remember.... Townsend Brown had no children.

<g> Linda
Your really are dim Pimander... thats a disappointment. Of COUSE it continues!

"I deal with any reasonable point made, but not repeatedly. If Linda proves who she is, then I take her story more seriously. That is not a deflection, it is a sensible position. I still think EG was a counter intel disinfo operation regardless. Perhaps the operation continues.....

And how can you approach anything with an open mind when you are able to say.... without even blushing " I still think EG was a counter intel disinfo operation regardless." I happen to totally agree with you... but not in the way that I think you may mean. Now what do you have to say. Linda
And Pimander.... You don't argue anything unless you KNOW that you are right? Oh boy.... are we going to have fun!

Going back to work.

You said "I do not have some sinister agenda. I swear on my life". I am prepared to believe you. So lets stop treading water here. Linda
I can't believe that you guys are trying to use my integrity regarding proper research against me. It's madness.Now do you have any idea of the way I have been feeling???????

I'm not suggesting you are making a packet out of this. Just that you are making important claims based on who you are. You are "selling" your story so who you are matters.

I'm not nervous about any of this. I just like facts. It can't have escaped your notice that I always ask for more information not less.

Tell more. But please help me verify you are TT Brown's daughter, if you can, otherwise this is all just stories to me. I do not have some sinister agenda. I swear on my life. I can't believe that you guys are trying to use my integrity regarding proper research against me. It's madness.

Are there two pimanders?
I can't see that for some reason Hobbit.... Can you tell me what you mean by your question?


Theres the Pimander upon here, where all must be black or white.
Then theres the one on't living moon that wants to include multidimensions etc.

Ah. I used your link and saw for myself. Yes, I see what you mean. I also see that Pimander is calling for " boots on the ground" researchers in Southern California. Should I expect company? Or it this just " background research on the hospital? in Santa Ana? Or maybe he is checking something else out that he hasn't even bothered to tell us about?

Gee Pimander.... it must be about me or you would have asked me to help out, I would hope. Certainly you know that I live in the Southern California area..... If you are asking your " researchers" to " check Linda Brown " out.... just have them contact me and I will meet them for lunch. No problem. Lurkers around my ranch are not appreciated. Announced guests of course are another matter.
