pegasus living moon

I appreciate that LOL and thank you

I would like to continue the discussion of the way that various Forums seem to be " under attack" and would like to repost something that Hobbit wrote on the Rain on the Windows thread.... it more appropriately I think needs to be here.

Hobbit.... you wrote this on the Rain on the Windows thread and I agree with LOL that it belongs here, rather than there... I hope that you will continue your thoughts with me here?

This is what Hobbit said

Ridgerunner stated as I recall that He was a prof somewhere with a TEAM of students, and that they were studying several forums .
Not only studying, but joining them to create situations to further study the outcomes.
I can't search Your forum to actually quote exactly what was stated, but the name said it all.

I wonder what other forums they are "STUDYING, and have infiltrated, and created situations to study the consequences.
I would think it a given that they would be where You are?
I do remember those posts on the HUT from Ridgerunner. Thats exactly what he said that he was. A professor with TEAMS of students judging ( and INSTIGATING) the way that various Forums would respond to their actions.

I took quite an exception to many of the things that Ridgerunner said. At the time I had no idea that I was responding to Mikado in disguise. Perhaps we need to investigate the entire Ridgerunner matter further. There is a good point to studying your enemy. This might be important for Pegasus too. Linda
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Don't forget Hobbit/Linda, what I was saying above was mostly opinion.

We should probably take this private Linda (email or something). It was just background stuff so wanted someone near Orange County. No visits planned, at least not without an invite.

I think Lady wants us to take this to another thread or something, so we should move to wherever that is. I will be busy until Wednesday now I expect so if I don't reply properly before that you know why.

See your PMs Linda.
Your really are dim Pimander...
You are joking now.... unless I have overestimated you.

And how can you approach anything with an open mind when you are able to say.... without even blushing " I still think EG was a counter intel disinfo operation regardless." I happen to totally agree with you... but not in the way that I think you may mean. Now what do you have to say.
Where do we go from here? To be clearer, I think it was used for counter intelligence disinformation operations.

Before I go on, what do you mean by, "but not in the way that I think you may mean"?

Sorry if we have lost any readers here, this is complicated and would fill several chapters of a good spy novel to explain. LOL
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Theres the Pimander upon here, where all must be black or white.

Then theres the one on't living moon that wants to include multidimensions etc.

Yes, I know a lot more than I let on to. With anything though, the best place to lay a foundation, or start a mission/project/investigation, is from the ground.

If you understand that then credit to you.
Yes, I know a lot more than I let on to. With anything though, the best place to lay a foundation, or start a mission/project/investigation, is from the ground.

If you understand that then credit to you.

In a hole 9in the GROUND there lived a hobbit.
hahaha this is fun.

So who are these " trolls" that have taken such a grave interest in the work of T. Townsend Brown and why is it so important for them to try to make me invisible? Focusing on Ridgerunner program here Pimander but if you have any other ideas.... wade on in.....

I just ran across a strange comment that you made Pimander about the names that have been given to the man some call Morgan. I noticed that the conclusions about the origins of the names came from Ameratsu... she is incorrect. Paul named him "Morgan".... had nothing to do with the booze but the pirate...he thought that it fit him for the book and a name had to be chosen. Ok.....Jan and I picked JD Garrett.... because again.... a name had to be picked for our Memoir....Trust me... the idea of Jack Daniels never came into our head... so you might want to make a conception correction there. Linda
Pimander you said

Sorry if we have lost any readers here, this is complicated and would fill several chapters of a good spy novel to explain. LOL

So I hope you are taking careful notes. <g> Linda
I intend to follow the trail of the Ridgerunner Program to see where it really leads. Don't expect it to take up all of my energies though. I know what is important. Linda
I don't know why but I am having trouble opening the PMs... sorry for the delay. Its probably on my end of things??? And Dylan....same problem.... of course I want to be your " friend" I just can't open the danged message! Linda
I don't know why but I am having trouble opening the PMs... sorry for the delay. Its probably on my end of things??? And Dylan....same problem.... of course I want to be your " friend" I just can't open the danged message! Linda

Is it because you can't find where to get to them while logged in? I'm confused? I'll do my explanation anyhow. :) Top right of the screen next to your name when logged in says "Notifications", click that and you'll find "Inbox". I hope that's all it is, I can't see any other reason for having the trouble. :) If it's something else, be sure to let me know so I can maybe help you out. :)
Figured... I log on..... then go to get the message.... for some reason the Internet connection fails and I have to start all over again. Its happened three times.... and now I am typing like mad to get this message to you before it goes away again. I think I will just go somewhere, sit down and shut up for awhile I guess. Love to you all. Linda
Figured... I log on..... then go to get the message.... for some reason the Internet connection fails and I have to start all over again. Its happened three times.... and now I am typing like mad to get this message to you before it goes away again. I think I will just go somewhere, sit down and shut up for awhile I guess. Love to you all. Linda

Sorry, I'm used to people being lost in navigation, lol. :)
Hey I am still here. My background changed to that real dark background.... which I can't see all that well so I got mad and finally found my way back to the FAQ area where it gives me that opportunity. Thats as good as my navigation gets but it just goes to show ya... someone is really trying to get to me... or my paranoia is over the edge today. Doesn't matter. Sitting down for awhile, shutting up. If you get this YAY! If not .... what does it matter. Yes ....I am going, I am going....<g> Linda
Interesting new Avatar for Exterminator. Getting closer to the truth here. Weasel in a rabbit costume. The White Rabbit was right! Thank you for the link about paid shills LOL... the thing that upsets me most is that I didn't see the Ridgerunner Program when it first started and that I was so slow on the uptake when it came to realizing that the Hut had been so badly compromised. Live and learn. Linda
Here are a couple of recent messages from the Cosmic-Token... On the trail of the Ridgerunner. (Thank you Jan... for your contribution. I had forgotten that he had made his entrance on Andrews Forum. I might be able to go there for more information at least to capture his initial comments.....)

Here is the way our recent conversations went:
Jan.... you said

Leaving animosity aside, I've always been intrigued by "Howard's" comment that TTB is still discussed in the UPA circles. I would love to know what he meant by that, and I think I even asked for more explanation at the time, but did not get an answer. If you ever DO meet the professor, alright, I know, don't bark at me, the alledged professor, I hope you will ask that question for me.

Oh, I think that he may indeed be a professor. Not sure that the Uof P is the school but that shouldn't be hard to track down, if he hasn't been already. Always nice as Pimander is discovering to have " boots on the ground" in an area of interest.

Mikado is so bound and determined to prove that this gentleman is a REAL person..... Of COURSE he is a real person! THATS not the issue!!!! Never has been!

Mikado just has to make a big deal out of that when that actually has never been an issue. The issue is.... that Mikado was the one composing and sending the posts.... and he was doing it to cause upset and dissention.

He admitted as much when I finally called him on it. Said it was for my own good???????

All of his denials now don't mean much at all. He has already admitted to setting the account up.... using Freds help.....

and I am sure that when put to it the good Professor Howard will probably say something quite interesting when asked about his " study" at the school and if they ever turned their attentions to the ttownsendbrown forum? Yes Indeed. Interesting to see what he will have to say.

Yes I will save that book for you. Its fascinating. And I understand there is more material headed in your direction soon. Apparently I have a " reading list " now. Just like old times!!! <g>

You were in on reading the stuff that "Howard" was putting out there..... Do you remember some of his major points? Basically I just remember getting upset with him for being so disruptive but I have to admit that the details of the conversations have been mainly forgotten. Linda
Linda Brown
Re: The Ridgerunner Program
by re-rose » Wed Nov 21, 2012 2:59 am
My Reader's Digest recollection of Ridgerunner.

As I recall, his entry post was made on the fading Lights on the Runway forum and you invited him over to join the Hut that Mikado had recently set up for you. RR's backstory went something like this: "Me and my students study forums to see what happens somebody pokes 'em. We've been studyings yours. You fail."

I think his prognosis was that the forum wouldn't survive contentiousness or that we needed more contentiousness to survive, I forget which. Have you checked your pulse lately?


So Next I check the Lights on the Runway Forum archives. Linda
Leaving animosity aside, I've always been intrigued by "Howard's" comment that TTB is still discussed in the UPA circles. I would love to know what he meant by that, and I think I even asked for more explanation at the time, but did not get an answer. If you ever DO meet the professor, alright, I know, don't bark at me, the alledged professor, I hope you will ask that question for me.

Oh, I think that he may indeed be a professor. Not sure that the Uof P is the school but that shouldn't be hard to track down, if he hasn't been already. Always nice as Pimander is discovering to have " boots on the ground" in an area of interest.

Mikado is so bound and determined to prove that this gentleman is a REAL person..... Of COURSE he is a real person! THATS not the issue!!!! Never has been!

Mikado just has to make a big deal out of that when that actually has never been an issue. The issue is.... that Mikado was the one composing and sending the posts.... and he was doing it to cause upset and dissention.

Scream louder Linda.

I have said that I made the account. I posted the posts that Howard sent. Did he and I talk? Yes.

As to him being real, it is a point. Just look at what you wrote above. There have been many posts by you and hobbit that say the very thing in regard to him not being real. In fact, when I told him about it he laughed yesterday. I said you wanted to meet him and he laughed again and said "for what?". And I said to see if you are real to which he laughed again. His response was...."I'll think about it."

He admitted as much when I finally called him on it. Said it was for my own good???????

All of his denials now don't mean much at all. He has already admitted to setting the account up.... using Freds help.....

So you realize how stupid you are? Do you realize the twisted truth you are saying? I setup the account. Why would I need Fred to set it up when all you have to do is register?

Did I need anyone's help in setting up an account on here?

I told Fred about Howard and what I was doing in regard to posting but I did not need him to setup anything. You are doing what you do as an offense...say something and make the other person defend themselves and when they make headway, you say something more outlandish. That "twit" mentality won't work.

If you want to talk about "things", how about we talk about all the members at Paul's forum that originated from your IP? How about all the messages from Morgan to Paul that back tracked to YOUR IP!!!

You can't be that stupid....can you?

Let's talk about how you manipulated twigsnapper. Want to talk about that? Harold had no idea of what I was talking about and said you were prone to fanciful thinking. He did mention that when he was a youngster his nickname was "snapper" and that was your basis for the name "twigsnapper".

How about Morgan? Nah, we have talked about him too much.

How about Victoria? She was based upon someone who brought a pup.

How about Grinder? You know, the son of Charles Miller.

How about Mark Culpepper as wildcard on the History Channel?

...and the list goes on. They are you.

On second thought, your not stupid...just very imaginative and creative, just like your classmates said...and there were two of them and Ernestine was NOT one of them.
